Weekend Scoot??

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Sunday was better :fan_1:

Panman led us on some great roads, some I had not been on.

Hopzilla took some pics & video. Hopefully Hopzilla will post later. :thumbsup:

Escape & I just rode & had a great time.

28 Degrees for the lowest & 51 degrees for the highest.

Stephen, we missed ya.

Met another JFR forum member riding a good look Kaw but forgot this name.

Greg, Thanks for setting this up I had a great time!

Good ride and I enjoy meeting each of you; Hopzilla (I need to ask you about that handle) Niehart, and escapefjrtish.

I'd like to meet up again mellow pace and good riding partner's.

Just got back after a long day. Made it to the island right on time :eek:k: and had a nice ride to boot. Thanks to Hop for setting this up and to Panman for showing us some roads. It was good meeting you two. I could do without the fog, heavy frost and sand...but I guess it will warm up eventually.

Still looking for the owner of that '08 that was heading east on Hwy 2 about 8:30 this morning. Who are you?

Lookin forward to doing this again.


A great President's Day weekend ride. What a beautiful day. Sunshine, crisp cool air, motorcycles, snow capped peaks and new friends.

Great route Panman......escapefjrtist, Niehart....a pleasure.

Video came out OK...a bit jumpy, but will try to get to editing over next week or so. Will place link here once I have something interesting put together.

Let's do it again soon
