Unhappy FJR owners?

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Guys, just to keep it in perspective, every bike out there has it's own "quirks" and problems. Like the man said, ya gotta adapt some (or stay home). that's why we all buy the cool farkles that cover our respective FJR's. there are NO perfect bikes. Even those wonderful (??) Hardley Diddlestone types have some issues (otherwise why would you be seeing all those 2-4 year old HD's with 2k miles on 'em (Heck, my FJR's getting about 1k/month and I'm not even getting to ride much due to work and travel :yahoo: ) Yeah, I know the distance between bars in town is pretty short and it takes a LOT of trips to get a thousand miles, but still.....

Anyway, seems to me a guy should either (a) modify his scoot to his own preferences, ( B) adapt to it as is, or © try something different <_<

I totally agree with you, PDXFJR, If it's not quite right--and it never is--tweak to fit. FJR is a great all around bike, dependable and always willing to do your bidding without complaint. I have electronic cruise and a custom seat that is about as good as a Russell, and I can easily run the tank dry before stopping. Never feel sore coming off the bike no matter how trying the ride. A few years ago did two 6,000 mile rides, a month apart.

Got carried away with the farkles--37 on my '03--most are minor, like a shift arm from an R1, shift indicator, volt meter and altimeter (for the Rockies).


Guys, just to keep it in perspective, every bike out there has it's own "quirks" and problems. Like the man said, ya gotta adapt some (or stay home). that's why we all buy the cool farkles that cover our respective FJR's. there are NO perfect bikes. Even those wonderful (??) Hardley Diddlestone types have some issues (otherwise why would you be seeing all those 2-4 year old HD's with 2k miles on 'em (Heck, my FJR's getting about 1k/month and I'm not even getting to ride much due to work and travel :yahoo: ) Yeah, I know the distance between bars in town is pretty short and it takes a LOT of trips to get a thousand miles, but still.....
Anyway, seems to me a guy should either (a) modify his scoot to his own preferences, ( B) adapt to it as is, or © try something different <_<
That's funny the HD guys I ride with put on at least 10,000 every year, some a lot more. As far as I am concerned as long as they are on two wheels I don't care what they ride.

I guess I don't understand....I don't post much but spend a lot of time reading the posts that are on here daily.It seems every week we see posts that read "Looking for an alternative to the FJR", "Can't ride my FJR longer than 1-2 hours, need different bike, give me your opinion." "Bike too tall, need a different one" " bike is top heavy can't deal with it". Well, I'm going to start a crap fest of opinions because here are my answers to those questions:
-If the bike was too tall, why did you buy it?

-I can ride my FJR for 10-12 hours a day, with easy mileage of over 500+ a day with very little issues, why the hell are you so picky?

-This isn't a car, if you didn't want your ass to hurt after an all day ride, buy a car, live in boredom. There's a little thing called "no pain, no gain", if you want the enjoyment of riding a bike, deal with being uncomfortable or buy a cruiser. Your ass will still hurt, trust me, I used to ride a VTX1800.

-If you want to complain about how your bike doesn't fit you, that you're not comfortable riding it, or don't feel confident riding it. Stop bitching and do something about it...Sell it, modify it, or give it away.

I personally believe that FJR's are the best Sport Tourer on the road in comfort, speed, agility and overall performance. I've ridden many different bikes and they all have their issues. stop wasting the forum's time. If you don't like your bike, do something about it.

Am I the only one that feels this way?

Pretty darn good reply Ray. It seems the guy really has not had enough saddle time to really reach conclusions. You are from OR eh? I'm riding to Newport from Utah in July....how do you think the weather will be?


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I LOVE my 09' more and more everyday...this bike is incredible...I always have a smile on my face and often find myself letting out a nice loud Yee! Haw! I have had many bikes in the last 40 years and just got off a piece of crap Triumph and a piece of crap BMW for another FJR : ) Yee! Haw!

When I signed on tonight I was going to post my impressions of my FJR after 400 miles. Then I saw this thead and thought, "It'll fit into this slot nicely."

