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... Actually i only found it last year as i always rode Hwy141 but now 518 has quickly become a favorite. The camera in that low position does give a good result but even so what sort of pace do you run to get that sense of speed.

When I ride solo on roads that far from help I don't go 'balls to the walls'. I was running at a moderately quick pace for me as I try to be more smooth than fast. If you run a nice smooth line that by itself will be quicker than trying to run hard into every corner and getting the bike all upset. I would say I was running somewhere between 75% - 85% of what would be what I consider safe for this road. Needless to say it was well north of the posted limits but I never run above the 50 kph over since that will get you into too much trouble in this province.

Mine was mounted on the very front of the bike. Just below the windshield on the front fairing.

I agree, mounting on the helmet is not going to give others the lean angle of the bike. We should and do keep our heads level with the horizon, so the camera mounted there will show "look where you want to go", which is cool, it's just not going to show what the rider experiences re lean angle...

Wish there was an easy answer to "where to mount" and still have decent stability... guess that's the motorcycle video conundrum... no easy answer...

I've gotten good results with my GoPro HD. If I had to put a number on it I'd say the HD2 is around 15% better in terms of dynamic range and color accuracy. Not a lot but I could see a small difference in side by side comparison on sample footage taken with the cameras mounted together.

I've come to prefer a 1st person FOV with the camera mounted to the side of my helmet. Dayride clip from last summer

... guess that's the motorcycle video conundrum... no easy answer...
I picked up a GoPro during the boxing day sales but apart from a test from my car i havn`t had a chance to use it yet (or try editing) so i`m up for suggestions. Seems to me though that by using the pads together with security ties you could experiment with just about any camera position.I remember that someone on this forum posted a video shot with the camera mounted on the left side luggage box and that viewpoint showed the rider transferring his weight on the corners and working through the gearbox. The camera was also mounted low enough to show good lean angles. Worth a try.


I've had a few helmet cams. The first being the VIO POV. The small camera idea is cool, but the cord to the huge unit is unbelievably stupid. That was a complete waste of money. Damn thing almost yanked my head off a few times on the dirt bike.

Next was the contour GPS. Of course contour has the best form factor. But I'm currently on my 4th unit due to various mechanical and electrical problems on three units. The last unit they sent me free guts to replace myself so I've seen first hand how they are engineered inside. In my opinion their design is extremely complicated and the wiring to connect to the rotating head is very flaky. That wire was the cause of my 3rd unit problem. I avoided the gopro for many years since it looks so damn ugly. But lets compare apples to apples. My 2nd unit was damaged when I was using it while a few rain drops. Not rain, just spitting a little. These things are supposed to be splash proof. Nope. So if you want to completely compare them you need to put your contour in the water proof case. I have one now, but its huge compared to the Gopro. Plus I paid $40 for it and it was free with the gopro. One thing that contour has that is great is the connect view. When I setup the camera on the bike, there is always tweaking to its angles and the connect view works good for this.

So I decided to get the new GoPro Hero 2. First off, I think the mounting options are a bit better then the Contour. Not much better, but still better. The water proof case comes in two pieces so you can buy a skeleton case that has openings for powering options while recording. Plus an external mic connection with the skeleton case. But the coolest thing about the gopros is that little connector on the back. Its like a "do everything type apple" connector. So they have an LCD that can plug to the back, an extra battery pack, or the upcoming WiFi remote. The WiFi remote will blow Contours connect view away since it has WiFI bandwidth it will be able to stream high quality video to your smart phone for setup. Plus playback and full remote control. Its due out next month. The connector allows them to design other future items too. O, and all the add ons come with an addition back half of the water proof case that is bigger to accommodate the option you just bought.

But the proof is in the pudding. I put my Contour GPS and Gopro side by side on suction cups while driving my car. Then I played both videos on a dual monitor computer side by side simultaneously for a few different people to view. Everyone I showed preferred the gopro video. Everyone. When I'm riding whether it be on dirt or pavement, I noticed there are situations that quite often have dark trees on the sides and a bright sky straight ahead. The gopro definitely handles these two extremes (dynamic range) much better.

Lastly, the gopros interface is really easy. If you don't have a smartphone for setup, the two button and small LCD allow for quick and easy setup.

