Vehicle registration fees gone wild

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That's not "tax free", that's just "taxed differently". There ain't no free lunch.
Oh yeah, I definitely understand and agree.

The NH tax situation sucks, except compared to all the others. ;)

PS - whoever said NH was tax free?

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In Arizona we are blessed with very low State income taxes and very low property taxes, but where they get us is for all other Arizona services and fees, for example:

2009 BMW F650GS Twin with Accessories: $11,256.40

Arizona State Tax: $894.00

Dealer Documentary Fee (combination of Dealer and State hosing us!): $395.00

State Registration Fee: $218.00

2 Year AZ Renewal Fee: $232.97

Below is what really yanks my crank, as stated by our Rich-exskibum! I am even madder at AAA-Progressive over the fact I cannot drive six fecking vehicles at once!

"my insurers seem to think there's 6 of me who can drive all these things at the same time,..."
The reason it's so cheap is cause in summer time you live in hell! :p

:yahoo: ..and kudos one all for keeping this thread as politically clean as possible! :yahoo:

I feel your pain. You gotta pay to play. $1445.00 a year in registration alone :eek: (I shouldn't have added it up)

05 Ford F250 = 438

05 Ford Explorer =276

03 Ragen toy hauler = 225

08 FJR = 172

07 Ninja = 93

06 DRZ = 76

09 KLX 250S = 112

10 KLX110L = 53 for 2 years

04 CRF70= 53 for 2 years

In Arizona we are blessed with very low State income taxes and very low property taxes, but where they get us is for all other Arizona services and fees, for example:

2009 BMW F650GS Twin with Accessories: $11,256.40

Arizona State Tax: $894.00

Dealer Documentary Fee (combination of Dealer and State hosing us!): $395.00

State Registration Fee: $218.00

2 Year AZ Renewal Fee: $232.97

Below is what really yanks my crank, as stated by our Rich-exskibum! I am even madder at AAA-Progressive over the fact I cannot drive six fecking vehicles at once!

"my insurers seem to think there's 6 of me who can drive all these things at the same time,..."
The reason it's so cheap is cause in summer time you live in hell! :p

:yahoo: ..and kudos one all for keeping this thread as politically clean as possible! :yahoo:
Mi Hermano Donaldo: Kiss my applesacks and go ting tong yourself!

For what it's worth, I bought my FJR in Tennessee, which has a higher sales tax rate than Florida. Since it was going to be registered in Florida, the dealer didn't apply for registration, so I paid no Tennessee sales tax, but when I got home, I had to immediately go to the DMV to pay the Florida tax and get my registration. I don't remember the exact number, but the difference was a big chunk 'o change. I also had to make damn sure to keep the bill of sale on me, since the paperwork was unusual.

When I made an appointment, they asked me to go to the dealer section, which has none of the "take a number and wait, you scum" protocol. The really funny part is a friend happened to be registering his VTX that same time, so I got a "WTF!?!? How the hell can you waltz in the dealer line and get your stuff done in 15 minutes??? Whose ---- did you ----???!!!" - I remember waving to him through the glass wall.

Since I've totaled more than a couple bikes/cars, I won't even mention my insurance rates. There's a reason I don't ride other people's bikes.

So, those totaled bikes are the reason behind your forum name then? :unsure:

Yeah, I think the sales tax is tied to the registration process in most (if not all) states. I can waltz down to Mass or Connecticut and buy a vehicle, either new or used, without having to pay any sales tax (which both states have in abundance), then bring it back here to NH and not pay any here either (cause we don't have any). One of the few cars I have bought new, a 1990 SAAB 900, I bought down in Mass because I could get the best price on it there at a higher volume dealer.

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Here in Washington, the license tabs were approaching $1000 per vehicle, depending on age and value. Around 1998, there was an Inititave to reduce the vehicle licenses to $25.00 a year. It passed by a fair margin, and was the law of the land. Now local municipalities have added different fees to each that add up to around $50 each. Of course, that is on vehicles. The F 150 is taxed by tonnage, the boat is a vessel and falls under different regs. At one time, with my older truck it cost $60 a year for the truck, and $160 for the boat trailer. Huh.

And we pay a 8% sales tax on the vehicles when we buy.

You don't watch enough television. The state advertises itself as "Tax Free New Hampshire" all the time. On the other hand, this doesn't help us with the problem of: "It's going to freaking snow again tonight".

In NH, we pay a "Personal Property Tax" when we register our vehicles. ............. It is based on List Price (regardless of what you paid) and depreciates as the vehicle gets older. Covers cars, motorcycles, trailers, boats and anything else they can think of. Welcome to "Tax Free New Hampshire".
Same in Arizona, and also California.

In Arizona we are blessed with very low State income taxes and very low property taxes, but where they get us is for all other Arizona services and fees, for example:

2009 BMW F650GS Twin with Accessories: $11,256.40

Arizona State Tax: $894.00

Dealer Documentary Fee (combination of Dealer and State hosing us!): $395.00 I'm sorry mi bastard step-pappy, but that $395 has NOTHING to do with the state, and EVERYTHING to do with the dealer hosing you.

