Well cut the stock windshield down

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2005
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Well, over the past two years I have read how some have wanted shorter windshields and have cut down thier existing stock shields. :blink:

I decided I wanted to do two things, have a summer shield that i could remove during great wheather and keep in my E52 top case.

So I cut off the top portion of the stock shield last night. i used my mitre saw, that has a laser guide light on it, I could not believe how easy it was to cut the shield, i did it all with the 10 " mitre saw, i have not sanded the top of the shield to a finished look yet, just left two strips of duck tape at the top of the shield.

Well then i put the shield back on the bike and went for a quick ride up the street last night, while moving at posted speeds, 35-45 it was nice, up or down.

The air is great and there is no back pressure or turbulence at all.

Now this morning on my ride in to work, at highway speeds, the noice was terrible. I'm sure it is the rf1000 helmet, i have a slight headach now. :unsure:

But the air is great, I guess i should have looked for my molded ear plugs last night! :dribble:

Pictures will be posted later if needed, or i get a this thread is useless without pics.

But it looks the same as others have already done.

I am interested in trying this with my stock sheild as well, but I don't have the tools. How long did it take you to cut it and sand it?

If your willing, I might ride over there one day with some steaks and a 6 pack in exchange for assistance!

I am interested in trying this with my stock sheild as well, but I don't have the tools. How long did it take you to cut it and sand it?
If your willing, I might ride over there one day with some steaks and a 6 pack in exchange for assistance!

It took me about 15/30 min, kind of a last moment thing last night. Really not sanded yet, just ran some general purpose paper over the edges.

You are more than welcome to stop buy, we can cut it down while the steaks are on the bbq, you can try mine to see if you like it first.

You can also try out my V stream, or cb 4+4 in ice blue.

Other than needing ear plugs, I like the cut down shield better than when it was stock.

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05 fjrBluedevil wrote:

Now this morning on my ride in to work, at highway speeds, the noice was terrible. I'm sure it is the rf1000 helmet, i have a slight headach now.
Your comment interested me as I was on the verge of the same mod. I switched to a Shoei Rf-1000 recently and found it VERY quiet used in clear air. Much quieter than either the HJC or the Arai before it. I chose it specifically because my research prior to purchase showed it to be one of the quietest, but I must say there were volumes of conflicting reports on all helmets. I rode for a year not realizing that it was much quieter on the highway with the screen DOWN and head high in the clear air than with it up! This made me consider cutting it down even further as you have done, but your report makes me pause. Of course it gets completely quiet "in the bobble" crouched way down especially in the down position. I am 6' 1" but only have a 30" inseam so I tend to sit very high. Oh yes, I always use earplugs.

My question is: 1. Were you riding with your helmet in clear air? (was your head high enough) 2. How much did you cut off? 3. What is your higth and inseam? 4. Is it possible to attribute the increased noise to anything else?

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...regardless of windshield heights, inseams and so on, u guys should be wearing earplugs anyways. There have been enough studies done over the years to indicate, that frequency of noise over time is deafening. :ph34r: No easier remedy than that.

05 fjrBluedevil wrote:
Now this morning on my ride in to work, at highway speeds, the noice was terrible. I'm sure it is the rf1000 helmet, i have a slight headach now.
Your comment interested me as I was on the verge of the same mod. I switched to a Shoei Rf-1000 recently and found it VERY quiet used in clear air. Much quieter than either the HJC or the Arai before it. I chose it specifically because my research prior to purchase showed it to be one of the quietest, but I must say there were volumes of conflicting reports on all helmets. I rode for a year not realizing that it was much quieter on the highway with the screen DOWN and head high in the clear air than with it up! This made me consider cutting it down even further as you have done, but your report makes me pause. Of course it gets completely quiet "in the bobble" crouched way down especially in the down position. I am 6' 1" but only have a 30" inseam so I tend to sit very high.

My question is: 1. Were you riding with your helmet in clear air? (was your head high enough) 2. How much did you cut off? 3. What is your higth and inseam? 4. Is it possible to attribute the increased noise to anything else?

I would say that if i took the shield off, which I have done before in nice weather, that would be the real test for noise.

you are about 4 or 5 inches tallers than i am.