I'm definitely sold on the GoPro now. Too bad I wasted so much money on the Contour and VIO products (I could have bought 3 GoPro Hero 2's for the amount I wasted).

Just my 2 cents.

O, one last thing. My motorcycle shop I buy from says they have only sold a few dozen Contours with about 75% returns. And they have sold hundreds of GoPros with no returns. That speaks volumes.

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I have the GoPro Hero 1 and I must admit it is brilliant. The 'where to mount it' question could go on for days. Some of the angles I have seen look brilliant. Personally I like when you can see the bike 'working'. Suspension movements especially look great.


Helmet shots are good too.


Rear facing shots can be good when you have a following group. Looks pretty dramatic. Lets face it. It's another excuse to get the bike out and take her for a spin! :clapping:

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Another GoPro user. Fun watching these videos and the results of different mounting locations - it's very educational. I've mounted mine on the side of the topcase (not so good, unless you really like looking at my back) and oin the handlebars (better, but the edge of the windshield can be a pain in the ass to avoid). I'm going to have to try some of the low angles used in some of the great videos people have posted here.

I'm sold on the GoPro, both as a video camera and as a superwide still camera. The photographs have a very appealing and unique look and color rendition.

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I've had a few helmet cams. The first being the VIO POV....

... O, one last thing. My motorcycle shop I buy from says they have only sold a few dozen Contours with about 75% returns. And they have sold hundreds of GoPros with no returns. That speaks volumes.
Thanks for the review. I have been thinking about upgrading my ContourHD and was going to get a Contour+ but after reading your write-up I think I'll get the Hero2 with the extension pack for WiFi when they become available. I am still going to use my Contour for the dirtbike since it is just too easy to knock off the bulkier GoPro but I will be able to setup for both fore and aft shots on the FJR. You really can't mount a video camera on a dirtbike since there is no stability. The new cheststrap mount for the GoPro may be an option though.

I've had a few helmet cams. The first being the VIO POV....

... O, one last thing. My motorcycle shop I buy from says they have only sold a few dozen Contours with about 75% returns. And they have sold hundreds of GoPros with no returns. That speaks volumes.
Thanks for the review. I have been thinking about upgrading my ContourHD and was going to get a Contour+ but after reading your write-up I think I'll get the Hero2 with the extension pack for WiFi when they become available. I am still going to use my Contour for the dirtbike since it is just too easy to knock off the bulkier GoPro but I will be able to setup for both fore and aft shots on the FJR. You really can't mount a video camera on a dirtbike since there is no stability. The new cheststrap mount for the GoPro may be an option though.
After reviewing all the specs and comparing everything, it came down to one simple thing. Cost. The Contour+ retails for $550 in Canada. And to make a fair comparison you need to get the water proof case which is another $50. So $600 for Contour+ and $350 for Gopro. I've saved enough money now I can get another gopro just before my annual big ride to North Cal. Its all about multiple angles.

I don't get what contour is thinking with their price point on the plus.

Wrong type of camera. I was going to recommend the Pentax K20D. Highly competitive with support for decades worth of K-mount glass at reasonable prices.

I've had a few helmet cams. The first being the VIO POV....

... O, one last thing. My motorcycle shop I buy from says they have only sold a few dozen Contours with about 75% returns. And they have sold hundreds of GoPros with no returns. That speaks volumes.
Thanks for the review. I have been thinking about upgrading my ContourHD and was going to get a Contour+ but after reading your write-up I think I'll get the Hero2 with the extension pack for WiFi when they become available. I am still going to use my Contour for the dirtbike since it is just too easy to knock off the bulkier GoPro but I will be able to setup for both fore and aft shots on the FJR. You really can't mount a video camera on a dirtbike since there is no stability. The new cheststrap mount for the GoPro may be an option though.
I too will use my Contour GPS for dirtbiking (or at least until it stops working). I'm sure its less likely to catch a branch. But I also have a gopro chest mount on order. I've seen alot of videos from that perspective and it looks awesome having the handle bars in the foreground. But the view is much better when riders stand. So I guess I'll have to get my lazy ass out of the seat once in a while. Maybe that won't be a problem on my new KTM.
