Volcano Ride 2010

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Looks like the weather is going to be great in Portland. Don't know about the mountain, but I will be there.


If I can get away from work I was going to try to meet up with some of you FJR riders for the volcano ride.

Since I live west of Portand, OR, I was thinking of going I-5 to HWY 503 past Cougar and along Swift Reservoir/NF90/NF25 then NF99 to Windy Ridge. Does that sound about right? Are people meeting at Windy Ridge around noon or somewhere along the way?


The idea is to ride the roads around Mt. St. Helens, Adams and Rainier. You design the ride, like you described and you do it. The meeting at Windy Ridge is a small part of the actual ride, but fun.

If you want to ride with someone you are totally welcome to show up at the Chevron in Washougal at 8:30-9:00 am and ride with Victor and me. clicky

See you there on Saturday, either at the top or bottom.

If I can get away from work I was going to try to meet up with some of you FJR riders for the volcano ride.

Since I live west of Portand, OR, I was thinking of going I-5 to HWY 503 past Cougar and along Swift Reservoir/NF90/NF25 then NF99 to Windy Ridge. Does that sound about right? Are people meeting at Windy Ridge around noon or somewhere along the way?
My buddy Scott and I will likely go the exact same route up just as you describe, and maybe hit NF25/US12/I5/US433/US30 on the way back - or just maybe the same way twice, or the other way around instead, not decided yet. As Ken says, meet is at Windy Ridge at 11:30, but if you really want to ride with folks up there all you need to do is holler.

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Y'all have fun and ride safe...Sadly I'm going to have to bail on this ride too. Don't know what the world's coming to, Maupin and now this... :(


Unfortunately, I am going to bail as my sinuses and allergies have me pretty run down. Thus, don't feel safe riding for a whole day. Even though a bad day on the bike is truly better than the best day doing most things, I don't feel like I would be able to truly enjoy the ride.

Have fun, ride safe, and hopefully will see you in Maupin or at the Tech gathering.


aka Brian

Sorry you can't make it, Brian. You're one of the ones this post was intended for.

Anyone headed up from the east side, via hwy 12, want to meet for breakfast?

The best breakfast place in Yakima is the Backwoods Cafe @ 913 S First St. Could meet there around 7:00 or any of a number of places enroute.

Let me know if interested.


5 oh 9 - 8 three 3 - 5 two 45

Doesn't look like many people are planning to make the ride from up north; however, I will be leaving from Auburn about 8:30ish with my dad to do the ride. My dad will be riding my FJR and I'll be riding my brother in law's Honda Night Hawk 996. If anyone wants to meet up along the way between Auburn and St. Helens, send me a PM by the morning and we can make arrangements to meet up.

I'm looking forward to a beautiful day of riding and meeting some PDX folks. Now let's hope my body can handle being hunched over on a sport bike for such a long distance.

Everything lined up this morning Ken, meaning I'll be joining your ride to Windy Ridge today. Coming down from Kent, WA.

Keep Going!

...so how was the meet today?? Those of us who couldn't ride need to see some pics. :)

Very good turnout...14-15 FJRs plus a couple tag-a-longs.

Fantastic weather and mostly clean, if occasionally damp roads.

Ken had his camera out several times , as did several others, so I'm sure they'll post up some photos soon.

Had a great time visiting w/ old and new friends and racked up a little over 350 miles with a return trip via Trout Lake.

mmmmm Huckleberry Pie mmmmmm


Picture of all bikes plus a couple crashers, Ie: Twisted guy:


Early arrivals:



That's Marty's son John and his EX500 on the left:







Twisted guy:


That's it, no names, sorry. (I forgot to take notes), just an old retired guy. :rolleyes:

Edited: no picture of Dana, he arrived after I took pictures and I forgot to get one of him and his bike.

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Just another Great PNW day.

Thanks for setting this up Ken.





The blast zone continues its now 30-year and counting recovery.



Keep Going!

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Thanks for the ride report and pictures, looks like a good turn out, I did not see any pie pictures, oh wait.. Niehart did not go on this one..

Do you mean Sockmonkey actually found the time for a ride. aamazing. :)
Yeah, I know, I know... It's been a pretty dry year riding-wise. I've only put about 2,500 miles on Winona this year. No multi-day rides, just 200-500 mile day trips when I can squeeze them in (and, obviously, those opportunities have been few and far between). I did however manage to spend 168,000 miles stuffed into an airline seat since January. Ah, good times... :glare:

Yes, and Marty's 16 yr old son John did a very fine job riding that Ninja 500. Great to ride home with them.
That was fun ride home, though John (who's 17 1/2, actually) said he thought the 50 miles from Woodland, WA to Tualatin, OR droning on I-5 were "freakin' boring", and wondered why I couldn't have found some nice twisty 2-lane to get us home. Damned attention-deficit, impatient teenagers... ;)

A great event! Sorry I had to leave early, but I enjoyed meeting the group and certainly enjoyed the stories, the ride and the scenery. Thanks for organizing!

Thanks for posting pics y'all. Great to see old friends make the ride and some new faces are showing up too...especially that sockmonkey character. ;)

See everyone soon...CW BikeShow breakfast or Buster's??

