VStream or Laminar Lip which one?

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VStream, not only taller but shaped to deter buffeting all around the head even when turning a looking around. My pilion loves it as well. There was a loaner VStream on this forum if you paid the freight, to try it out, then ship to the next user to try.

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Depends. What do you want it for?

If for winter only then the Vstream is OK (had one and sold it), as is my preferred shield on a 1st gen, the Rifle Touring (what I sold the Vstream for).

But you will hate either of those in the summer.

Best all around, good in spring and fall, and if-I-could-only-have-one-shield windshield? Rifle Sport w/ tuning block.

Best shield in summer? Stock shield with rifle tuning block or spacers.

A nice feature about the Laminar Lip is you can rip it off and stash it somewhere if the day gets really warm.

Try doing that with a Vstream. ;)

To add onto the last statement, the VStream is a good 4" taller or so and much wider especially up top. I like it during the cold months, I'm 6'2 and I think it would be even better for a smaller person, except in the down position the wind may still hit you in the helmet. I use spacers to reduce back pressure and turbulence and lowers a bit.
FWIW, the smoothest and quietest and most comfortable screen I have used is a CeeBaily sport shield that is much shorter than a stock screen.

Small screen FTW! I didn't believe it either until I tried it....
Concave or Convex?

Oh, and I like my VStream, 6'2" with normal torso.

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It's the Convex. I'm the same height as you and I think you'll love it. I can't wait to put it back on. I was using it with spacers as I do the same with my VStream.

The convex sportshield actually looks really good on the bike in person. The pics look a little goofy on the cee bailey's website but don't worry it looks really sharp and works great. Quieter, smooth air to the helmet and in the up position it works great but doesn't cause much if any turbulence.

You can see I'm from MN so I will still appreciate the VStream for spring and fall.

I went through no less than 4 different shields on my bike ..before throwing on a laminar lip on the OEM shield and quickly settling on that. Wish I would have done it out of the gate and saved myself the PIA and drama and cost of various shields.
Perhaps not the most attractive, but it's been very durable for the last 65Kmiles. Personally I don't think they look that bad.


I tried Yami tall, VStream, and Cal-Sci before picking up an L/L for cheap from another forum member and putting it on the stock screen. Liked it better than any of the others, as it works well without being big as a barn door. I also can't imagine how anybody sitting behind a VStream can call a Laminar Lip fugly. They must walk backwards towards their bike before getting on. I'm 5'8" with 31" inseam, bike has Heli pullback risers and a Sargeant seat that sits slightly taller than stock. For the measly 50 bucks shipped I paid for that used Laminar lip, it's worth its weight in gold.

I went through no less than 4 different shields on my bike ..before throwing on a laminar lip on the OEM shield and quickly settling on that. Wish I would have done it out of the gate and saved myself the PIA and drama and cost of various shields.
Perhaps not the most attractive, but it's been very durable for the last 65Kmiles. Personally I don't think they look that bad.


I tried Yami tall, VStream, and Cal-Sci before picking up an L/L for cheap from another forum member and putting it on the stock screen. Liked it better than any of the others, as it works well without being big as a barn door. I also can't imagine how anybody sitting behind a VStream can call a Laminar Lip fugly. They must walk backwards towards their bike before getting on. I'm 5'8" with 31" inseam, bike has Heli pullback risers and a Sargeant seat that sits slightly taller than stock. For the measly 50 bucks shipped I paid for that used Laminar lip, it's worth its weight in gold.
I use a Laminar Lip. I really didn't like the look of the large screen. I did want to ride in the summer with an open face helmet (not the safest, I know.) My original plan was to take it off in the Summer. I never have. I can put the screen all the way up in the Winter and it blocks most of the air. I have the v-strom hand guards also. In the summer I leave the shield all the way down and only raise it to smooth the air above 70mph.

I am happy I got this. Cheaper too. I'm 6' 1".

I use the AHAMAY touring screen with spacers and it works well for me. That said, the make/model of your helmet can often make more of a difference than the w/s.

Not all helmets are the same when it comes to buffeting and sound suppression. I recently bought a new Shoei RF-1100 and it made a significant difference in how quiet the ride is. (My prior lid was an ARAI Quantum II. For 6 years I loved it, but for me it was louder and didn't fit me quite as well as the Shoei does now.)

Although I've wondered about trying different 'shields, the change in helmets made such a difference I decided to stay put with the touring screen.

My $0.02. Good luck.