Well, the score card is in: 9.8 out of 10. The two of us are getting to know each other. At first it felt strange to be in the sport/touring tuck again with a couple of aches here and there. Now, the soreness is gone and it feels good to be back on a sport/touring bike again. In it's class my BMW K12LT was considered "agile." No, I was riding a sled!

I knew my '05 Concours and the K12LT were top-heavy. If you think the FJR is top-heavy, you need to ride one of those--that's top-heavy. It is such a joy to ride my '08 with a low center of gravity. I've never been a "peg-scraper." This bike might turn me into one.

A realization almost immediately: This bike wants to go! As Keith Jackson would say, "Woo, Nelly!"

It's hard to express: My FJR is just easy to ride. It's smooth. It's agile. It's goose-bumply fun!

There are some things to make it a "10" for me. That's what makes farkling so important for a ride like this. Tall shield. Bar risers. Heated grips. Maybe some electronic do-dads later on. Needing these farkles doesn't make the FJR a bad motorcycle; they just make it perfect for me. (And, it's fun getting those farkle packages in the mail; plus, I'll be helping to stimulate the economy!)

I am thoroughly convinced that I now have the perfect motorcycle...for me.

I've only had one problem with mine...at anything more than a quarter-mile away from home I can't get the thing turned around! :coolsmiley02:

I guess I don't understand....I don't post much but spend a lot of time reading the posts that are on here daily.It seems every week we see posts that read "Looking for an alternative to the FJR", "Can't ride my FJR longer than 1-2 hours, need different bike, give me your opinion." "Bike too tall, need a different one" " bike is top heavy can't deal with it". Well, I'm going to start a crap fest of opinions because here are my answers to those questions:
-If the bike was too tall, why did you buy it?

-I can ride my FJR for 10-12 hours a day, with easy mileage of over 500+ a day with very little issues, why the hell are you so picky?

-This isn't a car, if you didn't want your ass to hurt after an all day ride, buy a car, live in boredom. There's a little thing called "no pain, no gain", if you want the enjoyment of riding a bike, deal with being uncomfortable or buy a cruiser. Your ass will still hurt, trust me, I used to ride a VTX1800.

-If you want to complain about how your bike doesn't fit you, that you're not comfortable riding it, or don't feel confident riding it. Stop bitching and do something about it...Sell it, modify it, or give it away.

I personally believe that FJR's are the best Sport Tourer on the road in comfort, speed, agility and overall performance. I've ridden many different bikes and they all have their issues. stop wasting the forum's time. If you don't like your bike, do something about it.

Am I the only one that feels this way?


In a word, Ray, YES!

I love this bike. I only regret that I don't ride it more. Sure there are things about it I have changed and will always strive for more.

But, for what this bike was designed for, it is the best out there!

My brother came to town this last weekend and we spent 2 days riding the SoCal coast and mountains. Of the 5 bikes in my garage, he spent the most time in the saddle of the FJR. That says it all.

There's too many patrol men in this area to have fun on an fjr. I can go on a thirty mile run into town and see five or six of them.

I LOVE my 09' more and more everyday...this bike is incredible...I always have a smile on my face and often find myself letting out a nice loud Yee! Haw! I have had many bikes in the last 40 years and just got off a piece of crap Triumph and a piece of crap BMW for another FJR : ) Yee! Haw!

Can I ask what Triumph you were on? Reason for asking is I've been looking real hard at a 1050Tiger.



Well I'm unhappy with mine.. The damn thing still uses gas, don't protect me from the rain, sounds like a whimp compared to 1000cc super bikes, tips over whenever I park in the mud, vibrates up my ass ( though the vibrations tend to be a bit more subtle if I neglect my weekly anus shave), makes the young punks give me the thumbs up when they see it (I hate the little fukers, all in shape and fearless) , doesn't automatically stop at bars like me old Harley, hates to bathe... Wait that's me..wants to be road hard...

