Wearing the right gear saved me from massive injury

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I really don't have a dog in this fight -- and it may be beginning to drift a little off-topic; but:

I've been to Georgetown on a number of occasions -- and, judging from the influx of Range Rovers I've witnessed on weekends and holidays, I tend to side more with Scythian...

btw, Rich, didn't I meet you once at Walmart in Auburn...?

:blink: ;)

Sorry about your pal.....
Yeah, me too. Fortunately, he wasn't too badly injured, but from what I knew, I wasn't surprised that his decision was to leave the sport we all love.

As to the other, to those of us who know the area and some of its residents, the facts are pretty simple: Georgetown is, philosophically and lifestyle wise, about as far from Los Gatos and other elite neighborhoods as you're going to get. If I'm "touchy" for correcting your erroneous assumptions about the area and its contribution to the accident, then fine, have it your way.

I ride to Georgetown often. The most trendy people I ever see there are FJR riders with their GPS, iPods, radar detectors, heated vests, custom saddles and expensive German suspensions. :lol:

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I ride to Georgetown often. The most trendy people I ever see there are FJR riders with their GPS, iPods, radar detectors, heated vests, custom saddles and expensive German suspensions. :lol:
Hey... I've never been there! :angry2: :p

Thankfully, one aspect of the dialog above will be somewhat curtailed next year: Hand held cell phone use while driving will be illegal. Finally! Now all we gotta do is nuke those latte sipping Range Rover drivers and Californian humanity will be safe again!

Livin' la vida (lo-cal, half-calf) latte in Santa Babs,



I really don't have a dog in this fight -- and it may be beginning to drift a little off-topic; but:I've been to Georgetown on a number of occasions -- and, judging from the influx of Range Rovers I've witnessed on weekends and holidays, I tend to side more with Scythian...

btw, Rich, didn't I meet you once at Walmart in Auburn...?

:blink: ;)

I'll grant you that you do see Range Rovers heading through Georgetown to the reservoirs like Union and French Meadows for fishing, snow mobiling and camping on weekends and holidays. But what is there in Georgetown that even resembles a Starbucks or sidewalk cafe?? Some demographics for Georgetown: 93% are non-hispanic whites, it has about 10% unemployment, only 18% have a college degree, 1% are foreign born and its elevation is 2649 feet. In 2000, the median household income was $41K and median house value was $157K. That area has a lot of trailers on property and manufactured homes. My ex is a realtor who covers the Placerville to Nevada City area, and I know some folks who live in Georgetown, Greenwood and Garden Valley. It just isn't a wealthy area, though like anyplace where acreage can be had for cheap (a relative term in this state), there are the occasional rich folks who will buy property -- it sure ain't for its Los Gatos like social network, though. :blink:

Me in a Walmart in Auburn? A-HA!!! Another sign of ignorant bias!!! The true facts are that I've only been in a Walmart once -- last year to buy bungees and a cheap 12V motorcycle tire pump, but that was in Carson City, NV. Auburn doesn't have one -- a local group defeated their attempt to locate a Walmart in Auburn about a decade ago. Just setting the record straight. ;)

You should know better than to f**k with the little black bird. He argues for a living for christsakes! :lol: :lol:
Worse, I'm a world champion procrastinator who is resisting the agony of several hours of re-organizing 4 bankers boxes of files.

As to the little blackbird in the avatar, that's from a video that one of the guys shot for the June 2005 Blackbird meet Warchild put together at the Reno Hilton. In the desert on the way to the meet, several XX riders had stopped for a break and that blackbird came strolling down the highway to check them out. The editing of the clip was perfect and really fit the music and video/slideshow montage. So, I asked the guy who shot it if I could use it -- the balls and expression on that bird made me laugh everytime I saw it.

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But what is there in Georgetown that even resembles a Starbucks or sidewalk cafe??
Well, this for openers:


I'm not sure what your problem is....

But what is there in Georgetown that even resembles a Starbucks or sidewalk cafe??
Well, this for openers:


I'm not sure what your problem is....

You're right -- I have the problem here. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I really did forget about that very upscale place! No, I'm lying: I was just trying to hide it from the omniscient Scythian. **** me, I'm busted!!!! I think the last time I tried to order a triple orange and pumpkin frappecino at that upscale palace, it was $12.75 AND they wanted to charge me another buck just to put whipped cream on it. Like any real Californian would have one without whipped cream!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Have it your way, so you don't have to search through everything posted about Georgetown and California to "PROVE" that you're right -- all of California is populated with latte drinking, cell phone using wimps and gays, and every town is an enclave of gay elites and angry middle aged women, some of whom are men. Hey, you've made your point: only other states (like NM) have real he-men outdoorsmen who are rugged and used to weathering hardships. :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:

Is it time for your Midol yet?

As a note -- it's the guy in black in that pic that was the one mentioned earlier -- the V-strom rider from Reno who was darting up on riders' asses and weaving -- a really poor group rider.

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I didn't think digital photos were admissable as evidence :lol:

Really though, the Sierra is full of little towns that are more akin to Wyoming than they are to Marin. I think Georgetown is probably that way, just good 'ol US of A kinda town. What you see go through Georgetown more than land rovers are: bikes, jeeps (on their way to the Rubicon trail head that is at the other end of the road that goes through Georgetown) and pick-ups that have their share of work related damage.

The four sister's cafe is a cute little place that sometimes has coffee ready when you walk in.

The road up to Rubicon wasn't paved until about 2-3 years ago. This place is "out of the way"

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Have it your way, so you don't have to search through everything posted about Georgetown and California to "PROVE" that you're right -- all of California is populated with latte drinking, cell phone using wimps and gays, and every town is an enclave of gay elites and angry middle aged women, some of whom are men.
Yep, so wear all your gear all the time and keep from getting massive injuries or surgery you never know what's gonna happen.

And another perfectly useful thread goes down the tube....

[feeble attempt to re-rail the topic] Dress for the crash, not for the ride. [/feeble attempt to re-rail the topic]

Have it your way, so you don't have to search through everything posted about Georgetown and California to "PROVE" that you're right -- all of California is populated with latte drinking, cell phone using wimps and gays, and every town is an enclave of gay elites and angry middle aged women, some of whom are men.
Yep, so wear all your gear all the time and keep from getting massive injuries or surgery you never know what's gonna happen.
Thank you for your concern and wisdom. I'm sorry for having ever suggested or implied that you weren't absolutely right about all the people here, about the dangers inherent in the local foothill communities I never fully appreciated, and about the cause of the accident. Thank God for the internet.


I think it was cool of BBIII to remind us of ATTGATT and to give real reasons for how ATTGATT saved him. The list of what could have happened had he not been ATTGATT is long.

And another perfectly useful thread goes down the tube....
[feeble attempt to re-rail the topic] Dress for the crash, not for the ride. [/feeble attempt to re-rail the topic]
Good way to bring this thread back to the original point and away from the turgid piece of crap it had become. Closing.

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