Wayne and Annette - Accident recap

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Thanks for the account of the accident Charlie. So glad you were with them to assist and be there for them. What a great friend!! It was an honor to meet and ride with Wayne, Annette, and you at EOM.


Thank God you were there for them, you are A true friend I would like to think we all have your kindness and compassion in us but this was your turn, you steped up to the plate and you dident blink..... good job....

I hope your friends Wayne and Annette heal quickly.

Look after yourself, don't forget three people were in that accident.

I just got in a few hours ago and have just heard about this. I feel sick to my stomach about it. I had the good fortune on Sunday night to meet Wayne and Annette for an hour or so - spectacularly good people. They'll both be in my prayers tonight for a speedy recovery.

I've lost pressure on a front tire on Frank-valve torn-and that's exactly the way it felt-bike simply would not turn. Still had some air, but only superhuman effort would make the forks move, that and very slow speed.

for the record, that is how I lost air in my front tire so fast... a cracked valve stem. Interesting handling... as in NONE. Like rad says... slow speed & superhuman strength will get it to the side of the road.

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...Sometimes, the cards are stacked...
True dat, but too many people are going down lately.

Wishing Wayne and Annette a speedy and full recovery.

That's what I was feeling, too, BD.

I have never met Wayne. In fact, the only person from the forum I have met so far is Smitty (he's a great one to meet if you've only met one!). I've learned so much from the forum and have become particularly alert to posts from witty two-wheeling philosophers like FredW, GunMD, WheatonFJR, ScooterG, and many others. It's an interesting process developing a kinship through the forum - a feeling of 'brotherhood' with people you've never officially met. So it was powerful for me when I read the post and my heart sank. I was sad, frustrated, and scared by it. I know through the forum that ExtremeMarine's riding skills are widely respected. It seems like there is too much of this happening lately and I don't know if it is just simple math? More riders on the road = more accidents? But it is bad.

I sincerely wish Wayne and Annette the best and a quick and full recovery. While I don't know them, or many of you, I feel a connection through the forum and the empathetic response I feel for them and their close friends here is real. The lengths people here go to care, to remember and honor, and to support each other in times of need has served as a much-needed personal reminder of human good during a time of widespread societal troubles.


Thanks for sharing the events of Monday with us. Thanks also for being there and doing everything you could all the while probably feeling helpless.

Wayne and Annette: Get rest and heal fast!

We will fly again:


I am very sorry to hear of this accident. Rose and I would like to wish them well. Charlie, good thing you were there and could help. May they have a speedy recovery. I know there are some great people here hoping and praying for them!


thank god you were there with them. That 90 minutes had to be a hellishly long time.

Our thoughts and prayers are with them both.