State Registration Fee: $218.002 Year

AZ Renewal Fee: $232.97 As I alluded to above, the annual registration fee is paltry - about $15 or so. It's the 'property tax' portion that is expensive and based on purchase price of the bike and age. Hence the advantage of me selling the 09 BMW GS1200 and getting an 04 FJR. I believe the last renewal for my 04 was like $61 for one year.

Below is what really yanks my crank, as stated by our Rich-exskibum! I am even madder at AAA-Progressive over the fact I cannot drive six fecking vehicles at once!

"my insurers seem to think there's 6 of me who can drive all these things at the same time,..."
And I am in complete agreement about insuring multiple vehicles when there is only one driver on the policy.

Hmm... I don't remember the exact costs, but IIRC...

'04 FJR ~ $90 (for a vanity plate)

'98 Chebby pick'm'up ~ $90

'98 Contour SVT ~ $70

'09 Harley ~ $50

'80-something boat trailer ~ $40

So, somewhere in the neighborhood of $350 a year or so on vehicle registrations. My only gripe is that on the truck and the Contour, I have 'reserved' plates (AKA initials and numbers) that used to only cost an extra $10 a year. They've bumped that way up - the BKRGK plate on the FJR used to be the most expensive registration by far, but the truck and the Contour are getting up there nowadays as well.

And I am in complete agreement about insuring multiple vehicles when there is only one driver on the policy.
I've had this argument with underwriting supervisors, to no avail. I'm happy to pay comprehensive on all, since a tree limb might fall on the vehicle, it might get vandalized, stolen or burned up in a fire. I'm happy to pay collision, since even if it's parked, someone else could hit it. I've said "charge me the liability and UM premiums for the highest rated vehicle I own, rated for the total mileage of all." (1 for motorcycles and 1 for autos, since I insure them through different companies.) But to pay for any kind of liability insurance for an occurrence that arises out of the operation of more than one car or motorcycle at a time is simply a rip off. They've even agreed with me, but simply say that those are the rules of the company and that there is nothing they can do.

Underwriting is supposed to tie premiums to risks incurred, but this is the most glaring example in which they simply have you bent over. And for lube, they offer the same minimal multi car discount as multiple driver households get, while touting that as having cut you a big break. Of course, there's no collusion in this pricing scheme, but try to find an insurance company that doesn't do this. :angry2:

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So, those totaled bikes are the reason behind your forum name then? :unsure:
Bingo! But it was earlier than that... I'm pretty nearsighted, so as a kid I used to walk into walls and stuff, until I was 17 and failed the vision test for my license, so they finally got me some glasses. I'm still pretty damn uncoordinated, so that doesn't help either. Wasn't until recently I got any sort of good at video games. I think my RZ-350 spent more time on it's side than on the wheels...

And RadioHowie wants to swap bikes and let me ride his ELR... thilly boy!

@ Crash, respectfully:

We all know R.Howie is crazy, but is there a "why" in this? As in why do you keep buying and riding motorcycles? I mean, if this were skydiving and the problem was with pulling the rip chord in time to land safely, you probably wouldn't even be put to a choice. But sooner or later, don't you or your wife worry about the consequences?

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The registration fee is $48 for any vehicle in Ontario, except trailers are a one time $25 I think. You pay sales tax only one time when you buy a vehicle. Insurance however is about double what Bramfrank pays..... so about $1000 for the Feej total per year.
You forgot that cars are more money (almost double) plus every 2 years an additional fee for E (emissions) test (around $38.00).....With a clean license I pay $856.00 for crash & cry on my FJR.....One time fed tax on new vehicles or used bought through a stealership....but used vehicles (bikes, cars, atvs etc) are always subject to provincial taxes....but what the heck..... we pay tax on tax for our fuel.....are we lucky or what.....(I pay more in insurance for the FJR than I do for specialty insurance to drive my porsche....a 1989 silver anniversary cabriolet)

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Ohio rates are $28.50 MCs, $34.50 passenger cars and $49.50 for light (non commercial) trucks + local "permissive tax" which is limited to $20/vehicle. It may be a ********, but Ohio does offer fairly cheap cost of living.

@ Crash, respectfully:

We all know R.Howie is crazy, but is there a "why" in this? As in why do you keep buying and riding motorcycles? I mean, if this were skydiving and the problem was with pulling the rip chord in time to land safely, you probably wouldn't even be put to a choice. But sooner or later, don't you or your wife worry about the consequences?
Well, the pain/death factor is a pretty big incentive to learn what the hell I'm doing, and apparently it's worked. I guess it's literally a case of "by jove, I'm gonna learn this, even if it kills me." I'm single, so if/when I plant it one day, it won't really bother anybody. Work will be pissed they have to hunt down another cheap software developer, but those are a dime a dozen apparently. :)

The strawberry scar on my knee is a reminder not to grab the living hell out of the front brake with narrow crap tires on wet pavement, just like the ruined $280 fork tube on my shelf is a reminder not to drop the damn thing on concrete when it has no fluid in it. It also reminds me to not buy cheap Cheng Shin tires, no matter how broke I am.

