Valentine One

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Alexandria, MN
Was thinking of taking the step to get a Valentine One. Seems to be the favorite around here. I like the review of it and the following it recieves from members and such. The question I have is where did most of you get yours?

I googled but I came up with limited choices. You can order directly from web site. (Fairly expensive directly). You can get a few on E-bay. (I've had some bad luck with E-bay as others have too) Also did a search here and came up with nothing as to where to get it. So Just thought I would ask and see where, if any other places exist to buy this rader detector. Maybe I'm missing some places other than the obvious. Would appreciate any comments. Thanks in advance.


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Was thinking of taking the step to get a Valentine One. Seems to be the favorite around here. I like the review of it and the following it recieves from members and such. The question I have is where did most of you get yours?
I googled but I came up with limited choices. You can order directly from web site. (Fairly expensive directly). You can get a few on E-bay. (I've had some bad luck with E-bay as others have too) Also did a search here and came up with nothing as to where to get it. So Just thought I would ask and see where, if any other places exist to buy this rader detector. Maybe I'm missing some places other than the obvious. Would appreciate any comments. Thanks in advance.


You can only by direct from Valentine ! He won't sell it any other way.

People are stupid on E bay, I've seen people bid higher for the V1 than it would be to buy direct ! :blink:

I was kind of thinking that from what I found in my searches so thanks for confirming it. I'm really not a big fan of e-bay anyway even if I could buy it cheaper their. Got screwed a few years back and that was enough. (not that I would never buy again). Thanks for the advice.


Your buying the right RD anyway Mike, hell if TWN had bought the right one maybe he wouldn't have gotten a ticket last week !! :D

Was thinking of taking the step to get a Valentine One. Seems to be the favorite around here. I like the review of it and the following it recieves from members and such. The question I have is where did most of you get yours?

So where did you get your unbiased opinion?? I have looked at a lot of sales junk and don’t accept that as reliable.

Has there been a true unbiased report done? I have the Bel Pro RX 65, I will pick up any thing around you that’s sending a signal in the selected bands, but the Laser is going off all the time. Called the factory it needs to be sent back for 3 to 4 weeks. It need a better filter because the FJR emits a high freq it doesn’t like

So where did you get your unbiased opinion??
All opinions are biased.... ;)

And while it's true that every manufacturer can point to certain "reviews" that confirm theirs is best, I found a couple sources of information to be notable. First, are the physical functions of the units. As far as I know, the V1 is the only detector that can tell you what direction you're getting hit from, and I find that seemingly little tidbit of information very, very valuable. I also value the opinions of those actually using them in situations similar to mine. Warchild has stated in the past that the V1 seems to be the RD used by a majority of LD riders, who are criss-crossing the nation at (ahem) sometimes elevated rates of speed. If they've come to that decision, that's another plus in my book. I like the fact that as new technology comes available, Valentine will update your software, or upgrade your unit, so you don't have to start over from scratch because the LEOs are using some new whatchamacallit.

In the end, you place your bets, and you take your chances. After 2 years, I'm quite happy with my V1 purchase, and it saved me it's price multiple times just on my trip to WFO and back. The only drawback I can see is that it's not waterproof... but I can live with that.

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Car&Driver has rated the V1 champ for years running. Theirs is the best test I know of, their results the most reliable, their methods the most discriminating. V1 is from the designer of the Escort series of old-then #1 in the detector world. That the V1 is the best is pretty much a given.

Thanks, The only time I need it is when am coming into or out of a small town looking for some extra capital.

I will have a V1 coming when the funds build up again....

Thanks, The only time I need it is when am coming into or out of a small town looking for some extra capital.
Don't forget around state lines... I find an amazing concentration of LEOs near state lines... especially if there is a change in the speed limit from one state to another.

Car&Driver has rated the V1 champ for years running. Theirs is the best test I know of, their results the most reliable, their methods the most discriminating. V1 is from the designer of the Escort series of old-then #1 in the detector world. That the V1 is the best is pretty much a given.
While I respect your right to reach whatever conclusions that you want to, the notion that is a given that the V1 is the best is just silly. There are lots of different sources of test data and an out and out rag like Car and Driver is unlikely to be the best, IMHO. Perhaps you could present data to support your conclusion that their criteria are more discriminating than other sources that do nothing but rate radar detectors.

