VStream screen

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black mamba

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
I just got through doing some pretty extensive evaluation of the new VStream screen on my '05. I've had the following products on my bike for varying lengths of time: the stock short screen, the C Bailey +4+3, the Cal Sci tall, and now the VStream. I was allways looking to get the largest quiet zone I could find and trying to find relief from most, if not all, the buffeting that was prevelent. More than anything, though, I wanted relief from the annoying back pressure when you had the screen fully raised. I found the stock screen to be useless from most points of consideration. The C Bailey +4+3 was a major disapointment. I could get a little more quiet zone with the C Bailey, but the buffeting was no better and the back pressure was atrocious. I thought the Cal Sci was going to be the answer. It had absolutely no back pressure associated with it, gave me the largest quite zone yet, and offered lower buffeting than the first two. But I was still not completely satisfied.

I'm 5'10'' but, because of being long waisted, I sit at the same height as 6'. At its lowest setting, I see over the VStream by about 3 1/2 to 4 inches. When fully extended, I have a line of sight about 1 inch over the screen ( if I make a conscious effort to sit real tall ). At the lower position, the VStream is quiter than the others and seems to have less buffeting....all of this while running around 25 to 40 MPH. As the speed goes up, the lower setting obviously gets noisier and the buffeting increases accordingly. Raising the screen to about mid position really reduces the noise and buffeting to almost negligible levels, going full up produces an extremely quiet ride devoid from any buffeting at all. I got it up to about 100 MPH and it was still amazingly quiet and buffeting free for such a speed.

The VStream fit perfectly and is very well finished in appearance. For me, this is absolutely the best screen I have had.

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A word of thanks to, black mamba, Scab, JeffAshe, & others who’ve reported the performance characteristics of their aftermarket windshields. Knowing how the different windshields perform for ya’ll will make my decision of which one to purchase considerably easier. For now though, I have to wait on the 06 shields to come out.

Has anyone actually ridden with the Vstream and a passenger?

I'm interested to hear what the pillions have to say about it.

The force of the windblast to the pillons has so far knocked them all unconscious... we're waiting for one to wake up to get their impressions.... ;) j/k....

Very important point Skyway.

"I'm interested to hear what the pillions have to say about it.”

Not only do I not have to get a kitchen-pass for a new shield, my wife insists on it.

I took my wife for a brief ride right after I posted my initial impression of the VStream. She commented that she experienced less buffeting than she had before with any of the other screens. At lower speeds.....up to about 40 to 45 MPH....she had not asked to have the screen raised as she usually had done with the other screens. From there up to about 70 MPH she asked me to raise the screen. At about mid position, she said the buffeting was substantially reduced and that at full extension she was experiencing the least buffeting of her riding history. She is 5'4" and weighs 115 lbs. She allways wears ear plugs so I couldn't get a real sense of the noise issue on her part.

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I have a VStream on my '03 and I have to agree with the others that have them-it does work well!

A liitle background on my set-up: "03 FJR with the '04 windscreen brackets, Doug Hines 1" bar risers and a Corbin "Close" seat. I'm 5'7" with a 30" inseam.

At the full-down position, I can see over the top of the screen by approx. 2". At this position, I was able to get good airflow for the top vent on my Shoei TZR helmet. Noticeably quieter than with the stock screen at any postion. Helmet wasn't disturbed by the wind and as you raise the screen, it only seems to get quieter.

Back pressure seems non-existent. Did not notice any ill-handling of the bike with the screen full-up.

Not sure how this size of screen will perform for hot temperatures, but time will tell. Would be curious to see how this style of shield, but maybe 4" shorter would perform??

Update (5-20) Saturday night: Out for a ride to a local H-D shop (for some demo rides-had a chance to sample a Buell Ulysses, H-D V-Rod and an Ultra Classic).

Back to the topic of the windscreen, I wore my Shoei Z-II which w/o earplugs is rather noisy. With this V-Stream & NO earplugs, it was very quiet with the shield just raised about 1/2" from full down. It was rather windy here today but this shield offered excellent protection.

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I just got through doing some pretty extensive evaluation of the new VStream screen on my '05.
So, where'd you get it from? How much $$$? Does anybody know offhand if Gary Mc Coy can get them?

I just got through doing some pretty extensive evaluation of the new VStream screen on my '05.
So, where'd you get it from? How much $$$? Does anybody know offhand if Gary Mc Coy can get them?

I just got through doing some pretty extensive evaluation of the new VStream screen on my '05.
So, where'd you get it from? How much $$$? Does anybody know offhand if Gary Mc Coy can get them?

I just got through doing some pretty extensive evaluation of the new VStream screen on my '05.
So, where'd you get it from? How much $$$? Does anybody know offhand if Gary Mc Coy can get them?
In another thread it was discussed that Gary McCoy would be stocking them, around $130.00 vs. $179.00 MSRP IIRC.

Found a picture (Looks sweet, IMHO) and the scoop on the Gary Mc Coy connection over at EZBored:

If anyone is interested in the new VStream windshield to fit the '03-'05 FJR, contact Gary McCoy later (Thursday-Friday)this week and he should have some definite pricing on the windshield.
He mentioned the price should be in the $125-130 range(plus shipping).

I don't recall how long before the 2006 FJR model screens will be available(1-2 months?), but I'm sure Gary will be able to help you out as well when they are available!!!

National Cycle proudly introduces a revolution in windscreen performance. The advanced "V" shape and dimensional contours of the VStream® windshield pushes turbulent wakes, typically referred to as a von Karman vortex, out and away more than 4 inches from the sides of the rider's helmet. The rider then sits in a calm and quiet air pocket. This environment benefits the passenger as well.

State-of-the-art Quantum™ hardcoated Lexan® polycarbonate gives Vstream windshields outstanding clarity and strength characteristics. This exclusive combination of Quantum and Lexan is 30X more resistant to abrasion than acrylic windshield material, has better optical definition, UV life, and chemical resistance, and has 23X greater crack and impact resistance!


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Well, I decided to go ahead and purchase one, got it from GM, right at 124-126+8 to ship to me. Was going to try and get with shep since he had already bought and gave a good review. But, since bike is down for a week or two, it will be here. I had the cee b 4+4, and the back pressure was really the only thing I did not like about it.

If back pressure is gone this will be the shield for me year round, cause there just isn't any reason to switch them heat or no heat

My S.O. loves the V-Stream. Wind noise greatly reduced.

Air would hit her around base of helmet, neck area. She says it gone now.

I could tell also, intercom noise was reduced.

Er, Bob? You miss this thread or sumpin?https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?showtopic=7569

Just so you don't hafta read the whole thing, that screen is the shit! One problem, though: Screen up, it holds the heat in like a two dollar hooker clutchin' on to that, well, two dollars you just paid her...
Actually, I did miss it somehow. Thanks! I'm reading it all anyway, just in case there's some useful info in there somewhere.

Just do it Toe!

I'm sure I soon will. What was the final price from Gary Mc Coy?

My CB is kinda scratched up anyway, especially since the frame bolt failure incident and subsequent 12 mile ride with the screen laying across my fluid reservoirs. :(
