Just to offer a different perspective:
1) New owner
2) Absolutely no knowledge of FJR or Forum
2) Not visually acute
3) Asks, what seems to us, "Simple Questions"
IF anyone has followed his journey on the forum, he was "off bikes" for 5 years and then purchased the yellow FJR. We might consider that he is basically new to motorcycle websites, has no knowledge of the history of our activities and is just excited to be a part of the experience we all share.
I'll admit its difficult to put ourselves in his (or any noob's) place. Try to remember that some people here navigate (if not actually create and administrate) different websites, have a long history with the FJR and the motorcycling community, are easily perturbed (myself included) with very basic questions. "Absolute noobs", on the other hand, can be like babies who only know how to cry, "Feed me!". It might be better for us all (ME, too!) to try and teach and mold them rather than quickly scold them.
Then again, maybe not. The above is just my humble opinion.