Vstream Windscreen Owners

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I have a quick question about windshields. Do you have to actually look through them to get in the real still air? I'm 6-3 and still can't decide on which one to get. Thanks.

I have a quick question about windshields. Do you have to actually look through them to get in the real still air? I'm 6-3 and still can't decide on which one to get. Thanks.

Nate, I have a Cal-Sci XTall windshield (it's the tallest they make-I ride year-round in Minnesota). I'm 6'2" w/ 34" inseam (you will have to give this info if you order a Cal-Sci). As I ride, I put the shield up at speed and you can literally hear/feel the wind/buffetting going away. This up just high enough so that I'm just looking over the top of the w/s. All the way up (which I rarely do) I'm looking through 3" to 4" of w/s. I could have got by w/ the tall w/s but w/ the adjustability it works perfectly. It is alot warmer in summer, but I just leave it down. I get NO buffetting at all! I ride w/ my faceshield open in summer w/eyewear of coarse and closed in the winter. I know I'm rambling on but I just can't say enough good things about this w/s and the service that Mark at Cal-Sci provides. Good luck and happy/safe riding! jevers

I put the V-Stream on my 08 about a month ago and noticed an immediate improvement. When first installed I found it useful to leave it in the low position, get up to about 60mph then slowly raise the screen from lowest to highest. The difference at various heights was remarkable. I run with it about 2/3 of the way up. I am 5'10". At the best position I have a quiet bubble where I can clearly hear the engine. It's not turbulence free but it is significantly better than the stock shield. I can't comment about how it is in the rain as we haven't had any yet this Fall.

I started this thread so I figured it would be a proper thing to do to add another comment to it.

Since starting this thread I have had ample time to experiment with my Vstream. I spent one whole afternoon riding up and down I-20 doing a minimum of 65 MPH for extended periods of time. I tried the windshield in various positions at various speeds and even adjusted my seat from the high position to the low position several times. I did all of this, in a very methodical and engineering manner (yes, I'm an engineer). Here is what I learned:

  1. When I have my seat in the highest position, the wind screen full up is about the height of my chin.
  2. When I have my seat in the lowest position, the wind screen full up is about the height of my nose.
  3. The most comfortable / quiet position for me was with my seat low and the wind screen about 80% up which allows the air to flow evenly over the top of my helmet.
  4. The quietest position occured with the screen full up, 65 MPH, with the seat in the lowest position. I can hear the motor, myself breathing, the cars beside me - BUT I also experienced some wind buffeting on my helmet. This was tolerable but not the most comfortable.
  5. For me to be in a perfect "bubble of air" I would need to be looking just over the top of the screen. In other words, the screen would need to be even with my nose. My Vstream will not reach that high.
  6. I get zero bug splats on my face shield.
  7. On cold days, I have to ride with my wind screan down to allow air to flow into the vents of my HJC helmet in order to defog the face shield.

So...a quick summary. I like the Vstream. It looks very nice. I was disappointed at first because it did not block 100% of the air off of me nor did it change the airflow very much for my wife (compared to stock) who rides with me. However, I'm not riding a Gold Wing plus I need a little air for defogging and I don't think I'd like to be looking through a taller screen. The weather is turning colder here in the South so I'll put it to a real test on a cold, cold day (40 F :rolleyes: ) and see if my opinion stays the same.

+1 On The Vstream.


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