Uberkul is older today

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Happy Birthday Brad... You know what this means don't you.... You are going to start riding like Old Michael very soon... Could be hazardous to your health!

Just about time to get that prostate checked out and colonoscopies done...aint it?

Have a great Birthday! :D

Watch the high blood pressure...and the blood sugar level...and

Yknow....it seems to me that you do this every year around this time! :dntknw:


'Appy Birfday tew yew...


'Appy Birf-day tew yew...


'Ap-py Birrff-daaayy deeeer Braa-aadd.....


'Appy Birrff-daay teeewwww yeeewwww....


:clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo:

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Happy Birthday Brad

Don't pay no mind to the old fukers.. They have pubic hair older than you and they be damned proud of it.

Just humor 'em.
