I have my V-1 mounted on the front brake reservoir with industrial strength velcro, and the remote audio adaptor similarly mounted on the clutch reservoir. I wired the included hard-wired power adaptor to my 8-position terminal blocks (positive under panel B, negative under panel C), with coiled telephone cords cable-tied along the standard wiring cases up to each unit. Connect the audio output to the mixer of your choice - I use an Amplirider mounted in my tank bag.
Mounting the main unit on the front brake reservoir gives it a good position for both front and rear detection; the windshield does not interfere. You can see all the relevant data on the display - bogey counter, directional arrows, radar band, etc. It's a little exposed if you get pulled over, but you won't seem out of place if you remove your helmet and put it over the unit as the LEO walks up. It's also handy if you want to temporarily cancel the audio warnings - just reach up and push the button. The velcro makes it easy to remove the units if the bike will be unattended.
My V-1 has saved my bacon countless times. I'm not a speed-burner by any means, but like most of us I enjoy the occasional FJR-nominal runs when conditions allow - the middle section of California's SR-58 (with the whoopdees) comes to mind - and the V-1 makes these runs more enjoyable by letting you focus on the ride instead of the fine.