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Happy Veteran's Day. Sorry I'm late, but my father-in-law, who was a very proud Vietnam Veteran passed away this week. He served one tour that lasted 2 years. He was in a serious jeep crash that shattered both of his legs and sent him home.

Because of that crash, he was deemed 100% disabled a few years after I met my wife. You would have never known it. Two full knee replacements finally gave him some relief about 10 years ago. 3 years ago, he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of pulmonary fibrosis. He was given 6 months to live, but was active until about 6 weeks ago. He was a Hellavua man, and always treated me like a son.

So, to you veterans that are still here, thank you for your service. That includes my dumb brother.

Served 6 years USAF (77-83) during peace time so I have a tremedous amount of respect for those that served in conflicts. My youngest son is one of those that signed up for the Marine Corp and drove a Humvee during the height of the Iraqi war. He saw one of his buddies get blown up over there & was very fortunate to come home safely himself.

God bless all our troops & those of our past!!!

^^^^^ Service is service, so thanks, Mudslide Miller. You sign up without knowing if or when your squad may be called into harm's way -- but that's the bargain you make with your nation.

Glad your son returned. Thank him for me, too, please.

Saw this today from one of those weekly email announcements which posts goings-on at a private community in N.C. Maybe not quite on point for this thread but thought it really cool and deserving. Also glad to see people allowing it to happen as opposed to the all-too-common "we can't be liable for it" B.S.

General Bob Norman will be “checking one off the bucket list tomorrow”
as he makes a parachute jump on his 80th birthday…
he will be landing at the range around 11am, and will be buying beer/wine/soda for his friends to celebrate…
…come and join him…

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