Waving at other motorcyclists

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When I was a young Harley rider 12 years ago, I never waved at anything unless it was a Harley!!!! Everything else was crap!!!!! Anyway after I got off my high horse, and figured out that just because you do not have a Harley does not mean you are not a dedicated rider, I started to wave at everyone! Even the scooters! I don't care it's two wheels. Most sport bike riders never initiated a wave to me on my big old Harley. But they waved back after I waved to them. The low wave is the the cool way to do it, I guess.

What is this supposed to mean?

I am in a bad mood, I guess. Here are the two answers to that I have for that question.

First, they are pointing at the ground because they see another rider and they are suggesting that that point on the ground they are pointing to is where they would like me to crash, skid, fall down, have an accident.

Second, the gesture is pointing towards an underground Hades-sort of dimension: i.e.: "go to hell".
:blink: :blink: :blink: ...Wow!...I honestly have never given 2 secs of thought on this waving conundrum you speak of. :D

Cruiser riders typically give the downward facing peace sign (I've done that for years myself)

ST riders typically raise their hands up and give a wave (I've started to do that as well)

HD riders I typically just flip off! :lol: J/K!!!

Funny stuff, I guess I gotta start the low wave towards cows now (or is this just the term for fat chicks?). Man what I'm learning from this forum is priceless :) ..and I'm going out this weekend just to find a scooter to wave to.


When I first started riding 35 years ago, there were not many of us on the road and the wave was a "hi, how are ya" kinda thing. Still is I suppose. The guys I passed ALL gave the low, hand down or two fingers down, 'keep the rubber side down' was my thought. The lifted hand is too close to a left turn or stop signal IMHO.

Lots of my Harley riding friends are too stuck up to wave, but they "let" me ride with them anyway. They know they have to cause they can't loose me on my FJR! When six of us go riding I am often the only one in my group to wave. Like some one said earlier, I also don't have the "bandwidth" to always see what brand I am waving at. I also don't like to wave in traffic if I'm busy. Open road though, why not. When I am out on a road trip, bikers tend to come up to me and strike up a conversation, regardless of brand. Me too. Lots to learn from other riders and fun stories to pass around. I razz my 'other brand' riders as much as I can, and them me too. Its all fun.

Another old rider opinion here... Waving was more fun when there were fewer bikes on the road. Now there are bikes everywhere. I don't wave anymore. Don't take offense. It's not because of your brand of bike. It's not because I am stuck up. It's just that waving at every one of them seems, well... pointless and distracting. I have more important things on my mind, like... where am I, how the hell did I get here and where was I going?

Been riding on the road for 36 years. I kind of agree that for the most part, I started waving to other riders because we are all part of a special club - the " all 4 wheeled vehicles are out to kill me 'cause they don't freakin LOOK!". Might be the last time I see them. I rode a sport bike for most of those years and just recently moved up to a sport-touring. I wave to all bikes but I "forget" a lot with Harley's. The odds they will even look at me let alone wave back is pretty low so why expend the energy? Oh and I do the low wave out of habit.

I hope to open a can of worms here. Beware.

I've been riding for a lot of years - 40 or so. One of the things I learned that motorcyclists do is ... wave at other motorcyclists. I have been doing it for years. I see another person on a bike and I 1) raise my hand (left one) off the handlebar and 2) give a wave.

Not too complicated. Important point in that previous sentence. 'Raise my hand'. I take my hand off the grip and lift it higher. Sometimes just a few inches, sometimes about shoulder level. And then I wave. Give a peace sign. Open hand, all fingers. I've given a boy scout salute.

For years, usually I would do my wave to a passing rider, and I'd get a wave back. Similar sort of wave. However, for the past few years, something has been changing. The wave I am getting back is ... different. Often, the other rider will remove their hand from the handlebar and lower it. Sometimes just the hand. Sometimes, more often than not, a finger or two will point at the ground.

What is this supposed to mean?

I am in a bad mood, I guess. Here are the two answers to that I have for that question.

First, they are pointing at the ground because they see another rider and they are suggesting that that point on the ground they are pointing to is where they would like me to crash, skid, fall down, have an accident.

Second, the gesture is pointing towards an underground Hades-sort of dimension: i.e.: "go to hell".

Can someone give me a better, less aggressive reason why it is so hard for other riders to raise their hands and wave back?

It's a matter of mere energy effieicency... There is more wind resistance waving low than waving high, unless one has a barn door for a windshield....

Aye Carumba! Stress less and Ride More!

Who put you in charge and made the you 'the wave' police? :p

You should just be happy you are getting a wave back - all too often these days I don't. But that doesn't really bother me. When on the FJR I am in my 'happy place' so I really couldn't give a flying **** what that other uptight *********'s problem is! :lol:
LOL, ahhh ready for dinner.

I absolutely, positively NEVER wave.

I don't wave to people driving cars, so why should I wave at people driving motorcycles? Because they're on bikes? Don't wave at cats, dogs, cows, convenience stores or drive-in movie screens, either.

Although I do give the occasional one-fingered wave to douche bags. Usually those that wave at me. :p

(p.s.: How is this post NOT in NEPRT?)
Yes RadioHowie, because they are on bikes, you grumpy ****. (and I NEVER call anyone a grumpy ****)

I absolutely, positively NEVER wave.

