We Lost a Friend

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I don't get on the forum daily and just saw this......and it sucks.

Condolences to the family.

Thank You.

It helps so much to know the wealth of love and friendship my brother lived with. I am thrilled that his daughter will feel your support today for lunch. Reading this will always reaffirm what a great man her dad is. Your thoughts, poems, and raw emotion are a testament to the wonder that is my youngest brother. When he looks down from his bright and nurturing perch he will see deep love and all of us working together to help each other heal. He would want most of all for us to treat each other (heck everyone) well. He would want kindness to spread and happiness and success in our lives. We grieve terribly, but we must stand up again and give my little brother what he wants! Not because he was a spoiled little brother, but that he is an enlightened one.

I am truly touched by your outpouring, and although I have joined this group illegally (I really don’t love motorcycles), I hope you will let me look in on occasion to commune with Andrew.


Thank You. It helps so much to know the wealth of love and friendship my brother lived with. I am thrilled that his daughter will feel your support today for lunch. Reading this will always reaffirm what a great man her dad is. Your thoughts, poems, and raw emotion are a testament to the wonder that is my youngest brother. When he looks down from his bright and nurturing perch he will see deep love and all of us working together to help each other heal. He would want most of all for us to treat each other (heck everyone) well. He would want kindness to spread and happiness and success in our lives. We grieve terribly, but we must stand up again and give my little brother what he wants! Not because he was a spoiled little brother, but that he is an enlightened one.

I am truly touched by your outpouring, and although I have joined this group illegally (I really don’t love motorcycles), I hope you will let me look in on occasion to commune with Andrew.

You will always be welcome here, I'm sure of that.

I guess I better write down my thoughts so I can clear my head. :unsure:

Andrew was one of the first forum members I met here and I immediately took a liking to the quirky guy with the wicked-dry humor. Spending time with him and Sherri was always enjoyable, he would offer up perspective on subjects from angles my simple mind had not considered. When riding he always gave me the impression he was looking for something more, but taking in more than I had considered. His passion for all things motorcycle was balanced with the good stuff in life, family, friends, health and the enjoyment of life. I'm not sure if the pictures came first followed by the narrative or his life was a story to be captured by photographs, either way it was good. I want to believe our friend past away the way he lived life, thinking this will make a great story, where is my camera!

I'll read that thread when I catch up to you my friend, you just got home too fast for me to read it.

I too am stunned. Unlike many others, I was not fortunate enough to ever meet Andrew in person, but I have gotten so much from his posts, his pictures, and his PM's. It was obvious from just his contributions to the forum what a true class act he was. My prayers go out to Sherri and those who were close to Andrew.
Those of you near to Sherri, please let the rest of us know if there is anything at all we can do to help her through this incredibly difficult time.
+1, never got to meet him, but came to know and respect him through his posts.

RIP Andrew

Thank You. It helps so much to know the wealth of love and friendship my brother lived with. I am thrilled that his daughter will feel your support today for lunch. Reading this will always reaffirm what a great man her dad is. Your thoughts, poems, and raw emotion are a testament to the wonder that is my youngest brother. When he looks down from his bright and nurturing perch he will see deep love and all of us working together to help each other heal. He would want most of all for us to treat each other (heck everyone) well. He would want kindness to spread and happiness and success in our lives. We grieve terribly, but we must stand up again and give my little brother what he wants! Not because he was a spoiled little brother, but that he is an enlightened one.

I am truly touched by your outpouring, and although I have joined this group illegally (I really don’t love motorcycles), I hope you will let me look in on occasion to commune with Andrew.

Although most of us presently own , have owned, or maybe are considering buying an FJR, there is no requirement to do so.

The bike is just the catalyst that gets us together. The people is what keeps us here. You sound like good people, Gillian. I think you'll fit in here just fine. Bike or no bike.


What with some of Andrew's kids posting, it made me think about a plaque we have in our kitchen... seems applicable here...

One Hundred Years from now... it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a CHILD.

I think you could also replace "CHILD" with "FAMILY" or "my FRIENDS"...

