Water problem

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Just Plain Dave

Just Plain Dave
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
I need to be sure I'm putting good clean water into my FJR1300 and I have a hard water issue. I don't like the salt eating water softeners and I'm hoping someone that reads this has had experience with an electronic water conditioner similar to the one sold at FREIJE.COM or DDCHEM.COM. The one at DDCHEM is 1/4 the price of Freije. These sound too good to be true, way too simple, but I know technology has come up with some amazing things. (such as the FJR1300) If anyone has any knowledge about this type of item, any info would be greatly appreciated.


Gunny on what everyone else said. Always use distilled water. Do not use tap or well water. This also (especially) applies to batteries that need water.

ALWAYS DISTILLED!!! Or one of the pre-mix coolants available everywhere they sell auto parts.

Distilled only. Not filtered, not softened. You can get it at the grocery store for a buck a gallon or, like someone else said, get the premixed (silicate FREE - not low silicate) coolant from Honda and other mfgrs.

JPD, if your questions is REALLY about water conditioners....that is a new ball game.

My mistake. I should have known better. Being as this is an FJR site, I thought I'd toss in something about motorcycles. Guess I'll just search the web for info on water conditioners.

Have a great day,


JPD, if your questions is REALLY about water conditioners....that is a new ball game.

My mistake. I should have known better. Being as this is an FJR site, I thought I'd toss in something about motorcycles. Guess I'll just search the web for info on water conditioners.

Have a great day,


Now that the real subject is clear......LOL

What is the concern with a conventional water softener that uses salt to regenerate??? I've been using one of those for ages and it works great and salt consumption is actually minimal with the more sophisticated controls on the regeneration process these days....or for the last 20 years actually.

In reality the mineral content of "softened" water is very very low and is almost as good as de-ionized or distilled water. Not perfect but certainly good enough for a cooling system in a pinch. If you test the softened water you can prove this to yourself. Personally I still grab a gallon of distilled water just to be sure even though I know the softener is working.

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anom ini patri, etro phili, spiritus santi.....I now proclaim your soft water to be distilled water. :rabbi:

anom ini patri, etro phili, spiritus santi.....I now proclaim your soft water to be distilled water. :rabbi:
one phunny phuk, except if you're gonna use the rabbi icon, make the blessing in yiddish....


Engine ICE already premixed and approved by AMA for racing or just plain going fast. It is purple. Could be grape flavored although I haven't tried it yet! B)