I don't wave to people driving cars, so why should I wave at people driving motorcycles? Because they're on bikes? Don't wave at cats, dogs, cows, convenience stores or drive-in movie screens, either.

Although I do give the occasional one-fingered wave to douche bags. Usually those that wave at me. :p

(p.s.: How is this post NOT in NEPRT?)
Yes RadioHowie, because they are on bikes, you grumpy ****. (and I NEVER call anyone a grumpy ****)
Why? Just because they're on a motorcycle? If so, I'd have to be waving constantly. There are too many bikes plowing the roads of Florida to spend what little time I have enjoying MY ride making someone else feel comfortable with their "two-wheeledness".

Besides, it's unsafe to remove your hands from the controls. :p

...and, you need to get it right.... it's "Frumpy Guck!"

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I absolutely, positively NEVER wave.

I don't wave to people driving cars, so why should I wave at people driving motorcycles? Because they're on bikes? Don't wave at cats, dogs, cows, convenience stores or drive-in movie screens, either.

Although I do give the occasional one-fingered wave to douche bags. Usually those that wave at me. :p

(p.s.: How is this post NOT in NEPRT?)
Yes RadioHowie, because they are on bikes, you grumpy ****. (and I NEVER call anyone a grumpy ****)
Why? Just because they're on a motorcycle? If so, I'd have to be waving constantly. There are too many bikes plowing the roads of Florida to spend what little time I have enjoying MY ride making someone else feel comfortable with their "two-wheeledness".

Besides, it's unsafe to remove your hands from the controls. :p

...and, you need to get it right.... it's "Frumpy Guck!"
Ah Crapola, five days until Dog Pile Friday and I can jimmy kick RadioHowie. Oh well, we Irishmen can hold a fecking grudge for 322 years! Battle of the Boyne was in 1690.

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I absolutely, positively NEVER wave.

I don't wave to people driving cars, so why should I wave at people driving motorcycles? Because they're on bikes? Don't wave at cats, dogs, cows, convenience stores or drive-in movie screens, either.

Although I do give the occasional one-fingered wave to douche bags. Usually those that wave at me. :p

(p.s.: How is this post NOT in NEPRT?)
Yes RadioHowie, because they are on bikes, you grumpy ****. (and I NEVER call anyone a grumpy ****)
Why? Just because they're on a motorcycle? If so, I'd have to be waving constantly. There are too many bikes plowing the roads of Florida to spend what little time I have enjoying MY ride making someone else feel comfortable with their "two-wheeledness".

Besides, it's unsafe to remove your hands from the controls. :p

...and, you need to get it right.... it's "Frumpy Guck!"
Dangerous? Nonsense, I think I have crashed only twice from waving at the wrong time. ;-) Now that you mention it, there seem to be more bikes in Northern California too, and I'm having a little trouble lifting a hand for those CanAm folks, so fine, you have a point, Frumpy Guck it is!

I wave at everyone. Harleys, sportbikes, mopeds, and even cops. The moto cops almost always wave back. I get waves from the 1%ers. In fact, the only people who don't wave are the "wild hogs", but I give them the benefit of the doubt that they just don't know any better.

Does it get old? Yeah, sometimes. There are an awful lot more bikes to wave at these days. I still do it, though. It's like holding the door for someone. I don't even think about it, just do it.

I wave at everyone. Harleys, sportbikes, mopeds, and even cops. The moto cops almost always wave back. I get waves from the 1%ers. In fact, the only people who don't wave are the "wild hogs", but I give them the benefit of the doubt that they just don't know any better.

Does it get old? Yeah, sometimes. There are an awful lot more bikes to wave at these days. I still do it, though. It's like holding the door for someone. I don't even think about it, just do it.
Same here. We have alot of bike cops in Phoenix and they all wave.

Embarrassing story. Im riding home from work last week, I see a double headlight coming towards me. Looked like a sport bike. Its dusk, sun is at the horizon in my eyes, but I wave...and then as he passes I realize...I freaking waved at a scooter. Oh the shame of it.

Embarrassing story. Im riding home from work last week, I see a double headlight coming towards me. Looked like a sport bike. Its dusk, sun is at the horizon in my eyes, but I wave...and then as he passes I realize...I freaking waved at a scooter. Oh the shame of it.
You know what's truly shameful? That anyone would really care if it's a scooter. Or a trike.

How is that elitism any different than the Hardley snobs that won't wave unless (they think) you're on a Hardley?

Screw that nonsense. I waved like a parade princess at some scooter guys today. We were all out enjoying the ride on some sweet New Hampshire back roads.

The weather was perfect, and the traffic was nil. What's not to be joyous about?

I'm having a little trouble lifting a hand for those CanAm folks, so fine, you have a point, Frumpy Guck it is!
Now you've done it! Poked a stick at the TYLER bees nest. Be very wary of a scorned woman! :)
Right on Harald, you speak the Gospel Truth! It has been a pleasure knowing you Brother willboe, we will see you in the afterlife; Good Luck and Godspeed, Farewell!

ShinyPartsUp and Papa Chuy are smart enough to never-ever mess with Ms. Tyler, Old Michael walks where only angels dare to tread! Whistling past the graveyard!


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