Very Sad News

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Very Sad News, I f#$king dropped her!!!

Great. It's finally Friday.

Look, you dropped her. Now it looks like most of the other bikes out there. Very sad would be if you dropped her on one of your children and there was a resulting death.

When you ride a heavy machine it can and for most people, eventually WILL get away from you. Don't be so anal.

Mine went over while sitting at a gas station during my summer road trip in 2008 - no one was near it. I saw it happening from inside the store. I knew the bike was very loaded and almost vertical and a very strong gust of wind sent her over. So, I picked her up and rode off into the sunset. When I got back I went and bought a set of used bags on ebay (the right bag was very dinged up from the gravel at the station) and had Garauld paint them up for me. I got the bags back what, 6? 8? months ago and never even put them on the bike - I still ride with the scratched bags on board. No grand 'feel sorry for me' post. I just enjoy the ride - besides, I can't see the scratched parts while I'm dragging foot pegs.

If you want to keep your bike pristine, park it in your living room on the center stand and wax it every night. If you prefer to ride the machine, then get used to the fact that **** happens.

If you ride it and drop it - that doesn't merit a worldwide 'the sky has fallen' report unless it trapped the cat or your kid on the way down. And it certainly isn't 'very sad news'.

I love Fridays.

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The second time I dropped mine made me glad I hadn't fixed the damge from the first time. The 3 rd time I merely went phhfft and had the TPS replaced. <_<

I have been there, it could have been worse, Tailwalk on this fourm test rode an FJR and low sided it on the freeway ramp. He ended up buying it. now that it has been droped your good for awhile. Color Rite has OEM matching paint.



It was good for a little sympathy from my SO. With record rainfall this month, it definitely looks like I ride the thing. Not much point in washing it until I get at least a three day forecast with no rainfall predicted. As for the scars, they'll stay.

three drops in last year...two on grass (don't ask)

one with AIW (angelic italian wifey) on back in Waffle House parking lot in front of some Goldwingers and Cruisers before a PGR escort mission. I was RC in charge !!! :blink:

Wifey thought it was end of world and end of the bike if it went down in any way. Made a U turn to line up for parking and we leaned a bit and bars turned, came to a stop and it slowly went over to the right. She's panic ing cause she thinks it will be unridable and I will freak out and it's the worst thing in the world. I hear primal noises from the back as it tilts and I have to yell to just let it go easy and stand up with it under you. No problem. Found out the slider will protect the air horn on the TOG.

No sweat, it happens. I've scratched each bag by pulling out from a gas pump with those concrete posts mounted before and after the pump. I've "popped" the post pulling away with nothing more than a "burble" feel of the bike. When I got home, I saw a scrape each time. Give the bike personality IMHO. I think it give a "you are a real rider" quality.

Let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

You are correct, in traffic would have been much worse for several reasons. I've been ridding for 50+ years and dropped every bike I've ever owned. I do feel your pain but all riders fall into two categories: those who have have dropped their scooters and those that are just about to.

A little touch up paint the next time you do a thorough cleaning and then ride on.


three drops in last year...two on grass (don't ask)
one with AIW (angelic italian wifey) on back in Waffle House parking lot in front of some Goldwingers and Cruisers before a PGR escort mission. I was RC in charge !!! :blink:

Wifey thought it was end of world and end of the bike if it went down in any way. Made a U turn to line up for parking and we leaned a bit and bars turned, came to a stop and it slowly went over to the right. She's panic ing cause she thinks it will be unridable and I will freak out and it's the worst thing in the world. I hear primal noises from the back as it tilts and I have to yell to just let it go easy and stand up with it under you. No problem. Found out the slider will protect the air horn on the TOG.

No sweat, it happens. I've scratched each bag by pulling out from a gas pump with those concrete posts mounted before and after the pump. I've "popped" the post pulling away with nothing more than a "burble" feel of the bike. When I got home, I saw a scrape each time. Give the bike personality IMHO. I think it give a "you are a real rider" quality.

Let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'
I'm starting to think you need candles lit and rosaries said for your bike's health Mike.

three drops in last year...two on grass (don't ask)Mike in Nawlins'
But I gotta ask. Were the two on grass within minutes of each other?

Only asking because I dropped a previous bike twice on the grass. Standing next to it and moving it around, it started leaning away from me past the point of no return. Plop, it hit the ground. :angry2: I must say, the sound of a bike hitting grass is much better than hitting cement or gravel. :rolleyes: Then in my rush to get it picked up before anyone saw what I had done, I picked it up and proceeded to plop it over onto the other side! :angry2: :angry: :angry2: :angry: :angry2:

So what's your story, Mike?

Yep. It's true. After only having it 3 weeks! Was backing out of the driveway (which has an incline) heading back to work after lunch. I was running a little late and thought I could back out a little faster than I usually do. One wrong turn of the bars, lost my balance and down she went on the right side. Not hard, but hard enough to put small scratches on the exhaust, the side case, and tiny scratches on the mirror and frame slider. Glad the bike came with those frame sliders! They work! Such a bummer. I'll have to look for some touch-up paint. Better in the driveway than in traffic.
Welcome to the club. The membership numbers are much bigger than those who have never dropped their bikes (yet).

I feel your pain. Dropped my 3 days owned '07 AE showing it off to my barber. Was rocking off the center stand, had the front wheel slightly akimbo and in a sec both me and my baby were on the ground. Only the slightest scratch on the bike, very large dent in my pride. Regained that as I lifted my darling' with my ass.

Only liars have never dropped their bike at least once!

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I know of one person that dropped their bike first time ever touching it. Lifted off the kickstand a little too aggressively and over it went.

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Yep. It's true. After only having it 3 weeks! Was backing out of the driveway (which has an incline) heading back to work after lunch. I was running a little late and thought I could back out a little faster than I usually do. One wrong turn of the bars, lost my balance and down she went on the right side. Not hard, but hard enough to put small scratches on the exhaust, the side case, and tiny scratches on the mirror and frame slider. Glad the bike came with those frame sliders! They work! Such a bummer. I'll have to look for some touch-up paint. Better in the driveway than in traffic.

I felt the same way when I dumped mine the first time. Also in the drive way unloading it from the trailer the very first day I had it. Was not used to the top heaviness compared to the cruiser. Scratched the mirror and bag. Let it go. Later, bag bounced off ; Later, later kick stand sunk into soft pavement....On on right side. So rather than pay and arm and a leg to get it fixed, just started dropping on the other side. Great symmetry now. Plus it brings up an opportunity to talk with a lot of people and no one rides too close to you.

I figure Ill paint it when I want to sell it. So give it a try....drop left.

