Here are a few route options for the weekend:
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest / Convict Lake / June Lake Loop
Sonora/Ebbetts/Monitor Passes (dependent on how the fire suppression is going in the area… you can shorten it by coming south on 395 but be aware of diligent law enforcement in the area)
Big Yosemite Loop (including 49 and the Little Dragon)
Other points of interest:
Lone Pine Movie Museum / Movie Rd (dirt)
Bodie Ghost Town (dirt road to get there – very close to the Settlement)
Death Valley (long haul)
Sequoia Natl Park / Kings Canyon Natl Park (definitely a loooonnnggg haul but it can be done… right, FYB??

And of course there is Yosemite – I’d recommend going in on Thursday or Friday to avoid the crowds for the most part (and hopefully you paid attention to my earlier post about getting a pass into the park… if you didn’t, you can give it a go now and see if you can still get the 3-day pass… you can get a timed entry to go straight through the park but that won’t allow much time to explore).
For meals: There is a restaurant onsite so everyone is on their own for Thursday and Friday. Group banquet dinner will be on Saturday, September 4, at 6:30pm followed by tall tales and lies and more lies around the bonfire. Meal costs are as follows and include all the fixings plus tax and tip:
Steak Dinner - $54 (T-bone)
Steak Dinner - $48 (Ribeye)
Steak Dinner - $41 (New York)
Chicken Dinner - $37
1/2 rack ribs - $38
Grilled Salmon - $34
Vegetarian Dinner- $29
Please Paypal your meal $$ to [email protected] and remember to tell me what meal(s) you want… thank you!!