VStrom hand guards - any negatives?

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Chief Executive Carnivore
Jun 10, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, TX - Seattle, WA - Vancouver, BC
I'm about to order VStrom hand guards (the kit) from FJRGoodies. Before I spend the bucks and the time, I just wanted to find out of there are any negatives to this mod. Turbulence? Noise? Heat?

This is your chance at unlimited whining and bitching..... go for it. (But stay on topic, dammit!) :rolleyes:

I use them and I like them a lot. When you install them you want to make sure there is little or no friction between the end of the guard and the throttle. With stock grips I had to file the hand guard end thinner to prevent a bind. I now use other grips and there is no clearance issue.

The only other thing is that I modified the shoulder on one of the mounting bolts to make the two hand guards sit even on the bars. I don't know if it made a difference in air flow around them, but it looks more even.

I thought it would be cooler of I took them off in the summer, but I don't notice a difference so I leave them on year round.

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The only problem is that they create a vortex in the space-time contiuum and one has to wear a foil hat to avoid excessive neutrino flux....

...seriously....about the least fuss of any farkle. I can't imagine riding without them...year round.

My Strom guards are mounted on my Strom. I've seen an increase of 30 HP and my top end went from 110 to 145 MPH. Too, my delicate knuckles don't get bruised by those damn bugs.

Probably the best "bang for the buck" farkle on my FJR. I ride with them year round. Only negative (and it's a small one) is that you may get some light contact at full lock with some of the wider windshields at certain heights. Mine just barely touch on one side when I have my Yami tall shield on. A total non-issue. Worth every penny, especially in the rain.

The only problem is that they create a vortex in the space-time contiuum and one has to wear a foil hat to avoid excessive neutrino flux....
yes, very true. But but on the other hand (pun) they give the appearance that you and bike mean business vs being a total street pussy. IMO a good mod, in summer it does block wind, so that must mean it does the same in winter. I (well my hands) felt very naked on the FJR before this mod because I'm use to bark busters, hand guards whatever you want to call them. The extra protection is nice.

I could not get them to work well with the stock handgrips without modification so I left mine off. If I ever replace the grips then I will try them again.

I trimmed off a bit of the side piece where the handguard attaches to the handlebar so it wouldn't mess up the Throttlemeister. No grip issues that way either.

I like 'em. Use them year 'round.

They were the 1st thing I added to my bike when new.

Worth time and effort to install and make fit correctly. ( all of 1/2 hour)

Can't imagaine riding in the winter without them. And they work well in the rain too.


There is one problem associated with this farkle........................

It's like several other farkles, that once you use them for a while, you absolutely, positively, can't live without them.

To quote a former actor / politician... "There you go again" I have been trying to save all my money for a complete suspension rebuild and maybe a GPS this winter and you all are constantly trying to talk me into buying something else.

Now these hand guard thingies seem like a "Must Have" item and will probly set me back about a buck fifty. Can you all just stop til spring Pleeeease... Thanks in advance :p

I just know this will work :)

Bought mine in hopes of keeping hands warmer in cold, but didn't help much as FJR's aeros seem to keep wind off hands anyway, but it is nice to know there is protection there from flying debris.

I trimmed off a bit of the side piece where the handguard attaches to the handlebar so it wouldn't mess up the Throttlemeister. No grip issues that way either.
Squeezer, (or anyone else with a similar setup) could you perhaps post a photo of the throttle-side grip and hand guard of your set-up? I've been wanting to get the guards and have looked at Warchild's photos at FJRTech, but can't quite figure out how to make it work on my '07 with the Throttlemeister.


To quote a former actor / politician... "There you go again" I have been trying to save all my money for a complete suspension rebuild and maybe a GPS this winter and you all are constantly trying to talk me into buying something else.
Now these hand guard thingies seem like a "Must Have" item and will probly set me back about a buck fifty. Can you all just stop til spring Pleeeease... Thanks in advance :p

I just know this will work :)
I don't remember how much they cost. I think mine were a Christmas present. I'm sure it was less that half of 150.

I'm about to order VStrom hand guards (the kit) from FJRGoodies. Before I spend the bucks and the time, I just wanted to find out of there are any negatives to this mod. Turbulence? Noise? Heat?
This is your chance at unlimited whining and bitching..... go for it. (But stay on topic, dammit!) :rolleyes:

If you want the set, i wll sell you mine......brand new, never mounted. Won't work with my N/Line Dash.

I like them, although I take them off in summer 'cause the bugs on my gloves make me look macho. The only glitches I know of are possible hand grip trimming (I did), one sits a little higher than the other (doesn't bother me like it does Geezer), and you'll want to disable windshield auto-retract and park it with the windshield up some if you use Skyway's spacers or the Rifle tuning block.

I trimmed off a bit of the side piece where the handguard attaches to the handlebar so it wouldn't mess up the Throttlemeister. No grip issues that way either.
Squeezer, (or anyone else with a similar setup) could you perhaps post a photo of the throttle-side grip and hand guard of your set-up? I've been wanting to get the guards and have looked at Warchild's photos at FJRTech, but can't quite figure out how to make it work on my '07 with the Throttlemeister.


Here ya go. I just used a Dremel to cut and then clean up the ends a bit. Sorry about the quality of the photo -- I used my cell phone.


I leave mine on all year, as it's not really that much discomfort in the heat. Also, I saw a bike at WFO that had a switch box mounted to the inside of the left shield. Very convenient.

The only downside is that the guards hit my Rifle windscreen when it's full down, but not the V-Stream.

i have a set on my '05. as geezer posted i had to file the right side bolt a bit to get it to fit like the left side did. i believe i paid somewhere around $65.00 for the guards and all fasteners from the suzuki dealer here in pensacola.

i used a penny to trace out the area you need to modify for a snug fit between the grip and the bar end weight. using a dremel with a barrel sander to remove the excess plastic is the shizzle, i also had to use a bit of compressed air to move the throttle grip inboard a bit for smooth operation.

it took me just under an hour for the install. they look very at home on the fjr!



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