Wentworth Springs Rd. to Icehouse Rd.

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Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Shingle Springs, California
Instead of hitting the road early, I washed vehicles all morning. So now, I must go somewhere on my clean Yamaha.

Planning a ride up 50. Left on 49 to 193 to Georgetown (sound familiar?)

Then Right on Main St. in Georgetown and out Wentworth Springs Rd. to Icehouse Rd.

Aaaaaand, then back or not, depending on the time. (Taking one of the ex-wives to a concert tonight.)

It's 11 now, and I'll be rolling in about 35-40 minutes.

Who's in? I'll check back before I head out the door.

Peace and love.

Michael -ride planner :unsure:

Instead of hitting the road early, I washed vehicles all morning. So now, I must go somewhere on my clean Yamaha.
Planning a ride up 50. Left on 49 to 193 to Georgetown (sound familiar?)

Then Right on Main St. in Georgetown and out Wentworth Springs Rd. to Icehouse Rd.

Aaaaaand, then back or not, depending on the time. [SIZE=14pt](Taking one of the ex-wives to a concert tonight.)[/SIZE]

It's 11 now, and I'll be rolling in about 35-40 minutes.

Who's in? I'll check back before I head out the door.

Peace and love.

Michael -ride planner :unsure:
Hmmmm --- might have considered this if you'd posted it yesterday. Have fun -- great day for a ride and nice warm weather. Or, considering the part I bolded above, are you planning to crash again?

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I'm back. Took 4 rolls of film! Gonna post EVERY picture later.

Awful nice ride.


I am really glad to see you're back on the bike. If your acquisition of the new bike was in another thread, I missed it.

We've had nice weather here right up until today's cold rain. Should have some sunshine in the coming week, but highs have dropped down to 50ish.

I picked up a 350 pound (wet) Super Moto and have put a bit over 300 miles on it this past week. I guess its half of an FJR, with 40 cubic inches instead of 80, and with 325 dry pounds rather than 650 (for the AE I've got). Man you don't realize just how much those extra 300 pounds matter until they're gone.

In any event, congratulations on "getting back on the horse."

Instead of hitting the road early, I washed vehicles all morning. So now, I must go somewhere on my clean Yamaha.
Planning a ride up 50. Left on 49 to 193 to Georgetown (sound familiar?)

Then Right on Main St. in Georgetown and out Wentworth Springs Rd. to Icehouse Rd.

Aaaaaand, then back or not, depending on the time. (Taking one of the ex-wives to a concert tonight.)

It's 11 now, and I'll be rolling in about 35-40 minutes.

Who's in? I'll check back before I head out the door.

Peace and love.

Michael -ride planner :unsure:

Yeah, I'll be right with you....OH, that was yesterday.


Dr. Rich? Do you still have a bike?
I do and I rode it to Bodega Bay this morning thinking that there would be some fresh crab... Alas no crab... Stopped at the Freestone Bakery for a cup of coffee and some white sourdough bread and then home. Lots of CHP on the road so I took it easy... You remember what that is like, right.... Michael... It is exactly what you didn't do on the way home from Denver this summer! Didn't hit any owls on the ride so I am now home, cleaned and covered the bike. Been reading the sports page about those boring USC wins. Oh well, shoot me a note when you want to ride next time...Nice Pics.

First, good to see you have re-mounted and riding again. Take it slow and gain your sea legs again.

Second, where are the rest of those pictures??

You know I like to read your ride reports.......I'm waiting... :clapping:

EDIT: You did post up the ride report......sorry. Now, I'm all better.

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Have you left yet? If we were talking about NEXT Saturday we might have something here. (If you plan anything for next Saturday, btw, try to announce it by Friday afternoon or so.)
