Warchild, dougc, Ignacio, SkooterG......

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HARD MILES: the 2007 Iron Butt Rally
Awesome.... just ordered a copy..... check out the trailer....
Gonna have to order this one, I have little interest in competing in something like that, but I love the tales of the human condition. At least ones that don't involve riding to Capetown wth an million dollar entourange.

Did anybody else notice that shifty character with the megaphone?

I've been waiting for this.

Love the beginning ... "Adventures are really not much fun while they're going on. [but] They're terrific afterwards."

(I've been quoting something similar for a couple years now and originally read it in a Neil Peart book, "Adventures suck while you're having them.")

What? Sleeplessness and monkeybutt aren't fun? :D

Did anybody else notice that shifty character with the megaphone?
I did notice. That guy was ALWAYS hanging out in the parking lot.

More baffling is the fantasy that these people can ride 11,000 miles in 11 days. It has to be fake. :)

And others from the forum that are in it include BIODSL, Iron Maiden, and Big Chief Stinky Pants......and ssfd110.

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Did anybody else notice that shifty character with the megaphone?
I did notice. That guy was ALWAYS hanging out in the parking lot.

More baffling is the fantasy that these people can ride 11,000 miles in 11 days. It has to be fake. :)

And others from the forum that are in it include BIODSL, Iron Maiden, and Big Chief Stinky Pants.

I saw my bike pulling out of the parking lot in the trailer, seems like yesterday.

I saw my bike pulling out of the parking lot in the trailer, seems like yesterday.
Where ya been, boy?

You never did email me about the status of your FJR. Is it well again? And if so what was the diagnosis?

Glad to see your still alive!

Will be watching the mailbox closely for this to arrive ..it's on it's way

This promises to be something great to have.

Big cheers to those who put (what no doubt was) huge effort, time and resources into creating this.

and certainly we'll see some FJR's in action ...as well as many forum members who participated the 2007 IBR

....sure wish I could make it to Long Beach for the screening. Just not a good time ;-(

I saw my bike pulling out of the parking lot in the trailer, seems like yesterday.
Where ya been, boy?

You never did email me about the status of your FJR. Is it well again? And if so what was the diagnosis?

Glad to see your still alive!
It's better again. It was the middle gear in the tranny, it was in pieces. Just seeing the way they put the body panels and other things back together I'm kinda nervous bout the insides. I've been looking around for another but I will probably be running it again this year.

Sorry I didn't get back to ya sooner.

I've been waiting for this.Love the beginning ... "Adventures are really not much fun while they're going on. [but] They're terrific afterwards."

(I've been quoting something similar for a couple years now and originally read it in a Neil Peart book, "Adventures suck while you're having them.")

What? Sleeplessness and monkeybutt aren't fun? :D
The great Antarctic explorer, Roald Amundsen said: "Adventure is just bad planning." :unsure: :)

I noticed that Mr SkooterG was in it...but not in interview form. Just a quick flash in a sequence....surely there's an interview with SkooterG in there somewhere?

Cool!! That should be a good DVD. Seen there were a few Strangers in the mix, they didn't let Marty say much, figured they would let the winner speak in the trailer.

Already planning on finishing my NPT on the way to SC next summer to see them off :yahoo:

Go Stygr8 and Behmer :yahoo:

I noticed that Mr SkooterG was in it...but not in interview form. Just a quick flash in a sequence....surely there's an interview with SkooterG in there somewhere?
This info below from the website confirms that the DVD will have all of the interviews and the History segment as well.

So looks like with all the bonus features (bonii???), the DVD will be 2 hours in length.

Hard Miles DVD Features:

16:9 Widescreen presentation - NTSC video - Approximate length 1:05 hrs. - Stereo, English - Special Featurette: Introduction of all 2007 Iron Butt Riders - Special Featurette: History of the Iron Butt Rally interview with Mike Kneebone

- Total 55 minutes of bonus Special Features video

I just ordred my copy. I am looking forward to seeing people I know and learning from them. Someday before I assume room temp I hope to have the skills and $$$ to attempt the IBR.

I've now watched it twice. Including the bonus material.

Dean has produced a professional grade DVD that has an incredible amount of information in it. If you've finished the IBR, you need a copy. If you're entered in the 2009 IBR, you need a copy. If you are planning at some time in your life to ever run the IBR, you need a copy.

Basically, what I'm trying to say here, is ORDER AN EFFING COPY, OK?

And yes, there's a short interview with SkooterG and Ignacio, Biodiesel, and anyone else I can't think of right now. And NO WHERE (that I could see) does anyone moon the camera. <_<

Excuse me, I'm going to go watch it again.
