We Lost A Great Friend

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While going through my pic files.............TWN and Andrew !


Round here were carving out our names

Round here we all look the same

Round here we talk just like lions

But we sacrifice like lambs

RIP our friend...you will be missed

UPDATE: The Memorial service for Tim is going to be Saturday, September 27th in the Santa Barbara, CA area.
As of yet no specific time or place has been set. Also sometime around then Patty requested that Fairlainer and forum members take him on his final ride thru some of his favorite canyons. (He'll be cremated). We are not sure if this will happen the same day or the next day but it Will happen.

More details to follow to be sure. Fairlainer is going to be taking on some point-person activities, and I ask you all give him your support and patience.


He always told me he loved riding HWY 58. and Hwy 229.. That in Central Ca. Also local area for him was Hwy 33 out of Ojai...

I think Ojai would be fitting. I know he enjoyed that road as he took me and many others over it whenever he had a chance. Fairlaner is working the details... I'm helping any way I can. The next few days are going to be rough.

JDog just emailed me about the loss of my friend Tim. I just don't have the words to express my sadness of this loss. My prayers go out to his wife Patty and his family. I will always remember the fun times with Tim.

Our prayers go out for Patty right now. I wish I hadn't missed the Clan Gathering and NAFO now. Life is too short, as Pegscraper said today before our ride to Big Bear and after hearing of Tim's passing. He and his sense of humor will be sorely missed. As we say in the Navy, "Fair Winds and Following Seas Tim..." :(

I really thought that after a nice long ride, and some time to absorb this it would be easier. NOT.

Fort Bragg, CA.


Tim sez 'I told you it would be worth it!'

I had to call the day before to get a KP for 'another day on the road honey'...

Thank You Love..


HiWay 36, TWN's favorite road.. Barabus and TWN. On the road home from Utah.

Many photogs would not like this next pix for so many reasons. Exposure, lighting, focus, depth of field are all really screwed up.

I, on the other hand LOVE this pix of Tim.

The ripples to me represent life rings, each with only so much time before diminishing and being absorbed by the greater.

I guess such is life. Tim is now into the greater, a path we all will follow sometime; it's just a matter of time.

We all have only so much time.

Ride on Tim, I really, really miss you.


I remember back in April of '06, on the Central Coast Romp ride, stopped at a turn-off on PCH about 15 miles north of Cambria with Tim, Andrew and Sheri, waiting for the rest of the group to catch up. The sun was shining, the hills were green, the ocean was that beautiful blue-green you sometimes see along the central coast, and I was thinking to myself how cool it was to be on this ride with these people.

RIP Tim. I will miss you.

A lot can be said about a man by the friends he keeps. Tim has certainly made an impact on this online community by his witty posts, and solid friendships.

I view it as my loss having never met the man. I will miss his good nature banter on this forum.

My condolences to the loved ones he left behind.


I just saw this thread and I can't believe this news. I am so sad.

I just met Tim at NAFO and he was a really nice man and friendly to me personally, making sure I got my WFO6 shirt as well as the NAFO shirt, giving me a couple tips and generally helping make NAFO a great experience.

His humor was outstanding and I couldn't believe how quick his wit was. I will miss his presence here so much.

I still remember the movies he made on his bike, and watching them over and over on the forum; saying to myself I had to make it to his neck of the woods someday.

I just PM'd him last week telling him how much I enjoyed NAFO and appreciated his and others' efforts to make it so much fun for me. And of course, he took the time to message me back with a self-effacing reply.

My chest is very empty and heavy. My prayers to his family.

I just can't wrap my head around this......

I found out from Low Level FJR this morning when we met at Starbucks, in Redlands for our Big Bear Ride. Tim was to be on this ride.

Tim, my friend, you were there. You will always be there.

Tim was a very thoughful person, always ready to give helpful advice, caring and loved by all. He was a great leader, Rally Master during the WFO-6 in Park City and the NAFO in Golden, CO last month.

My condolance goes out to Patty and all that Tim has touched. God speed.

Here are some grab shots during NAFO







What a shock!

I am speechless.

Rest in Peace my friend.

Tim was one of a kind, had a wonderful heart. So sad.


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