We Lost A Great Friend

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This is devastating news. I'm speechless.

I'll miss you Tim. Thanks for the humor and wit that you brought to everyone.

Condolences to all who knew Tim.

I met Tim during his Barney Fife era and took the famous 'Ride to Creston' with him and others.

Good memories.

11,031 posts. Gonna be hard to top!

Fare thee well, Ogre.

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I did not get to meet you in person but I felt as though we were becoming buddies through our posts back and forth.

I will miss you're wonderful warped sense of humor.

....and most of all I miss you telling me "BTW, naming your bike... totally ghey. Really." - TWN


We're having a real hard time getting our heads around this ...................

Tim, our friend, ........ you'll be sorely missed Buddy

Rog n Debs

Hey -- pretty sure you owe us a lunch -- we'll catch ya later.

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This hurts terribly, Tim was closer than my own brother. :cry:

Anyone want to bet that the first thing Tim does is find Andrew and deliver about 20 good old fashioned Jimmy Kicks on his ass? :rolleyes:

..and then go for a ride?


So long my friend, today I ride with heavy heart and warm memories.

Oh, and Tim? :****:


I can't believe this.

Prayers and good thoughts to the family and friends.

Rest in peace Tim I was glad to call you my friend

This is just unreal...

...the only way I will understand it is when his posts don't keep coming. But then my mind will convince me that he is just away on some trip...like the Alaska trip he just took...and talked about wanting to do.

This is just unreal. :(

:bye2: :cray:

Man, sorrow just doesn't come close to expressing the feelings. RIP Tim, you will be remembered!

Damn. Unbelievable. Very, very sad news. He will be missed for a lot of reasons. Rest In Peace, Tim.

Scout out the good rides for the rest of us and say hi to Andrew. We will all get there soon enough. R.I.P.

TWN standing by his favorite road- also his avatar


TWN, Don and I at Bonneville


Tim standing on, in his words, "Holy Ground"- Bonneville Salt


TWN salutes you!!


[SIZE=12pt]I will miss you, buddy![/SIZE]

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I don't have the words.... Godspeed my two wheeled friend. You will be missed. Smitty

Even though you never had the opportunity to meet some of the people on this forum, they have become a part of your vocabulary of life. It is a sad thing to lose someone like Two Wheel. Best wishes to his family and friends.


I never had the honor of meeting Tim, but enjoyed his wit and input on the forum. RoadRunner and I were actually talking about some of his posts just last weekend, so he definitely made a lasting impression in his too short life.

RIP Tim, you will be missed.

I've been looking back at this thread for the last couple of hours now. I still don't know what to say or think. It just seems like this isn't real somehow, and that this is some sort of mistake.

Godspeed my friend, godspeed....

I have not known Tim but enjoyed his posts, his wit and knowledge.

Heartfelt condolences to his family, his friends and everybody that knew him. May he rest in peace.

Hard to believe looking at is recent posts, that he's no longer with us.

This makes me reflect on my own mortality, being almost the same age and is a reminder of how fragile our existence is.

Sitting here teary eyed and sad that TWN is no longer around to share this forum.

Alfred from Switzerland

While Lorie and I were riding today I kept thinking of John Donne's work and words on how the loss of one man is a loss for us all.

..."No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

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