V-Stream arrived yesterday - confusing emails to the contrary...

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searchgeek - author
Jun 21, 2009
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
So after dithering back and forth over whether I'm happy with my cee Baileys' +4/+2, I did the most obvious thing I could think of... I bought a V-Stream to try out.

Yes, I know there's a loaner floating around the Karmic ether, and I was on the list for a while, but sod it. I simply wanted to try something new, so I bought one.

Now, the dealer (in Florida) charged my credit card 5 days ago - the day I ordered the unit from them. This was all done via eBay, which is what I think acounts for the email weirdness.

Shipping was UPS ground, so not too fast, not too slow. ;)

I put the screen out of my mind, then my wife called mid-day yesterday (day 4 from ordering) to let me know a "big box" was being delivered by UPS. I figured there was NO WAY it could be the V-Stream since just 2 hours earlier (yesterday - Day 4 since ordering), I recieved an email telling me that item had been shipped that morning (yesterday, morning of Day 4 since ordering) and would thus take up to 6 days to arrive. Included was a request to leave positive feedback for them when the package finally arrived. Persumptious, I thought, putting the cart before the horse like that... ;)

Knowing I have another item en route (Airman Tour 60 12v tire pump), I wondering if "big box", as described, might be in the eye of the beholder...

Nope, sure enough. I got home last night and the V-Stream was there.

I can sum up this screen in one word: square

I'm going to install it this evening and depending on the time and weather I may even take a run to test it out.

...and this whole thing started because I was unsure if I liked my Cee Baileys. Compared to the stock screen, yes, hands down, the Cee Baileys flat rocks wind management. Splitting that hair between good and better, though, that's the path I'm on now, and at just under $160 all in, I figured the V-Stream was worth a shot.

I'll report back on my experiences.

I have a +4, +2 Cee-Bailey's dark tint. I like the V-Stream better. Those little side wings that stick out so far help keep me in the better air so to speak and warmer in winter, that's why I got it. I too have the spacers and it makes a huge difference; however, I remove my giant barn door V-Stream every Spring in favor of mucho air flow.

J80's keeps his on year round, he's also taller than I so it's OK. He's also uglier and dumber too. :p

Let us know what you think, just curious. ;)

National Cycle web site lists the V-Stream for the Feejer, but I don't see anything about the spacers. How does one get those included in the order and how do they make a difference?

National Cycle web site lists the V-Stream for the Feejer, but I don't see anything about the spacers. How does one get those included in the order and how do they make a difference?
The spacers are used to lift the windscreen up and no one really makes them except one person that did.... not sure if they still do.
Do Google search for, <Skyway Tuning block (or spacers) site:fjrforum.com>

Here's my Gen1 Post and it has pix of the "Tuning Block". Clicky.

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National Cycle web site lists the V-Stream for the Feejer, but I don't see anything about the spacers. How does one get those included in the order and how do they make a difference?
I'll short-cut this ask, because I know part of the answer...

Where do we get spacers. IIRC, the supplier of the screen doesn't have them.

So, are you guys just cutting platic pipe or stacking washers or shoving squirrels under there or what?

I'm off to search the forum. :D

National Cycle web site lists the V-Stream for the Feejer, but I don't see anything about the spacers. How does one get those included in the order and how do they make a difference?
I'll short-cut this ask, because I know part of the answer...

Where do we get spacers. IIRC, the supplier of the screen doesn't have them.

So, are you guys just cutting platic pipe or stacking washers or shoving squirrels under there or what?

I'm off to search the forum. :D
I've heard that plastic spacers can split and fall out which leads to a floppy windshield. I stacked stainless washers and used a longer screw to tip my shield back a little. Works great and low cost (or free in my case because I have at least one of every fastener know to man in my garage).

I tried both skyway spacers and Rifle tuning block, I got from one of the members for half the money.

Tuning block works best for me and makes a huge difference. Without it V Stream was creating a huge back-pressure when up.

It works really well now I think, but I only had stock to compare it to

Well, no pics, but a report none the less.

I realized, my FJR with a V-Stream looks no different from the Internet Model... ah, models, so here's some stock shots - mine looks just like them... :)


Not me, not my loafers, not my cat...



The Report:

I love it.

The Vstream manages airflow down the side of the bike and past myself and my passenger better than my Cee Bailey's +4/+2.

Fully up, I found much less back pressure being applied to my back, and my passenger noted less turbulence for herself as well.

Up to about 45 mph, I could easily run with the Vstream up all the way, and my helmet visor open all the way with little to no buffeting. This indicates only clean air is hitting my visor in the up position. This means the helmet is not vibrating and the wind noise is very low. :)

Over 45 mph (only hit 65 mph this evening) airflow is very well managed over the riders. My helmet remained in clean air with, overall, less wind noise than when I had the Cee Baileys all the way up.

If you care about such things, the V-Stream has not near as much "flip" along the top as the Cee Baileys. This means the windscreen doesn't move around as much at speed. The overall shape of the Vstream means it's very sturdy.

The Vstream up or down, for me, does a better job of managing airflow than my Cee Baileys +4/+2 does. The Cee Bailey's might have the edge in colder weather, but only time will tell... ;)

Mine just barely touched my n/Line dash, so I put small rubber bumpers on to protect the screen.

I'm 6 feet even and have a 30" inseam, so my torso is tall-ish. ;)

Just got my V Stream, highway pegs and Garmin 5" mount in the mail yesterday only got the pegs on so far...