I never got a chance to meet Andrew, but after seeing the outpouring of affection from this forum tells me he was a well liked guy. I'm certain he will be missed. RIP... :(

What with some of Andrew's kids posting, it made me think about a plaque we have in our kitchen... seems applicable here...
One Hundred Years from now... it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a CHILD.

I think you could also replace "CHILD" with "FAMILY" or "my FRIENDS"...

One Hundred Years from now... it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of SOMEONE ELSE.

I just stumbled on to this tonight. HOLY SMOKE! I was hoping the title had a different meaning. I feel sick inside. Just finished reading !4 PAGES (!!) of posts by forum family members who also are hurting from this worst of news. So sad.

Unlike so many who haven't had the pleasure of meeting Andrew in person, I was privileged to have met him at WFO6. In fact he searched me out and we chatted for some time about a trip to Maine that he had dreamed about making some time in the future. He asked that I help him with planning when the time came and hoped that I could ride with them some in Maine. I relayed that I had visited nearly every state but had never been to California, but would love to. Andrew gave me an open invitation to come out to visit anytime it was convenient, and that he would even find a bike for me to ride. I left our conversation thinking what a class guy he was.

My deepest sympathies go out to Sherri, OV's family and all his friends (I know there are many), and his FJR family.


wow. Hard to say.

A man so well loved, that loved so well, that lived so well, had nowhere else to go, but "up".

He has the best roads to ride on now. And will tell us all about them when we get there!

my condolences.

paul from minnesota

RIP OrangevaleFJR. I'll be praying for his wife and family.






(not sure if this is Andrew)


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Unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of meeting Andrew or his wife. But I can't help feeling as thou I've known him for quite some time, Orange was one of the first to welcome me here. I will miss his replies and his reports, and offer up all my prayers to the family. Sadly Stan

Like a lot of folks here, I never had the chance to meet Andrew, and can humbly submit that I will never make the favorable impact in other's lives that is evidenced here. The world would certainly be a better place if we all aspired to that goal.

My thoughts are with Andrew, and those he left behind.

Like a lot of folks here, I never had the chance to meet Andrew, and can humbly submit that I will never make the favorable impact in other's lives that is evidenced here. The world would certainly be a better place if we all aspired to that goal.
This is the same basis of some personal thoughts that I have had just recently in regard to this whole horrible situation. I've made some introspection and I find myself coming up seriously short. You see, I have always tended to be kind of a "loner". I'm horribly type "A", and I think that I tend to drive many people away from me, except a very close circle, who can appreciate (read: "put-up with") my idiosyncrasies.

Seeing the incredible outpouring of affection and grief here over OVFJR's demise has caused me to look inward and ask myself; How many other people would be "broken up" if it was me that had made my "last turn"? Sure my wife (who I love without bounds) and children (same), my mother, probably my immediate family... Is that enough? Is that what life is about? I think not...

My Dad, who died several years ago, was the complete opposite of me. He was a socialite, the guy everyone in town wanted to chat with, and he always wanted to chat with each of them. It's not just a case of being "popular". That's not it. It's about lending a caring ear, some certain degree of compassion, and truly sharing yourself with all those others. I have always tended to be more private, maybe more self centered. And that's something that I realize now that I need to change. Only now in my life, after a half century. You think it would have, should have, come sooner...

I don't know if there are any others that have gone through similar soul searching recently, but I for one am grateful (in a purely selfish way) for the opportunity.

Let's get out there and ride...

[edit] the reason I put all this diatribe here is because I feel that maybe there are others that could learn and benefit from our fallen brother's example. I'm sorry I was so verbose.

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Where to start? I just found this thread and have been reading for 2 hrs.

Although I never met OV,like others, I felt like I knew him. It seems the internet, truly does have the ability to let you have friends, even though you never met.

I'll don't possess the ability to speak any more eloquently than what has already been said, so I'll keep it short.

Sherri, know that I am grieved in my inner being and pray that Gods richest blessings and his grace will help in the healing process.


I trip over the right words sometimes but a man so well liked and admired by friends and family will surely be with us in spirit forever.

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