The air is the cleanest with no shield on this bike, the cut down size of mine is close to the 03 size or shorter.

from the screw holes on the bottom left and right , i am 13 and 1/8 inches i think.

I only did this because my V stream is just to hot for the summer months approaching, and I cut it to a size that would fit in the lid of my E52 givi and still allow my helmet to be in there and closed, I have not come up with a mounting method yet, but will over the weekend.

I rode about 250 miles one day last year with no wind shield and it was great until I was out in the country and the insects were thick, I had a million bugs all over my jacket and my helmet shield was covered wall to wall in bugs, had to stop at a gas station, once i got to one to clean them off, and of course it got cold, so I had to buy to long sleeve mex style things to wear under my mesh jacket.

So if i could carry the shield with out fear of someone taking it or losing it on while riding, five min, to stop and put it on would be okay.

What I would really like to see is a shield that was two pieces, using some holes for a small portion and slipping the bigger portion in and using the rest of the holes to mount it, or a piano hinged etc, now that would be a perfect shield for year round.

i was also considering cutting down my cee b 4+4 icde blue, but could not bring myself to do that.

i have not used the stock for over a 18 months, but was not looking to go through another case of the buffeting it caused for the air it let come to the rider.

So once i get home, i'll put my ear plugs back in my glove box, unfortately, i used them to cut the grass etc and left them somewhere in the house.

years on the flight line, and i agree ear plugs are a must, since i already have some hearing loss.

At least that is my excuse for not hearing the misses :rolleyes:

By the way, i still have a head ach, and i am not pron to them, so i have to say it was the wind noise, if i layed on the tank it was fine, but since i have two sets of risers on my bike, i did not like the way it feels, but may pull them off. To check.

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I will take pics of my bike tonight and show you how I got rid of the back pressure and noise on a small shield. Works like a champ!!


from the screw holes on the bottom left and right , i am 13 and 1/8 inches i think.
tsk, no need to show off

Is it just a case of taping with masking tape / duct tape then sawing ? What sort of saw is best ? I have a dremel but I would guess a band saw would do the job better ?

Band saw would be best, but all I had was a miter saw, since it hada laser giude light, I tried it and it had enough cutting depth that i was able to have a near perfect winshield cut. less the sanding part, once i cut the top portion off, I used that to draw my angles for the top corners and the miter saw did a good enough job cutting the corners that it as almost a smooth as the stock cut radious look, i just left the duct tape on the shield, since i did not feel like sanding it last night.

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Try a saber saw, with a course blade 12-14 tpi.

Cuts like butter.

Well, i have removed the shield after lunch. It is in my top case along with the following, small tecnic tank bag, has comm gear in it and heat jacket liner along with some tools, slime tire repair kit/ small golf tee and such bag using for electrical stuff, fuses tape etc are under the tank bag. helmet with gloves in it rf1000, and joe roacket mesh pants.

a magnetic map holder folded up, all strapped down/in bottom of case.

cut down shield press into bottom of lid and then lid closed, took a little force to close, nothing major.

box closed and locked no issues, will ride home with out shield today, testing noise differerence with out the shied on my helmet.

btw jacket alter ego would not fit in case with windshield in it.

The ride home was not good, noise level was bad, if I pulled my shoulders up, it would get rid of a lot of this.

I guess 90 percent of that bad noise, was coming from under the chin area, below the ears, if i put my hand up there it would block some of the wind.

Pressure from the wind at high way speeds was enough to make you feel all of it trying to push you off of theback of the bike.

So not good for high way use. But country roads just cruising it would be fine.

i will say the short screen makes the bike feel more sport while riding, seems to make you lean in more for the turns.

Well, found my molded ear plugs and rode to my other job last night, 35-50 was fine using my flip helmet.

Put the shield back on in three min, for the ride home last night. It was fine too.

I rode to work today and at hwy speeds, the noise was still there, but the plugs filtered most of it away, so it was okay.

BTW; No head ache today.

There is a lot of breeze hitting me in the trunk area, so while moving any this is going to be great, when its 90+ here.

Just need to test in the rain, maybe today on the way home.

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