Ventilation Plastic Removal

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Athens, AL
I'm trying to remove the side vent plastic and I'm not sure about whether I can actually pull the vent off after removing the two screws that control the in/out position. I realize there are two slotted tangs that the vent plastic inserts into but when I try to pull gently apart, it won't come out of the tang. The plastic there doesn't look all that strong and neither do the tangs where there're attached to more plastic. Can anyone confirm exactly how to take this piece of tupperware off? Rotate it? Pull it? If I break small pieces of plastic I'll be pissed, so I'm being (unneccessarily?) cautious. Thanks for any advice.

(I did search on vent removal but didn't find anything)
