Want to buy a $30,000 Snow Globe??

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Great things are afoot
Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
Redding, CA
as if

During storage? What are you to do "during ride-age?"

Not found but seen at a dealer was a hand held coffee pot looking thing that "blew the dust off" the bike.

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I can understand the concept of storage but damn... that thing is designed for someone who wants to have the bike and keep less than 1 mile on the odometer.

I understand the occasional need for a bike cover. I even believe that a clean bike does not indicate a person's sexual preference. Still, that is just wrong.

It might make a nice tent for the kid with the peanut allergy on the other thread though.

Well, actually, depending on your situation, this ain't a bad idea; I probably don't think of it in cool HD terms, but if you had to put your bike up for periods while you're away or some such, it could do OK.

A few years back, I had a '76 Honda SOHC 750-4 I had found in pretty much stock condition. I didn't really have the room in the garage for it, and put it on my covered back porch, then would take it in the garage from time to time when I was messing with it. In fairly short order, the chrome and other parts started corroding due to the humidity here I guess - I was suprised by it. Something like this, in that situation, would have probably been a good thing. I ended up selling the bike a little bit later; too bad really as I guess those bikes go back to my youth when they were one of the baddest bikes going.

My first paying job was a gas station attendant (back when you had to PUMP the gas even for a dollars worth) @ $1.60/hr iirc. I worked all summer of '71, saved damn near everything I made, and in early '72 I bought a Suzuki Titan 500 2 cyl, 2 stroke; I had looked at Honda 750's and Kawi Mach 3's, couldn't afford either. I paid cash for the Suzuki, $836 out the door for a leftover '71. Wish I had the "bubble" for that too....

They didn't quote the price in red ink, did they? Aerostich sometimes does that with items like that. They had one a while back that would restore gear that had 'shrunk' in the closet. Just wash the gear with the special product and it would fit like it did when you got it

They didn't quote the price in red ink, did they? Aerostich sometimes does that with items like that. They had one a while back that would restore gear that had 'shrunk' in the closet. Just wash the gear with the special product and it would fit like it did when you got it
I've seen that! I was thinking of sending off for it, I got some clothes like that...

I really like this idea, and especially the less than $300 price tag. It would be a great way to display bikes that you were curating. Even bikes you're not curating could benefit if you have to store them in unconditioned space during extreme temperature and humidity conditions.

I would love to see one in person.

Hey, the link's dead! I was gonna show this to some folks at work, and now they think I'm goofy.

OK, they thought I was goofy before, but now it's reinforced.

Ha!.. Google found me another one.

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Might be okay for winter storage... but not sure I want to be running a fan 24x7 all winter long just to blow "filtered" air over my bike. Not too mention having to change out the filters... my garage gets dusty in the winter.

I actually bought something along the same lines last winter but haven't used it yet. It isn't see through and it doesn't blow air or anything. It's called MotoJacket. https://www.carbag.com/index.html

Supposed to prevent the corrosion mentioned above when storing the car or bike for long periods. It uses a pan of dessicant to absorb moisture from the air inside the bag. I don't have a weather-tight garage, no heat, so I thought this might help my baby survive the long winter months here in Buffalo. Bought it too late to bother with last winter so will wait and see next year.

Just thinking about this a little, I don't think that constantly blowing (even filtered) air into the storage area is such a great idea. Wouldn't you want the storage area sealed up so you do not get any harmful vapors or moisture in the storage atmosphere? Seems like a (poor) solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

I chuckled at this at first but then I thought about my Duc and Guzzi corroding away in my Texas (humid) garage. I put door gaskets on my shop garage door and a de-humidifier inside with the hopes of storing them in there. But my other projects over took me and so there they sit in the humid garage.

The Harley thing doesn't appear to de-humidify which is a requirement down here. I'm thinking something very similar to it or the bag above but with a way to purge it on initial start up with dry nitrogen. But no "constant ventilation", just a shot of N2. You'd be able to tell if the N2 leaked out because the bag would be deflated.
