Wfo4 Dinners

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :clap: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

[SIZE=21pt]Come on you guys and gals!!![/SIZE]

Lets get the money in so we can have a great party

Sharp has done a fabulous job putting this thing together. I know he has spent alot of time trying to make this the best WFO to date. So lets not let him down by not kicking in our share. Lets show him we want a party that everyone will be talking about for years to come. We can only do this if every one participates and helps with the expences. I will be putting on more than 1000 miles just to get there. I don't want to just shake a few hands and turn around and go home, I want to get to know as many of my fellow FJR owners as possible. I want to put a face to all these people I have been talking to on the internet forums the past couple of years. I want to see what everyone has done to their bikes. I want to party.

If we don't all pitch in and do our part this could be the end of the WFO as we know it.

Lets send the money in asap so Sharp can make this a great WFO. You will get your money back ten times over buy the amuont fun you will have.

I think everyone should thank Sharp for his efforts for taking on the monumental task of putting this thing together.

:D [SIZE=14pt]Thanks Sharp for making this a great event!!![/SIZE] :D

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Whats the $18 room charge? And... while we are laying it all out on the table and stuff... I was able to do the STN-N dinner for 80 people at $15 a head after tip, setup and clean up at a Best Western conf room (we had room for about 30 more people if needed). Granted the food was so-so, but the meet was about the people and bikes, not really the food. $65 a head is like everyone going to Danels or better, it just seams a bit high for a MC meet IMO. Oh well, Its too late in the game to do much now, but just food for thought for next year (PUN!!).

I'm still on the fence as to paying for the dinners, but I'll be swinging by the parking lot for sure.

PS. One thing that might help is if there are going to be a raffle/door prizes or other fun stuff that you make people aware of that. Its might help kick people off the fence. :cownoy:

$95 for two dinners? WTf?

edit - I sent it by PayPal, but still, WTF???? I read the accounting in the link and that's only 83.86. Possibly less if there is full attendance. I guess the difference is for the shirt?

Good thing this is in commuting distance or I'd go broke.


Anyway, I'm doing my part to make $ure it happen$.

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$95 for two dinners? WFT?
Hey, I hear that they are serving them on that fancy Chinette instead of those flimsy paper plates. Heck, they even give you a genuine plastic Spork! Such a deal!

All very funny. I think the forks will be metal. As stated the late date at which we were handed this precluded any chance of searching for a "better" site. It's quite possible we might have found a "Best Western" large enough to hold, what we expected to be 200 + riders. Didn't happen that way. What does happen are weddings, reunions, corp. partys/meetings. They plan a year or more in advance and beleive me they snap up everything with a roof.

Perhaps its regional bias but none of the committee felt it was unusual. I have run in the Utah 1088 twice now and I think this year the price was $225. I love it. I'd have paid half again as much and will again if I can. My cheesy momentos are proudly displayed in my room and will until I pass on. Mostly because it was the most fun I have had on a MC. The second most people I've met on a MC. Great memories and good riding. But it costs and I never thought twice about paying.

Things this big do not happen cleanly. I planned for the what I thought was the worst case scenario. I wanted to include all those things usually added on as extras. My thoughts were to not nickle and dime everyone to death. A bit extra which if nothing bad happened could be given back or donated. BTW, it wasn't the most expensive dinner available.

There are prizes, I don't plan on raffling anything, people already don't want to pay. If prizes are what brings people in instead of the other riders and the rides it aint worth it. At this point its all up to those that want to show up. If next year people have more time and can make better deals then great. I welcome anyone with better ideas to give it a try with your money and time. I'll even help anyway you like. Any takers? Man it is tiring though. :dribble: :D


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Sharp, if I were able to go I'd gladly shell out the greenbacks. I'm just having some fun as usual. We do appreciate your efforts as well as those on the committee. I'm sure this years WFO is gonna rock! Just sorry that I'll miss it. :(

2wheel, I know (note the smiley). It all has just come as a real surprise to me. Maybe the community has just changed. I have been around since the first order and remember FJRowners when there were very few members. It's not a small tight group anymore. I hope that doesn't mean its changed too much. There are a lot of great FJR riders out there. I'll meet a lot of them at WFO4.

