WA Lane Splitting Bill

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Sounds like the WSP showed them videos of illegal lane splitting and convinced them it's a bad idea.
Seems the same as two years ago on this same legislation.
Hopefully with a large number of WSP retiring in the next few years, that sentiment will go out the door with them. I think a few of the older ones have forgotten they are there to protect peoples safety, that includes motorcyclists. Granted there will always be bad actors, but they have drivers like that too.

King News had a younger looking female WSP officer on and she claimed it was a bad idea because it would be difficult to enforce??

King News had a younger looking female WSP officer on and she claimed it was a bad idea because it would be difficult to enforce??
I tend to believe that is the leaderships position more than hers.

What we need is good lane sharing practices being done in real life, and flooding the media with what this looks like. That has not been done and any negative output from WSP will kill the effort. If we could ask WSP to site these hazards and show people what they were talking about as opposed to showing people good practices being done by responsible people (most of the people) would be the best info. provided by motorcyclist.

Understaffed and overburdened. They are already having a hard time keeping up with the current laws and knucleheads out there. They will push back on this as long as they can. Its gonna be up to us to keep the heat on the legislators.

I really don't know why it is so, but one of the big reasons we have legal lane splitting here is because the CHP has always supported it. So why does the CHP support lane splitting and yet apparently one of the biggest obstacles to legalization in WA is the opposition of your state police? What opposing arguments do the two agencies put forward in support of the positions they have taken?

If I were a legislative analyst in Washington, and really looking to explore the pros and cons of a legalization proposal, rather than just trying to justify a position I'd been ordered to take by my boss, I'd be contacting those two agencies to see how they answered that question. And I guess if I was a motorcycle-riding Washington voter with some time on my hands, I'd think about looking into that same line of questioning. If it's a good--or bad--idea in one state, it probably is the same in both.

What SacramentoMike says. We need to follow what CA has been doing and proven to work. Why try something new, that makes it hard to justify. We need to use proven acceptable practices, and what Mike says, supported by the Police. I'm with Mike on this. Who's doing this here in Washington, and how can we get anything done here to make it fall in line with these existing practices that have support in CA. I've written all my representatives. I think we need to get with the writers of these bills and straighten them out. On the positive side, any advancement is good. Just talking about it is good. Getting motorcyclist to write their representatives is good. It is all good. :)