I guess if there's a problem with pulling the rip cord in time, you have to fix the problem, and man up, stop messing about, and pull the damn cord already. Or suffer the consequences.

I'm not really looking forward to getting old, senile, and decrepit. (are we there yet!?) I worry more about a stroke or a heart attack leaving me stuck useless in a chair, than I do about dying in a bike crash. (If I do have a stroke/heart attack, I'd rather people let me go in peace than keep some zombie shell going like they did my grandfather.)

Plus I seriously hate driving piddly-**** little cars, and being stuck in an econo-box, and I can afford an FJR much easier than an Ariel Atom or a Ferrari F40. I think I WOULD have a stroke if I was stuck in my Camaro again, I'm glad the ABS/power brakes failed and put it in a guardrail.

EDIT: I wish I'd taken a picture, I wadded that thing up GOOD. Also, when the Subaru turned left in front of me, I hit it hard enough to knock the rear axle off, and the engine of the GS1100L shattered like dropped crockery. When I went to the junkyard, the guys were standing around looking at the bike going "wow, I guess this guy died, huh?" and I was able to say "nope, that would be me" - it was a couple months before I was able to bend my knee to get back on a bike, and I missed Bike Week that year. :(

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Well, the pain/death factor is a pretty big incentive to learn what the hell I'm doing, and apparently it's worked. I guess it's literally a case of "by jove, I'm gonna learn this, even if it kills me." I'm single, so if/when I plant it one day, it won't really bother anybody. Work will be pissed they have to hunt down another cheap software developer, but those are a dime a dozen apparently. :)

The strawberry scar on my knee is a reminder not to grab the living hell out of the front brake with narrow crap tires on wet pavement, just like the ruined $280 fork tube on my shelf is a reminder not to drop the damn thing on concrete when it has no fluid in it. It also reminds me to not buy cheap Cheng Shin tires, no matter how broke I am.

I guess if there's a problem with pulling the rip cord in time, you have to fix the problem, and man up, stop messing about, and pull the damn cord already. Or suffer the consequences.

I'm not really looking forward to getting old, senile, and decrepit. (are we there yet!?) I worry more about a stroke or a heart attack leaving me stuck useless in a chair, than I do about dying in a bike crash. (If I do have a stroke/heart attack, I'd rather people let me go in peace than keep some zombie shell going like they did my grandfather.)

Plus I seriously hate driving piddly-**** little cars, and being stuck in an econo-box, and I can afford an FJR much easier than an Ariel Atom or a Ferrari F40. I think I WOULD have a stroke if I was stuck in my Camaro again, I'm glad the ABS/power brakes failed and put it in a guardrail.

EDIT: I wish I'd taken a picture, I wadded that thing up GOOD. Also, when the Subaru turned left in front of me, I hit it hard enough to knock the rear axle off, and the engine of the GS1100L shattered like dropped crockery. When I went to the junkyard, the guys were standing around looking at the bike going "wow, I guess this guy died, huh?" and I was able to say "nope, that would be me" - it was a couple months before I was able to bend my knee to get back on a bike, and I missed Bike Week that year. :(
Well, I hear you on MUCH of that. Had many of the same sentiments when my Dad died 18 months ago and my Mom died last week, both in their mid 80s. Don't want a stroke or to be an invalid, and not living life just ain't worth it. But I haven't walked away from even one total, so I was wondering. Good answer, and best to you.

For all we know, any of us could get killed by an idiot while we're pulling out of the driveway in the cage tomorrow. (Had a secretary get killed in '85 in San Jose after getting off her BF's Harley so she could open the garage door using the keypad. The house was on the corner in a subdivision, mid-afternoon, and a drunk cager only got about 50 degrees of the intended 90 degree turn, up over the sidewalk and lawn and slammed Marguerite through the garage wall, killing her instantly. Poor BF had all this happen right in front of him as he sat on his bike, waiting for the garage door to open.)

(sorry for the detour and hijack, Don)

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We feel your pain, Mr Carver. Our bikes are our everyday transport but the Jeep and the truck are our back up. The truck (which is only used for hauling the trailer on desert trips) is classed as a commercial vehicle. Ouch!

I guess I'm gonna have to calculate the entire vehicle yearly total and thin the herd..


Not to worry Don, the way our dollar is going we won't be able to give money away pretty soon anyway. Just ride/drive em like you stold em.....PM. <>< ;)

Only 2 cars and 1 bike. It's done based on purchase price and a depreciation over time. Commercial vehicles start out at about $60 and decline slower.

The bike is about $35 a year to register. The cars are between $45 (03 WRX) and $60 (08 STi).

This is one competition I'll gladly let someone else win.

No state income tax.

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