Utah 1088 Results

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My plan was to learn as much as I could at the MN1k, finish that, then repeat the task in Utah. On the 1088, I did learn a great deal from following a couple of veterans, but ultimately joined the ranks of the DNFs, having suffered a split valve stem at 0200 west of Salt Lake City. Sunday morning, I found the requisite experience, parts, and tools (including a $12,000 GS bead breaker) to get back on the road that afternoon as planned.

In a strange display of karmic balance, I ended up winning a new set of tires as a door prize at the banquet. I'll mount those with a new set of metal 90^ stems.

Two weeks, two rallys, too much fun.



Sunday morning, I found the requisite experience, parts, and tools (including a $12,000 GS bead breaker) to get back on the road that afternoon as planned.
I heard about this after the fact, but I really wish I could have seen it. Knowing how to change a tire with hand tools and a GS would just be cool. It might also be an excuse to go out and get a GS....

Sunday morning, I found the requisite experience, parts, and tools (including a $12,000 GS bead breaker) to get back on the road that afternoon as planned.
I heard about this after the fact, but I really wish I could have seen it. Knowing how to change a tire with hand tools and a GS would just be cool. It might also be an excuse to go out and get a GS....

I've got a couple pics I'll post tonight.

I'll echo what many have already said--congrats one and all on a fine rally. And, Greg, I gotta say...the LD bug has really bitten you hard. Seems like only yesterday that SkooterG had just finished his first SS1K up in Moscow, ID. ;)

Oh, and Warchild, all I can say is...DAYUM! You are the man when it comes to eating the miles. Good on ya.

Sunday morning, I found the requisite experience, parts, and tools (including a $12,000 GS bead breaker) to get back on the road that afternoon as planned.
I heard about this after the fact, but I really wish I could have seen it. Knowing how to change a tire with hand tools and a GS would just be cool. It might also be an excuse to go out and get a GS....
At first, there was a feeling of reduced throttle response, and my thought was a badly slipping clutch, but then I noticed that the speedometer was reading 85 while the GPS was at 75, so I eased to the shoulder, expecting the flat. Unable to perform a field repair, a tow was arranged back to the barn.

We didn't have to completely change the tire, though, only access the back side of the valve stem so that we could install the spare metal 90^ stem that Rogue had in his kit. While Jan Peterson angled the wheel under the side stand (with the tip of the stand just outside of the rim), Doug and I pressed Jan's GS to the left, raising the front wheel, until the bead broke, pressing the top of the tire onto the bottom. At this point, the old valve stem was exposed, so we kept the mass on the tire while the new stem was bolted in place.

After five or ten minutes on a portable air pump, the bead popped into place, and I was back in business. Although it's unlikely to recur, I'll have to expand my tool kit to allow for this type of event, but how do you fit a 19MM hex, two dudes, and a GS into the glove box?

Could anyone give me some guidance on what software I need to read these .swf files? All I get is a blank screen.
These are done in FlashPaper, and most common browsers with the common Flash plug-in show them just fine (it's virtually identical to a .PDF file).

Try another browser, or ensure your current one has the Flash plug-in enabled....

These are done in FlashPaper, and most common browsers with the common Flash plug-in show them just fine (it's virtually identical to a .PDF file).
Try another browser, or ensure your current one has the Flash plug-in enabled....
Thanks for the quick feedback but I am out of options at the moment. I use AOL and can't find any way to enable the Flash plug-in -- but I can read .PDF files. Maybe my Adobe is screwed up but I installed the Flash Version 9 earlier and am still getting the same result. Probably something very simple but I am missing it.

Update: AOL's technical service has told me that AOL's overpriced browser does not have a Flash plug-in for .swf files and I have to download the Shockwave Flash from Adobe which I have been trying to do all afternoon -- without success. What a POS!

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I've got a couple pics I'll post tonight.
If you still have any of these photos, I'd like to see 'em....

I burned a CD to move them from the laptop I took and my desk top kept crashing with that CD! :( :blink: :eek: :blink:

I'll try it again tonight or tomarrow, if that doesn't work I can plug it into my network and move the files.

Just got back into town from Utah. Warchild is probably just a few hours behind me. I'm guessing Vecter is already home, Skooter shortly behind, and Rogue slogging his way back to.
The results?

Hey, have I ever said how excellent of a rally machine the FJR is? Simply phenomenal. A bunch more of them at the Utah 1088 this year. It seemed the land of BMWs and FJRs.

......oh you want the results.

Well, I'm happy to report that rally newbie......and frankly long-distance riding newbie Rogue placed 21st out the 101 signed up!!!!!! :clapping: That's great coming out of the box. I think he surprised himself even.

Backing up, of special note, was the person that was DEAD LAST, but did it while RACKING UP THE MOST MILES of anybody. Our own Warchild braved the Nevada desert for an obscene amount of miles. I'll let him share when he gets back.

Advancing to #9, our own Vecterp seriously redeemed himself after flogging himself in the Cal24. He was a bit bummed after the rally hanging out with the FJR boys, but pulling off a Top 10 finish rocked.

Sliding in at #6 after having lost his wallet at Fudruckers and generally burning karma at both ends is yours truly, Ignacio. I rode hard during the day cleaning up some serious points and hung on with my fingernails during the night stage. My hardest and strongest ride so far I was a seriously whooped puppy. Details to follow when I get a chance to write things up.

Move up one more position to #5 and Beeroux is your man. Hard to top his #1 finish last year, Beeroux made a bet the latter half would be more point filled than the first half, but was screwed by the devious and twisted Rally Bastard . Still a 5th is a great showing.

And finally our other forum resident not yet spoken yet, SkooterG, placed 2nd!!!!! :yahoo: Cool, calm, quiet, and oh-so-studied with a map, I think we were all pleasantly surprised when they announced his name.

...and for those keeping track, that's 4......count 'em..........four FJR's in the Top 10. This bike is clearly the choice for competitive rallies.

The winner, Jim Owen, is an owner of a new '06, but left it in his garage with 60 miles on it. Jim smoked the field with is K1200LT (I think) and super-duper efficient style. He actually times himself at gas stops and has it down to less than 4 minutes! The man is a bonus scooping machine.

Other FJRs were obviously there, but I'm not sure which members they are if they're here.

The 2006 Utah 1088 rocked!!!! More to follow after others get back and/or I take a nap.
WOW!!! Great job guys! Glad to see my practice run with you in the central valley paid off Rogue ;)



Here ya go folks. FJRForums top 10 finishers AND Last Place finisher.

A motley crew if ever I saw one. Obviously, the rest of us need some photo posing instruction from our fearless leader.

Cover children's eyes!

























You guys ever hear of sunscreen? Looks like an audition for next's Christmas' play "Rudolph the mile-eating reindeer...."

Now that I look again, Warchild has more of a Yukon Cornelius thing going on .... :lol:


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Okay here are some pics I took:

On the ride out, 6:30am in Baker, CA... 86 degrees and rising. :blink:


The hotel parking lot Thursday night.


Some of the bikes in Steve's from yard for the BBQ Thursday night:


Iggy & I getting tires Friday.


The prize at the end of the gravel road.


After my ride.


Some Honda rider showed up at the end looking really jolly. :p :p



Yoicks pulling his tire


while I tried to make sure these didn't have a chance to get warm.


Replacing the valve stem:



and Yoicks putting it back together.


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Here is another I found, at the BBQ, 1st and last compairing stratigies:


I think it ended with something like

".............. F*** that, just head down to Nevada and ride your a** off!"

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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