I do agree that the arrows on the V1 may be a nice feature to have.

Remember when you look at ratings, they are a composite of many different features. It may be that, where you ride most, the detector with the best score in some subcatagory many be the best for you. At best, a radar detector is a tool, not an all powerful font of electronic knowledge. I passed a spot on I-90 between Seattle and Spokane yesterday where a LEO with a laser is going to nail you 10/10 times regardless of what detector you have. The abundance of instant on units on the state patrol units isn't helpful either. A well trained LEO with a hunter's instincts is going to get you sooner or later regardless of your detector, it can only improve your odds a bit if you speed frequently.

If you think WC is the best source of info on this subject (and the collective wisdom of the LD community may be), by all means, buy a V1. But, unfortunately, you are going to have to make a decision for yourself because there are many conflicting sources of information and there is no consensus, let alone given, best choice. I wish that there were.

Just my $0.02.



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Having run a detector for almost 20 years, several brands, ending with an Escort, I do have some expertise on the subject. But, as usual here, I'm fulla shit. Caught me agin. This place is really getting on my nerves, time for a break methinks.

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Having run a detector for almost 20 years, several brands, ending with an Escort, I do have some expertise on the subject. But, as usual here, I'm fulla shit. Caught me agin. This place is really getting on my nerves, time for a break methinks.
Dude, I specifically do not think that you're full of shit. All I'm saying is that there are forums bigger than this one where there is no consensus on which detector is best. For example, for every review saying that the arrows on a V1 are great, I can probably find one that says that they don't work well under xyz conditions.

Furthermore, IMHO, detectors alone are probably semi worthless against LIDAR. You probably need active or passive countermeasures. It is too easy for a guy with a LIDAR gun to hide and zap you as you go by and there probably isn't enough backscatter to alert others making the detector useless other than a notice that you are about to get a fine.

There is no question that the V1 is a good all around unit. My only contention is that it is a given that it is the best and that even if it is the best at one thing like LIDAR detection, it may not be the best at Ka band detection or something else. You have to look at the feature set and decide what's important to you.

Also, competition here is a good thing. Having 3 or 4 companies competing to make the best unit is better than getting whatever one company thinks is best.

Sorry if I offended you.



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Don't forget around state lines... I find an amazing concentration of LEOs near state lines... especially if there is a change in the speed limit from one state to another.

This is exactly what is making me think of getting one. I got a ticket going into Montana this past week-end. Luckily it was only 40.00. 12 miles over. (I think the cop wanted me to pay for his dinner really) I had never heard such bullshit. :angry2: Anyway I wasn't even trying to speed, just wasn't paying attention. Just for a reminder that a LEO is there around I think is good.

That being said, there are times you DO want to open it up and it would be nice to have for safety.

Thanks for the reviews of the Valentine. It just makes me sure I'm buying the right one.


Car&Driver has rated the V1 champ for years running. Theirs is the best test I know of, their results the most reliable, their methods the most discriminating. V1 is from the designer of the Escort series of old-then #1 in the detector world. That the V1 is the best is pretty much a given.
While I respect your right to reach whatever conclusions that you want to, the notion that is a given that the V1 is the best is just silly. There are lots of different sources of test data and an out and out rag like Car and Driver is unlikely to be the best, IMHO. Perhaps you could present data to support your conclusion that their criteria are more discriminating than other sources that do nothing but rate radar detectors.

I do agree that the arrows on the V1 may be a nice feature to have.

Remember when you look at ratings, they are a composite of many different features. It may be that, where you ride most, the detector with the best score in some subcatagory many be the best for you. At best, a radar detector is a tool, not an all powerful font of electronic knowledge. I passed a spot on I-90 between Seattle and Spokane yesterday where a LEO with a laser is going to nail you 10/10 times regardless of what detector you have. The abundance of instant on units on the state patrol units isn't helpful either. A well trained LEO with a hunter's instincts is going to get you sooner or later regardless of your detector, it can only improve your odds a bit if you speed frequently.

If you think WC is the best source of info on this subject (and the collective wisdom of the LD community may be), by all means, buy a V1. But, unfortunately, you are going to have to make a decision for yourself because there are many conflicting sources of information and there is no consensus, let alone given, best choice. I wish that there were.

Just my $0.02.



I don't think it is fair to jump on Rad for saying the V1 is "best".

I would put forth the idea that it is basically impossible to ever determine which radar detector is "best" from a scientific viewpoint. You cannot run them side by side (they interfere with each other) and even repeating the same tests over and over leads to some inaccuracies due to conditions changing and slight test irregularities.

Having said that I think you are just arguing semantics. Obviously anyone's response on this forum is their "opinion" as few things can really be boiled down to an absolute "fact". Rather than repeat "in my opinion" each time I figured that most people just understood the simple common sense idea that it was each person's opinion and not necessarily a "fact".

With any request for info like this I think the main thing people are asking for, expecting and getting is another person's experience with that device. That is invaluable information compared to "scientific" comparisons in magazines and such. I would much rather have someone tell me they own one and would buy another one and consider it the best than have someone else tell me to go read a magazine or read thru some website with a bunch of posters with an agenda.

I do NOT trust magazine tests at all purely because all the magazines and publications have some sort of bias or agenda of their own that will often cloud the results. If there is a device (detector or otherwise) that they just do not like for some reason they will find SOMETHING wrong with it or invent some sort of test to show that it is inferior or has deficiences, real or imagined. I have seen enough errors and downright falsehoods in magazines over the years to not trust them for any information that I consider important.

In the case of radar detectors I, too, have used various ones for over 30 years...starting back with one of the originals with the two clear prongs on the receiver.....LOL. I've put a LOT of miles on cars and bikes behind a variety of detectors and know inherently what they can and cannot do. In terms of absolute performance and expected performance the V1 is indeed "the best" my opinion of course. LOL. If any detector out there works as well then it might be as good as a V1 but the V1 has never lied to me or let me down in any situation that a radar detector could or should have detected. And it is the ONLY one with the arrows that I would consider mandatory to be on the "best" list.

The question was NOT about what a detector can and cannot do. There was a thread on that several weeks ago. Obviously they cannot detect instant on until it is turned on or laser until it is turned on in your direction. So why bring up what detectors can and cannot do when someone asks which one people think is best or would recommend.

I would inhesitatingly recommend a V1 to anyone an go so far as to say it is "the best" based on my preconceived notions of what a detector could and should do.

If you are happy with another detector, then fine. Tell us all about it. Forget the BS of arguing what is "best" or attacking someone else for their educated input. You can even say it is the "best" as we will understand that that is your opinion. Tell why the one you like is the "best" instead of taking time attacking someone else for doing just that.

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If you are happy with another detector, then fine. Tell us all about it...Tell why the one you like is the "best" instead of taking time attacking someone else for doing just that.
I like my Escort because my buddy Skyway hooked me up a good price. I'm not immune to getting a ticket, but it's a hell of a nice tool to have in the arsenal. :grin:
If I was a CHP officer and I saw a group of bikes go by, and I had a hard-on to give some sport-biker a ticket, I'd just drop in and follow them a couple of miles, 'til they thought it was 'cool', then...Bam!

Was thinking of taking the step to get a Valentine One. Seems to be the favorite around here. I like the review of it and the following it recieves from members and such. The question I have is where did most of you get yours?
I googled but I came up with limited choices. You can order directly from web site. (Fairly expensive directly). You can get a few on E-bay. (I've had some bad luck with E-bay as others have too) Also did a search here and came up with nothing as to where to get it. So Just thought I would ask and see where, if any other places exist to buy this rader detector. Maybe I'm missing some places other than the obvious. Would appreciate any comments. Thanks in advance.

This doesn't answer your question, but to throw more reading material at you -

This reads slightly biased to me...

Then read this for a myriad of tests and the data...

I've been contemplating the addition of an RD for at least 8 months now...not sure that I need it. I've done enough LD riding and have never really needed it...except riding style has creeped up the speedo in the recent past for some reason. I won't offer up which one I think is better, but my personal opinion after thinking about the topic way to much is this, get any of the top units and your probably on a level playing field if you use enough common sense of when and where you might utilize it's purpose.

Right now I think the best piece of equipment I've had for ticket avoidance is Channel 19 on the CB...listen and you will be told where the "bears" are at.


I don't think it is fair to jump on Rad for saying the V1 is "best".

With any request for info like this I think the main thing people are asking for, expecting and getting is another person's experience with that device. That is invaluable information compared to "scientific" comparisons in magazines and such. I would much rather have someone tell me they own one and would buy another one and consider it the best than have someone else tell me to go read a magazine or read thru some website with a bunch of posters with an agenda.

I do NOT trust magazine tests at all purely because all the magazines and publications have some sort of bias or agenda of their own that will often cloud the results. If there is a device (detector or otherwise) that they just do not like for some reason they will find SOMETHING wrong with it or invent some sort of test to show that it is inferior or has deficiences, real or imagined. I have seen enough errors and downright falsehoods in magazines over the years to not trust them for any information that I consider important.

In the case of radar detectors I, too, have used various ones for over 30 years...starting back with one of the originals with the two clear prongs on the receiver.....LOL. I've put a LOT of miles on cars and bikes behind a variety of detectors and know inherently what they can and cannot do. In terms of absolute performance and expected performance the V1 is indeed "the best" my opinion of course. LOL. If any detector out there works as well then it might be as good as a V1 but the V1 has never lied to me or let me down in any situation that a radar detector could or should have detected. And it is the ONLY one with the arrows that I would consider mandatory to be on the "best" list.

The question was NOT about what a detector can and cannot do. There was a thread on that several weeks ago. Obviously they cannot detect instant on until it is turned on or laser until it is turned on in your direction. So why bring up what detectors can and cannot do when someone asks which one people think is best or would recommend.

I would inhesitatingly recommend a V1 to anyone an go so far as to say it is "the best" based on my preconceived notions of what a detector could and should do.

If you are happy with another detector, then fine. Tell us all about it. Forget the BS of arguing what is "best" or attacking someone else for their educated input. You can even say it is the "best" as we will understand that that is your opinion. Tell why the one you like is the "best" instead of taking time attacking someone else for doing just that.

My complaint here is that I never "jumped on" nor "attacked" anyone. And, when Radman appeared to be offended by my initial post, I followed it up with one apologizing for any misunderstanding. Therefore I am somewhat puzzled by why such a respected member of the community would chastize me for "attacking" anyone.

The V1 may be the best detector ever but, alas, as you pointed out there is really no science proving that it or any other is empirically the best. It occurs to me that the V1 is sort of like the Harley-Davidson of the radar detector world in that so many people seem to have such a fervent and exclusive attraction to them. And that in a way that can be hard for outsiders to comprehend. Since Valentine has patented the two antenna configuration that makes it's arrows work, you're basically saying that only the V1 will ever be the best just like those that have to have that patented potato-potato sound. AFAIC, the tinted windows in my car probably attenuate the received signal enough that the arrows would be affected. It certainly means that I couldn't rely on it to even detect rearward laser signals.

Even though I mistrust all the print sources I have seen to one extent or another, I just bought a non-V1 detector because, after reading everything that I could find, I just couldn't justify the added expense of the V1. Since I've only been using it for a month, I don't want to render an opinion based on a very few data points. I haven't had one of these things since I had one of the original Escorts twentysomething years ago.

The points that I made regarding LIDAR and speed traps were to point out that perhaps the best detector is no detector. If you don't really understand what one can and can't do, perhaps you'd be better off without one. A false sense of security is more likely to get you a ticket than a little healthy paranoia.

I am not arguing what is best. I am simply saying that it is not a given that the V1 is the best. That statement goes outside the bounds of one man's experience. If Rad had simply said that he thinks the V1 is the best, I would have never said anything. I'm sure Radman knows more than me about radar detectors because, until a month ago, I hadn't had one in over twenty years. But, IMHO, if you are on the fence about what to buy, read articles, gather opinions from respected friends, evaluate feature sets and then make a choice, because it simply isn't universally accepted that any one widget is the best. That's not semantics but, to be fair, perhaps I shouldn't have even brought it up because it's obvious.

Assuming that I haven't pissed everyone off again, how about if I ask another question: Does anyone out there just turn off X-band completely? I'm fairly sure that it isn't used by law enforcement in WA although I do get false warnings from highway signs on I-90 and the odd supermarket door opener. I guess that I should have gotten the V1 which probably never gives false positives. :)