Good observation, sharp. I think the community has not so much changed as it has diversified. Therein lies the rub, I think. I really tried hard to make this event work for my schedule - and the 'Clan' get together in Sequoia cemented my intent (what a great group of people!) - alas, life ain't gonna let this happen for me.

No worries though, dude. You're event will be a success nonetheless, despite the naysayers. As we've both said, a great group of folks with whom to hang.

Maybe it's time to present 'The Golden Spork' award to the biggest grump at the event?

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Wellll, take heart, Dan. Next year it'll be at the Motel 6 and the meals will be your choice:Mickey D's take out or the portable hot-dog stand. Then everyone will be happy. I 'spose all of those who editorialize are willing to take over and plan next year's WFO. Any takers? Considering that Dan and the planning group took over 3 months-plus into the year and the venues were limited. Shoot, I sent my money in early and was glad to do so. Of course, this is my vacation, so I'm probably more willing to spend a little extra without grumbling.

Uhm, hey Dan, are you going to try and make Yosemite this year? Dang rooms are over a hunnert bucks. Heck-fire, we might eat in restaurants and leave tips. Prolly gunna hafta read-up on using all them silverware pieces. Is it forks on the left and spoons on the right? Howzit goe, butter knife, table knife, steak knife? An' thet ain't lemon broth? Whatza finger bowl? An' last I herd 'twas 10 bucks jist ta git in the park, even if we're ridin' thru.

I'm charged and waiting to meet new people, see more owners and what they've done to and with their bikes. I love the banquets and the time to visit and kid and joke with one another. Then out to the parking lot and visit until all hours and plan for tomorrows's day ride. You really do meet the nicest people on an FJR.

I am going to miss TWN, though. :haha:

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I can't make it this year because of time commitment but wish you guys every success. I really enjoyed WFO-3. I sorta hope next year will be little further south. If you're riding from Sth. CA and you want to do some pretty roads you need 2 -3 days up and 2 -3 days back. With a bit of time at the event. it's a 5 day trip minimum.

I'll be thinking of you guys - take care


Originally someone was going to "host/arrange" the meet in the Reno area. That would have been great for those in the Southwest. Alas, it didn't work out and Sharp, Briko(FJR eh) and Silverbullet assumed the mantle and have done a years worth of arrangements in 8 or 9 months. Our hats should be off to them. (Uh-oh, I forgot Jennie :eek: )

tel, sorry you can't make it. There should be lots of new owners this year. Maybe next year will be further South. Considering #1 and #2 were in Santa Rosa, # 3 @ Moscow, ID and #4 will be in Skagit Valley, it may be time to rotate to a different area. We'll see who steps forward to plan the next event (Hopefully there'll be a next ). We are fortunate to get to try many different climates and roads.

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I knew we were in trouble when a fella that came to an FJR gathering on his ST1100 was named as responsible for WFO-4! Being responsible for such an undertaking is more work than most of us are willing to undertake. Thanks for all your hard work.

I've delayed paying for dinner because of uncertainty about coming, whether any rooms would be available, and if I came would I come by myself or bring a guest. When I attempted to get a room in January only smoking suites were available for $180 a night. I continue to be on a "wants room list." There appears to have been quite a few reservations made and I presume they'll be eating elsewhere.

See ya'll there!


Bump-bump-ba-bump bump...bump-bump!

So, have the rest of you placed your orders. hmmmm? Got'cher bucks in, hmmm? More door prizes for those of us who do, right? :p I'm not the kind of guy to come out of the banquet after you've been to the pizza parlor and wave my goodies and say, "Hey, lookie at what I got!" Nope, not much! :beee: 'Course, I'm not much one to support a cause, either. An' I aint'a gonna join in no fraternity er any uh that stuff. No siree! I'ma gunna stand by my principles (principals? Pun intended...the rest of you figure it out!).

Lessee, 180 bikes did register (though some have had to cancel). Dan is struggling to get 100 people in the door for the B-B-Q and the dinner. :detect: And yep, it is expensive, especially for those who are 2-up. And I have a different base for my thoughts, because it is my vacation so I'm willing to be a little less frugal. Gee, I hate to see you miss the opportunity to have dinner with me and the rest of the clowns who occupy these boards :D :haha: :clap: ! Too bad TWN isnt going to make it. :lol:
