Utah 1088 Results

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Intramural Culture Warrior
Staff member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
Just got back into town from Utah. Warchild is probably just a few hours behind me. I'm guessing Vecter is already home, Skooter shortly behind, and Rogue slogging his way back to.

The results?

Hey, have I ever said how excellent of a rally machine the FJR is? Simply phenomenal. A bunch more of them at the Utah 1088 this year. It seemed the land of BMWs and FJRs.

......oh you want the results.

Well, I'm happy to report that rally newbie......and frankly long-distance riding newbie Rogue placed 21st out the 101 signed up!!!!!! :clapping: That's great coming out of the box. I think he surprised himself even.

Backing up, of special note, was the person that was DEAD LAST, but did it while RACKING UP THE MOST MILES of anybody. Our own Warchild braved the Nevada desert for an obscene amount of miles. I'll let him share when he gets back.

Advancing to #9, our own Vecterp seriously redeemed himself after flogging himself in the Cal24. He was a bit bummed after the rally hanging out with the FJR boys, but pulling off a Top 10 finish rocked.

Sliding in at #6 after having lost his wallet at Fudruckers and generally burning karma at both ends is yours truly, Ignacio. I rode hard during the day cleaning up some serious points and hung on with my fingernails during the night stage. My hardest and strongest ride so far I was a seriously whooped puppy. Details to follow when I get a chance to write things up.

Move up one more position to #5 and Beeroux is your man. Hard to top his #1 finish last year, Beeroux made a bet the latter half would be more point filled than the first half, but was screwed by the devious and twisted Rally Bastard . Still a 5th is a great showing.

And finally our other forum resident not yet spoken yet, SkooterG, placed 2nd!!!!! :yahoo: Cool, calm, quiet, and oh-so-studied with a map, I think we were all pleasantly surprised when they announced his name.

...and for those keeping track, that's 4......count 'em..........four FJR's in the Top 10. This bike is clearly the choice for competitive rallies.

The winner, Jim Owen, is an owner of a new '06, but left it in his garage with 60 miles on it. Jim smoked the field with is K1200LT (I think) and super-duper efficient style. He actually times himself at gas stops and has it down to less than 4 minutes! The man is a bonus scooping machine.

Other FJRs were obviously there, but I'm not sure which members they are if they're here.

The 2006 Utah 1088 rocked!!!! More to follow after others get back and/or I take a nap.

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Way to go guys! Looks like Skoot/Vecter's little mishap didn't slow them down much.... :drinks:

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Well done Art, sounds like you had a great ride, feeling better now? I will be looking forward to your write-up. :clapping:

And what can I say about ScooterG? Awesome 2nd place finsh! I'm calling in the contractors today, so the forum can be re-modelled to fit your swelled head. :p :D

Congratulations guys and well done to everyone else.

Does the Utah1088 rally post final points anywhere?

Congratulations to all the finishers of the rally and especially all the FJR riders. Keep up the good work. Be safe while doing it, of course!!

Way to go guys! Looking forward to the story of WC racking up all those Nevada desert miles and noting that it was nice of you not to mention what he was riding.

Congrats Matt, Scoot, George and others. Did you get an Iron Butt ticket Iggy (PM me - I know you're modest!)

Congrats Matt, Scoot, George and others. Did you get an Iron Butt ticket Iggy (PM me - I know you're modest!)
I didn't get any. I did have to stop and have a small discussion with a LEO near Duschene, but we parted ways having cleared the air of any confusion. No awards.

However, a HUGE bonus for the rally was to return back to the event with an envelope the rallymaster had sealed with license and registration inside.

I did have to break the seal to show the LEO.

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Congrats Matt, Scoot, George and others. Did you get an Iron Butt ticket Iggy (PM me - I know you're modest!)
I didn't get any. I did have to stop and have a small discussion with a LEO near Duschene, but we parted ways having cleared the air of any confusion. No awards.

However, a HUGE bonus for the rally was to return back to the event with an envelope the rallymaster had sealed with license and registration inside.

I did have to break the seal to show the LEO.
Wow, that's an evil rallymaster. :evilgrin:

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[SIZE=36pt]Plan well, Ride Hard, Get lucky.[/SIZE]

- A rally rider's mantra

Well, after arriving home at 0730 this morning and crashing, I am finally up and about. Sort of.

4 FJRs and forum members in the top 10!!!! A great day!!!!

What a great rally. My first Utah1088, I paid and had to forfeit my entry fee last year since I could not attend after my Cal24 crash. So I was glad to be able to get up there and finally run this infamous rally.

Lots of people there. The biggest rally I have attended. About 100 signed up, and IIRC, rallymaster said 84 departed the starting line Saturday morning, and 67 actually finished. Lots of FJRs. I am guessing about 20. Really, that is an incredible amount. Lots of first time rally runners also, several of them being posters from this forum. Congrats to all the newbies!

