What A Fine Time!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
Tallahassee, FL
Six fine riding days, 40.1 hours of saddle time, 3147 miles total :dribble: , three cigars (two good ones, so thanks Tim), a 750 of Jack :p , killed 8,000 bugs (+/-) of various colors and sizes, three free meals (thanks again Tim for one of those), got to see parts of the country I've never seen, rode some really good roads and some really boring ones, never got rained on, got to see a bird explode, no wrecks or even minor tragedies that I'm aware of, didn't wear out my back tire, jumped off the diet wagon, met some good people, and generally had a fine time. SFO rocked!

Left early Monday headed back for Tallahassee. Eastern Arkansas and western Mississippi were boring as all get out through hundreds of miles of rice fields with no hills and very few curves. Stopped at the National Blues Museum in Clarksdale, MS for a nice long break and then on to Columbus MS for a much needed nights rest. Finally made it home about 5:30 Tuesday evening.

Up till now, Deal's Gap was my best ride ever. I like Arkansas. Unlikely names like Pig Trail and Push Mountain make it even better.

Thanks to all, especially Michelle and the unfortunately absent Mark for gathering all the animals into one very cool place.

Ride Safe!



Good to hear you made it home safe and sound.

It was great to meet you.

Come back and see us again.

Good to hear you enjoyed the trip. I managed to find a few nice stretches of road that I haven't previously explored (and I live here).


Glad you could join us for dinner Sunday night Jim! The pizza hit the spot! And our little parking lot party was fun too. Next time - more Jack (and Southern)!! :D


Good to meet you and glad you made it home safely.

Maybe one day, I'll get to Florida.



Glad you made it back safe and sound. It was good to meet you and hopefully we can get together soon with the Florida Gang. :rolleyes:
