Valentine One

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Didn't you know you are not allowed to express your opinion or have a differing one from that of the usual suspects oh yeah... because failing to go with the flow with "those who know" will bring scorn and hypersensitive reactionary tones from others who have nothing better to do?

Please in future refrain from verbalising such intelligent comment and provocative statements which clearly have a different view. I trust this won’t happen again….or you could do what I do when the bullshit gets too deep and just tell purveyors of obtuseness to get fucked..Works for me

Cheers mate

:) that is great! :D , I love the rebel role too!

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Lidar Binoculars.
So the upshot for police officers versus conventional Lidar is ease of use? Don't they already have to "sight" the target a la a gun scope now, so this would just make it a bit easier to use?
Yeah. They can observe traffic, and bang at leisure, IIRC. I'll see if I can come up with an online source for the material. The scary part is, they could just sit at a bridge or bus stop, and nail away using a personal radio to call up a waiting pursuit. :blink:
I say we all sneak up on them and coat the eye pieces with charcoal.

Don't know if they advertise this or not, but I picked up two factory refurbished Valentine 1's for a fairly discounted price. Worth checking into anyway.

Don't know if they advertise this or not, but I picked up two factory refurbished Valentine 1's for a fairly discounted price. Worth checking into anyway.
Only advertise it if you're going to cite a source or weblink of where to find one. Please share.

This post must have created bad karma.....
I popped over a bridge this morning on the way to work (in the car) and ran right into a performance award for 17 over. V1 told me of the laser as I was being clocked. Perfect example of being out in front of a group of traffic (dumb) and not paying attention over a rise. The road is a major artery with 5 lanes in each direction at that point and traffic normally flowing 70 or better as it is an open stretch with no intersections...more like an interstate than a surface street.

Fortunately it seems it is a bit of a revenue generating scheme for the town of Hazel Park police department as it appears. The cop was sitting just inside the border of Hazel Park itself as it transitioned from Detroit to Hazel Park. The middle of the bridge he lazared me cresting is the border of Hazel Park. Very sneaky. He actually lazered me just as I crossed into his jourisdiction.

No worries, though. He ignored the speeding violation and gave me a lesser traffic citation for "Impeding Traffic". No points, no notification to the Secretary of State, etc. but the fine is $150.00 !!!! Same as for 20 over the speed limit. Do they have a scam going or what? Nail "speeders" on a 5 lane wide section of a major artery where the limit is 40 (and the traffic normally flows 70) and then just give them a ticket for no points but $150 so they don't complain and/or fight the ticket.

Oh well. You play, you pay. LOL. As many times as the V1 has saved me you cannot beat laser used effectively.

I just will never live down the insult of getting a traffic ticket written for "Impeding Traffic"....or the irony of getting 17 over reduced to "impeding traffic." He really knew how to hurt a guy. When he handed me the ticket and told me what it was for I did get a laugh out of him by asking if he knew how fast the cars behind me were going if I was 17 over and was "impeding traffic"....
And the cops on the board get all pissy when we call them revenue collectors !! :D

Sorry they nabbed you Jestel, must have been a menace to society I guess !! :unsure:

As promised, the Binoc info is Here.


The New! Pro-Lite+ is the smallest and lightest laser speed enforcement device on the market while offering an exceptional level of performance and target accuracy.

The Heads-Up Display (HUD) is designed to provide 1:1 viewing, without magnification, for precise vehicle targeting and less eye strain. When using the HUD you’ll see the target area and surrounding traffic for positive target identification, as well as an illuminated aiming reticle to help you pinpoint your target.

The Pro-Lite+ uses the HUD technology for range applications up to 2,000 ft. and also provides full speed tracking history, while maintaining a simple, easy 4-button format.

This binocular style, handheld device offers easy "point-and-shoot" operation that is ideal for motor officers and even foot patrol officers. This lightweight unit allows for hours of operation without physical stress and since both eyes can be kept open, eye strain is virtually eliminated. The Pro-Lite+ includes a neck strap/lanyard, so it can be easily carried or worn around the neck. Additionally, the unit operates on two standard AA batteries and can be used in the field for over 30 hours before the batteries need to be replaced.

The environmental mode minimizes the range-limiting effects of poor weather conditions as well as eliminating problems with shooting through obstructions such as fences and trees. Additionally, the selectable direction mode prevents displays of unselected traffic direction. This mode prevents the operator from inadvertently obtaining a speed from an opposite direction vehicle. It also has the capability of setting minimum and maximum target ranges—great for areas such as school and construction zones where you need a beginning and end mark to target vehicles inside a specific area.
Bad news for speeders (of which I am also one), our old pal Kustom has a real killer here. ;)

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And they have technology now that allows for the radar to go "hot" instantly, too late for the radar detector to be helpful as they already have you. Some jurisdictions carry multiple forms of "speed detecting" equipment. (Don't ask how I know.) :blush2:

Don't know if they advertise this or not, but I picked up two factory refurbished Valentine 1's for a fairly discounted price. Worth checking into anyway.
Only advertise it if you're going to cite a source or weblink of where to find one. Please share.
Sorry, I just looked in the box from my V1, and there is no phone number. I would contact them dirrectly through the above website. I know we bought our two dirrectly from them. Sorry I don't have more details, this was about 3-4 years ago.

As mentioned in other replies, even the V1 isn't any good against either "Instant On," or Laser. The only thing a Laser dectector is good for is to tell you it's time to pull over for your ticket.

V1 came in the mail yesterday, I'm replacing the escort 7500. I Didn't know I was buying into such a hot issuse. :D

As mentioned in other replies, even the V1 isn't any good against either "Instant On," or Laser. The only thing a Laser dectector is good for is to tell you it's time to pull over for your ticket.
I've got Laser warnings before from the V1 in time to slow down. Usually in moderate traffic where the LEO is pegging cars in front of me, and can't "see" me till I'm close up.

This post must have created bad karma.....
I popped over a bridge this morning on the way to work (in the car) and ran right into a performance award for 17 over. V1 told me of the laser as I was being clocked. Perfect example of being out in front of a group of traffic (dumb) and not paying attention over a rise. The road is a major artery with 5 lanes in each direction at that point and traffic normally flowing 70 or better as it is an open stretch with no intersections...more like an interstate than a surface street.

Fortunately it seems it is a bit of a revenue generating scheme for the town of Hazel Park police department as it appears. The cop was sitting just inside the border of Hazel Park itself as it transitioned from Detroit to Hazel Park. The middle of the bridge he lazared me cresting is the border of Hazel Park. Very sneaky. He actually lazered me just as I crossed into his jourisdiction.

No worries, though. He ignored the speeding violation and gave me a lesser traffic citation for "Impeding Traffic". No points, no notification to the Secretary of State, etc. but the fine is $150.00 !!!! Same as for 20 over the speed limit. Do they have a scam going or what? Nail "speeders" on a 5 lane wide section of a major artery where the limit is 40 (and the traffic normally flows 70) and then just give them a ticket for no points but $150 so they don't complain and/or fight the ticket.

Oh well. You play, you pay. LOL. As many times as the V1 has saved me you cannot beat laser used effectively.

I just will never live down the insult of getting a traffic ticket written for "Impeding Traffic"....or the irony of getting 17 over reduced to "impeding traffic." He really knew how to hurt a guy. When he handed me the ticket and told me what it was for I did get a laugh out of him by asking if he knew how fast the cars behind me were going if I was 17 over and was "impeding traffic"....

This got odder and odder.

I got this ticket from the Hazel Park Police but I would have sworn I was in Detroit. The boundary between the two is the middle of the median of the road I was on and the east bound lanes (south side) is in Detroit.

I checked a number of references and they all indicated that the east bound lanes of the road I was on was in Detroit, not Hazel Park (Hazel Park cop wrote the ticket). Every reference from the Planning Commission to the tax Assessors Office to the DPW to the Hazel Park City Manager told me that the east bound lanes were Detroit. So how could a Hazel Park cop write me a ticket outside of his jurisdiction? The Clerk of the Court wondered the same thing when I went to pay the ticket. For no points and a contribution to the coffers of Hazel Park I really didn't want to fight it but it was a curiosity. Between them there were different versions of who's authority it was to write tickets on the eastbound lanes. The cops seem to think that the eastbound lanes are their jurisdiction for writing tickets but no-one else seems to agree with them. Detroit cops write up accidents in that east bound lanes I understand, BTW. If there were more involved I would fight it but there is a lesson here to check where you are when you get a ticket and make sure who's jurisdiction it is.

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