And special congrats to Rogue, for placing 21st in his first rally! That is quite an accomplishment. Words of wisdom from SkooterG: Boy needs to work less and play more!

Warchild. A very special last place finish for the man, the myth, the legend in his own m..............uhh, never mind. That boy ran up some serious flipping miles. Just think what he would have been able to do aboard his FJR! The big Honda weenie! Seriously, the last place plaque he received was pretty darned cool. Think I saw a tear forming in his eye, sniff, sniff. As usual, he was the top doggie for mileage. Boy can burn up some serious moist ass cheese. Word.

I was very happy for vectervp1 even though he F***ed up my FJR!!!! :angry2: He was pretty down and out after his poor showing at the Cal24, and talked rallymaster Chalmers into a last minute entry to try and redeem himself. And that he did! And then some! I know he is pretty damned pleased with himself for his top 10 finish. That is quite an accomplishment. He should be proud. Well done Art! :clapping: Now, if only he could have done that without getting that un-wanted souvenir. ;)

Iggy. Wow. Not too shabby for a JASP (Just Another Spineless Politician :p :D ) A 6th place finish in what I believe is only his second rally. That is just awesome. Gonna have to watch out for this cocky upstart and figure out a way to sabotage his ass in the future. :lol: Seriously, Great Job Iggy! :clapping:

Beeroux. Though he would disagree, another fine showing by Georgie-Porgie. He actually finished 3rd, not 5th, just behind the REALLY big dogs! :D . I've said it before, I will say it again, George is a rally f***ing animal! I wub you, George! :wub:

Me? 2nd freaking place?!?!?! I am tickled pink. As others have surmised, the ol spinny head has swelled to outlandish proportion. :****: My dream has always been to crack the top 5, and that was a dream I was not confident I would ever accomplish. So I am pretty darned stoked! And even better, I beat Georgie-Porgie! :taunt: :p Now that is something I thought I would NEVER do! Don't get me wrong folks, I ain't trying to rub it in. Ok, yes I am, but George, along withh Warchild, are my LD riding/rally mentors. They have both taught me a lot. And simply, George is in a whole nother class than I when it comes to riding rallies. Guess the planets were in preferential alignment for SkooterG on Saturday, and the student was lucky enough to show up the teacher. I ran my best rally so far, while George was off his typical stratospheric mark. I am sure that won't happen again, so I am going to plug this one for all its worth! :tease:

Great time had by all. Great to see so many FJRs there. Great to see old friends, and meet new ones. Now only if Art hadn't decided to play dominos with my FJR!!!!!! :(

Does the Utah1088 rally post final points anywhere?
Clicky Here O rally 'lil dog for the path to enlightenment

Usually takes rallybastard Chalmers about a week or two to get the current rally entered.

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Beeroux. Though he would disagree, another fine showing by Georgie-Porgie. He actually finished 3rd, not 5th, just behind the REALLY big dogs! :D .

Actually, now that the fog of exhaustion lifts I checked the sheet from the rally and beeroux shows as 4th. We're both off.

Regardless, the final will be when Steve updates the website.

Does the Utah1088 rally post final points anywhere?
I think he likes to hold the list of names from public view until all the dust settles and Big Brother isn't twisted up about anything. I heard stories there about insurance agents Googling people and their adventures before paying up on claims....hence my deliberate use of pseudonyms folks. I have no idea who these George, Matt, and other characters are. [ridiculous Spanish accent]I am Ignacio de la Delta and hunt for bonii in the desert! [/ridiculous Spanish accent]

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I have to say I was thrilled to finish 9th in the rally. I had mentioned to some people that I my goal for the rally was to finish in the top 20, but in reality what I really had my hopes set on was a top 10 finish. When Chalmers stated saying what th ninth place finisher had the audacity to do (beg and plead his way into a very overbooked rally 9 days before it started), I just sat there and said "Holy shit!" I knew it was something I could accomplish, but to actually do it just stunned me.

Coming home was a little adventure in itself. When skooter and I took off for Utah on Thursday, we went through the north rim of the Grand Canyon. It looked like there was a small wildfire going on, but nothing real major. Coming back home, it was a different story all together. The wild fire had grown, and I had to ride through quite a bit of smoke and tons of fire crews.

I'll do a write up a little later, but here are a few photo's for you guys to see.

Iggi leaving for his odo check


Photo from the parking lot


The fire from about 20 miles away


The fire after I exited the area


The Provo Police Departments just called me. They found my wallet.

...it's without cash and credit cards, but some parts are still there including my license. They are mailing it to me. At least I don't have to go get the license renewed.

Nice pic of me on a relatively clean bike. That would change in less than 75 miles!