Yeah, it's a hunk of crap I tell ya


Guys, just to keep it in perspective, every bike out there has it's own "quirks" and problems. Like the man said, ya gotta adapt some (or stay home). that's why we all buy the cool farkles that cover our respective FJR's. there are NO perfect bikes. Even those wonderful (??) Hardley Diddlestone types have some issues (otherwise why would you be seeing all those 2-4 year old HD's with 2k miles on 'em (Heck, my FJR's getting about 1k/month and I'm not even getting to ride much due to work and travel :yahoo: ) Yeah, I know the distance between bars in town is pretty short and it takes a LOT of trips to get a thousand miles, but still.....
Anyway, seems to me a guy should either (a) modify his scoot to his own preferences, ( B) adapt to it as is, or © try something different <_<
That's funny the HD guys I ride with put on at least 10,000 every year, some a lot more. As far as I am concerned as long as they are on two wheels I don't care what they ride.
Did not be any means intend to imply that ALL Harley guys don't ride....I've got some friends with an Ultra and Road Glide that have put some serious miles on 'em and I know others do as well, However, around here the classifieds are always well blessed with 3-4 year old Harleys with Low miles ( and they've ALL got "pipes" on 'em!. There are guys on every brand that buy a machine and then pretend to be riders, just seems like Harleys more well blessed in this regard than the competition <_<

Guys, just to keep it in perspective, every bike out there has it's own "quirks" and problems. Like the man said, ya gotta adapt some (or stay home). that's why we all buy the cool farkles that cover our respective FJR's. there are NO perfect bikes. Even those wonderful (??) Hardley Diddlestone types have some issues (otherwise why would you be seeing all those 2-4 year old HD's with 2k miles on 'em (Heck, my FJR's getting about 1k/month and I'm not even getting to ride much due to work and travel :yahoo: ) Yeah, I know the distance between bars in town is pretty short and it takes a LOT of trips to get a thousand miles, but still.....
Anyway, seems to me a guy should either (a) modify his scoot to his own preferences, ( B) adapt to it as is, or © try something different <_<
That's funny the HD guys I ride with put on at least 10,000 every year, some a lot more. As far as I am concerned as long as they are on two wheels I don't care what they ride.
Did not be any means intend to imply that ALL Harley guys don't ride....I've got some friends with an Ultra and Road Glide that have put some serious miles on 'em and I know others do as well, However, around here the classifieds are always well blessed with 3-4 year old Harleys with Low miles ( and they've ALL got "pipes" on 'em!. There are guys on every brand that buy a machine and then pretend to be riders, just seems like Harleys more well blessed in this regard than the competition <_<

I think it is more along the line of those guys go into 2nd childhood want to buy a bike and go to Datona or come to Sturges and play biker. Find out that riding through a hail storm or a down pour is better in a cage. The ones i ride with have all been on bikes for a long time and don't give a shit what anyone rides. Most of the ones who come into the ST world have had experience elsewhere and made up their mind what they want and the ones in sport bike world get good or get dead before they can sell their bike. I am just of the thoughts that if us as bikers of all stripes do not stick together The boys who know oh so much better what is good for us will pick us apart one by one. That is why I get sore when I see one bike group sniping at one or the other.

I was really pissed not too long after I bought my 07 . I cannot believe I waited so long to get one. :yahoo:
you an me to bud ! i kept standing in line at all the riders events trying to catch an open fjr / finally said the hell with it and just bought one ! ------------ happy happy guy ! :yahoo:

Well I'm unhappy with mine.. The damn thing still uses gas, don't protect me from the rain, sounds like a whimp compared to 1000cc super bikes, tips over whenever I park in the mud, vibrates up my ass ( though the vibrations tend to be a bit more subtle if I neglect my weekly anus shave), makes the young punks give me the thumbs up when they see it (I hate the little fukers, all in shape and fearless) , doesn't automatically stop at bars like me old Harley, hates to bathe... Wait that's me..wants to be road hard...
Yeah, it's a hunk of crap I tell ya

wax don't shave!!!!!!!!!! last longer more fun! :dribble:

I am just of the thoughts that if us as bikers of all stripes do not stick together The boys who know oh so much better what is good for us will pick us apart one by one. That is why I get sore when I see one bike group sniping at one or the other.
+1 Gunny on that.

Unfortunately, like in most everything else involving the human species, it is really easy to set one group against another even when they have more in common than just motorcycles...
