typical "busa rider

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Jan 1, 2019
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No need to watch another YouTube video featuring bad "busa behavior, except for the Pit maneuver at 6:54 minutes, and maybe the denting of Tupperware at 4:24 minutes, or best is watching the officers unload on this guy, asking him all sorts of questions, trying not to kill him at 7:41 minutes. Thanks for not looking.
That or couldn't shift down from 6th.
Apparently, a Hayabusa will do 140 KPH (88 MPH) in 1st!!
(depending on sprockets, RPM restrictor etc.)
Yup. That is what I miss from my Gen 1 FZ1 - it could hit around 75mph in first
I transcribed the Dash-Cam at 7:42 minutes as follows:

"What are you thinking, son? !!!"

"Are you out of your F'ing mind, boy? !!!"

"All you had to do was stop!!!!"

"Why are you running a Suzuki? !!!!!"

Words I've heard before starting in 1970, 76', 80, 81, and, of course, 1983, mostly in Texas. Thought I would share.
Weird. As others have said, why didn't he walk away from those coppers? There is no such thing as a PIT maneuver when it comes to motorcycles. The physics of the maneuver doesn't work and the po-po aren't allowed to do it for safety reasons. That being said, I was very surprised by the aggressive actions of the good guys trying to block him and such. That is basically using deadly force in a situation where to me it doesn't look like it is called for. Of course there is always more to the rest of the story, and various jurisdictions have varying policies of what is and isn't allowed during a pursuit but those actions would have been a no-no for the two agencies I worked for 25 years ago.
Not a random traffic stop. I think they wanted to get him before he had a chance to get rid of stuff - including a couple POUNDS of Meth.

"Hall was in possession of a loaded 9mm caliber semiautomatic pistol, 829 grams of methamphetamine, a small quantity of heroin, digital scales with white powder residue and $1,610 cash. Hall had previously been convicted of several felony offenses, including burglary, possession with intent to distribute controlled substances and giving a false name to law enforcement. It is illegal for a convicted felon to possess a firearm."
Yup. That is what I miss from my Gen 1 FZ1 - it could hit around 75mph in first

On my Gen 2 I changed out my front and rear sprockets to try to get it to be "easier" to ride in the twisties until I found a combo that worked. I know you're gonna say I could have just stayed in 1st gear but with all the work done to it, it got twitchy, almost violently quick higher up in the rev range.
On my Gen 2 I changed out my front and rear sprockets to try to get it to be "easier" to ride in the twisties until I found a combo that worked. I know you're gonna say I could have just stayed in 1st gear but with all the work done to it, it got twitchy, almost violently quick higher up in the rev range.
They are incredibly violent at around 7500 rpm. It is like flipping the switch to be suddenly 10.5
Not a random traffic stop. I think they wanted to get him before he had a chance to get rid of stuff - including a couple POUNDS of Meth.

"Hall was in possession of a loaded 9mm caliber semiautomatic pistol, 829 grams of methamphetamine, a small quantity of heroin, digital scales with white powder residue and $1,610 cash. Hall had previously been convicted of several felony offenses, including burglary, possession with intent to distribute controlled substances and giving a false name to law enforcement. It is illegal for a convicted felon to possess a firearm."

For all we know all that was discovered *after* they crashed him.
Maybe I couldn't see well enough, but was he doing that with no gloves and a pair of Nikes? It seemed like they were being real careful not to crash him - until they did. Even so, it looked like they were just trying to corral him against the fence and he wouldn't cooperate. Definitely not the sharpest tack in the pack! He made a lot of his passes way closer to the cop cars than he needed too, and, as mentioned why wasn't he "running away" when he was trying to run away?
IMO, a good citizen will pull over when asked to (ie lights come on). Anybody else is endangering themselves and others. In this case, I bet they had something on him before he led them on the chase. They weren't chasing him to issue a speeding ticket. Where I live, only 1 in 3 motorcycles will pull over, and the troopers will not give chase to those who drop a gear and launch. From what they found in his possession, and his criminal record, it's likely he was a known person of interest.
IMO, a good citizen will pull over when asked to (ie lights come on). Anybody else is endangering themselves and others. In this case, I bet they had something on him before he led them on the chase. They weren't chasing him to issue a speeding ticket. Where I live, only 1 in 3 motorcycles will pull over, and the troopers will not give chase to those who drop a gear and launch. From what they found in his possession, and his criminal record, it's likely he was a known person of interest.
A couple riders I know have a threshold at which they're concerned enough about their license/impounding etc to run when alone. That being said, I wouldn't want to risk my life to get out of a speeding ticket...

The two times I have been pulled over, the officer thanked us for stopping and let us off.