Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
Claremore, OK
I know im new and am not the most patient for looking up things on the forums but i have used the serch tool on forums and in google and yahoo and cant seem to find our the real name for wfo so i can really find out what it is all about.. just a little information so i could look it up would be helpfull to someone not used that this acronim..


hope i dont get called a troll again. :blink:

Western FJR Owners. They have an annual meet-n-greet, which this year will be combined with the first ever NAFO; North American FJR Owners meet.


Now that thats outa the way.... Western F J R Owners seems about right. It's where it was last time you queried. I'm really trying to be decent, as, I can't believe you're really that dumb.

Just get that computer? are ya really old? It's all here ya just need to spend ten minutes and look.

Go back and read the newbie page pal, save yerself more grief from fellers friendlier than me.


thank you..

now that i know the new name is nafo it will be so much easyier to find all the info that i need on it

The easiest way to search is to open a second page, then go to google. Type (whatever you are looking for), then a space, followed by-

So, it would look like this:


thankyou Scab

constructive critacism allways works better than sarcasm.. I never knew about that meathod of searching untill now

Also the name change to information to nafo was a big help.. that gave the knowlage of knowing what to look for even though alot of fjr forum members are still calling it the wfo and planing to go to the wfo..

So a new member looks up wfo schedual for 2008 and finds nothing.

Some members help :rolleyes: and some members dont :glare: but its all good.. all i want to do is learn no matter who i have to deal with.

Dear Troll,

You may also want to search "Dog pile Friday". :D

I think WFO 1 was the first FJR owners meet, I was a waiter at the time.

At the same time WFO is on the very front page of our forum. I don't know how more obvious we can possibly make it. Not even a need to search for it....just read. If it was a mouse it would have bit you in the ass. :blink:

WFOWestern FJR Owners. Note: WFO is hosting NAFO for 2008. No WFO is planned.
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Troll..... :D ;)

Look closely at the top banner of the NAFO website:

Specifically.... look at the small lettering under the word "GOLDEN" in the lower left-hand side of the banner....

It says "A WFO-7 Production".

This is because this inaugural 2008 NAFO is, in fact, hosted primarily by the WFO Staff, so for continuity sake we are effectively combining the two names.

Some other regional FJR Gathering organization will host it the next time, so there will be a distinct, stand-alone WFO-8 next year.

Trying to help....

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Just to offer a different perspective:

1) New owner

2) Absolutely no knowledge of FJR or Forum

2) Not visually acute

3) Asks, what seems to us, "Simple Questions"

IF anyone has followed his journey on the forum, he was "off bikes" for 5 years and then purchased the yellow FJR. We might consider that he is basically new to motorcycle websites, has no knowledge of the history of our activities and is just excited to be a part of the experience we all share.

I'll admit its difficult to put ourselves in his (or any noob's) place. Try to remember that some people here navigate (if not actually create and administrate) different websites, have a long history with the FJR and the motorcycling community, are easily perturbed (myself included) with very basic questions. "Absolute noobs", on the other hand, can be like babies who only know how to cry, "Feed me!". It might be better for us all (ME, too!) to try and teach and mold them rather than quickly scold them.

Then again, maybe not. The above is just my humble opinion.
