I had an '06 for a few months, but sold it because I kept getting back on the FJR and it would sit. I thought I wanted something smaller to run around town on and do the gravels as well as travel some.
No used ones to try out, so I bought a new one without riding it. It's a great bike. It looked as big as the FJR to me, but was a little lighter, and really did twisties better than I hoped it would. Good power for me, but cross winds were a bear. I didn't like the seat height-- seemed taller than the FJR. Since the wife wouldn't ride it with me, I decided to let it go. A guy in Ten. bought it to take to Arizona with him to ride in Mexico. He claimed the VStroms were recognized as being more reliable than his BMW's and easier to get fixed in Mexico.
When I let the FJR go, I plan on keeping a 650 (lowered) to do my local riding and a few short trips. I really liked it.