I've left the house every day for the last 20 years, knowing some ******* may decide he's going to shoot me in the face. I do what I can to mitigate that by staying aware, and staying proficient with my gun. I have life and health issues, just like everyone else, and I seriously doubt I will live much past 60, but we'll see. I do know that I was getting fatter than I needed to be, and maybe just lazy. A couple of work injuries and knee surgeries has made running and working out like I used to, much harder than it used to be. I kind of just accepted it, until I got a decent scare just a few months ago.
I pulled a truck over in the middle of the night, and the driver took off running. It didn't take me long to catch him, but I let all this recent PC ******** get into my head, and instead of just overwhelming him, I slowed things down. He was trapped, so he stopped, and I stopped behind him. I drew my Taser and gave orders, which he ignored. When I lit the Taser off, he moved. One prong went into a telephone pole and one into his chest. That had zero effect, so he pulled the prong from his chest and tried to tackle me. He couldn't take me down, but the first thing he did was reach for my gun. Years ago, that guy would have seen his version of God, because I would have thundered the living **** out of him. This time, I just didn't have it in me I guess. I sort of danced with him before finally taking control and doing what needed to be done. I realized, I needed to fix some stuff, so it was back to the gym and back to fighting on a regular basis.
I'm down 15lbs, and ******* strong again. I HURT for a month; seriously hurt, like I thought I was injured hurt. Then it went away, and things are coming back. Dealing with that ******* reminded me that I'm not going to let some guy take me out. I've always been the guy no one wants to fight, because I'm fast, strong and brutal when necessary. "Be violent enough, fast enough" has always been my mantra, and I failed at that. Never again. 10 years ago, that guy would have gone to the hospital. The next guy stupid enough to try that stunt will not like what happens.
Cancer and dementia got my maternal grandfather. Pulmonary Fibrosis got my paternal grandmother and my dad, so God only knows what I have coming. Do I live every day to its fullest? Sadly, no. I have bills to pay and three daughters to raise. I hope I live long enough to see each of them become successful adults. I do what I can to keep from having a stroke or heart attack, but nobody knows exactly when some body part is just going to decide it is done. We can only hope our preventative maintenance keeps us above ground. I'll live today, today, and see if I don't get to try out tomorrow also.
However, being way younger than most of you old farts gives me hope!