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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
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I'm new to the board and also new to the FJR but not new to motorcycling. I am going to pick up a new 06 on Friday and I am wondering what are the add ons that are a "must" for this bike? I've read some of the posts here and understand that a throttle lock might be one of those items. Are there others that one should have to make himself comfortable?

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Well first and formost get the bike, then see what you do or don't like. Most of the farkles center around a persons individual size (risers, lowering seat, etc.). Then What are you going to do with the bike? Iron Butt or cruise around town? That will be the place to start. The end? I don't think there is an end to farkling :D

First of all, Welcome to the mad house. This place will provide you plenty of info on farkles.

First accessory purchase should be some gear. Good helmet, good gloves, protective jacket and pants, motorcycle boots. Once you have all of that you'll be ready to ride (you already know this though, you stated that you're not new to motorcycling).

Other than gear I'd say the other suggestion to ride it for a while first is dead-on.

First of all, Welcome to the mad house. This place will provide you plenty of info on farkles.
First accessory purchase should be some gear. Good helmet, good gloves, protective jacket and pants, motorcycle boots. Once you have all of that you'll be ready to ride (you already know this though, you stated that you're not new to motorcycling).

Other than gear I'd say the other suggestion to ride it for a while first is dead-on.
what he said.

First of all, Welcome to the mad house. This place will provide you plenty of info on farkles.

First accessory purchase should be some gear. Good helmet, good gloves, protective jacket and pants, motorcycle boots. Once you have all of that you'll be ready to ride (you already know this though, you stated that you're not new to motorcycling).

Other than gear I'd say the other suggestion to ride it for a while first is dead-on.
what he said.


Must have farkles:
Hot girl..lol
I already have a beautiful lady although she believes I have too many bikes....anyway the kind of riding I do is both long distance and local. I put on about 11,000 miles a year and live in Wisconsin so find that to be about all I can handle with snow and stuff like that. Thanks for the advice.....I'll climb on and get some miles then figure it out...I just thought you might suggest something I need like a running brake clutch gear attached to the blinker fob or something real important like that. Thanks for the info guys. Much appreciated.

I would add that there have been a number of people who've tremedously benefited from the Barbarian MOD in addition to the throttle spring MOD.

While those aren't things you can "get" they are things that you can do once you get your bike that will make it much, MUCH more enjoyable.

I can't think of a single person with an 06 that did these and was unhappy with then results.

Well, lessee: First, you're gonna need to fix that dicked-up throttle on the '06's - PCIII w/new FixItAll© FI Map, Fred's Copper Wire Miracle Widget ®, Barbarian Jumper Mod and three shakes of salt over your left shoulder (caution: throwing salt over your right shoulder would make you gay) should just about cure that problem. Then, onto the POS side stand that requires the Dremel Golden Grind© and Super-Slinky Spring. Now, don't forget to security wire the fairing flappy things that tend to fly off at speed. The SuperGlass® magnifier will help view the microscopic numbers on the speedo. One mistake a lot of new '06 owners make is to try and silence the whistle coming from the windscreen - DO NOT DO THIS!!!! This is Yamaha's patented Deer-A-Way feature and can save your ass!

And, the most important change: If your bike is delivered with Metzeler Z6's, don't even leave the shop without swapping them for Michelins or Avons. If anything, this is a must do. If you don't believe me, just ask Randy. ;)

Oh and welcome!

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Well, lessee: First, you're gonna need to fix that dicked-up throttle on the '06's - PCIII w/new FixItAll© FI Map, Fred's Copper Wire Miracle Widget ®, Barbarian Jumper Mod and three shakes of salt over your left shoulder (caution: throwing salt over your right shoulder would make you gay) should just about cure that problem. Then, onto the POS side stand that requires the Dremel Golden Grind© and Super-Slinky Spring. Now, don't forget to security wire the fairing flappy things that tend to fly off at speed. The SuperGlass® magnifier will help view the microscopic numbers on the speedo. One mistake a lot of new '06 owners make is to try and silence the whistle coming from the windscreen - DO NOT DO THIS!!!! This is Yamaha's patented Deer-A-Way feature and can save your ass!
And, the most important change: If your bike is delivered with Metzeler Z6's, don't even leave the shop without swapping them for Michelins or Avons. If anything, this is a must do. If you don't believe me, just ask Randy. ;)

Oh and welcome!
Smartass. Stop toying w/ the new guy. :rolleyes:

GunMD....is TWN toying with or telling the truth? :huh: .....kinda makes you go ummmmm doesn't it.... :D .....

Well, lessee: First, you're gonna need to fix that dicked-up throttle on the '06's - PCIII w/new FixItAll© FI Map, Fred's Copper Wire Miracle Widget ®, Barbarian Jumper Mod and three shakes of salt over your left shoulder (caution: throwing salt over your right shoulder would make you gay) should just about cure that problem. Then, onto the POS side stand that requires the Dremel Golden Grind© and Super-Slinky Spring. Now, don't forget to security wire the fairing flappy things that tend to fly off at speed. The SuperGlass® magnifier will help view the microscopic numbers on the speedo. One mistake a lot of new '06 owners make is to try and silence the whistle coming from the windscreen - DO NOT DO THIS!!!! This is Yamaha's patented Deer-A-Way feature and can save your ass!
And, the most important change: If your bike is delivered with Metzeler Z6's, don't even leave the shop without swapping them for Michelins or Avons. If anything, this is a must do. If you don't believe me, just ask Randy. ;)

Oh and welcome!
I'm going to swap out the Metz for Dunlop solids as soon as I get the bike to make it ride smoother at high speeds. The rest of your advice is dead on! :D Thanks for the warm welcome.

Real helpful group here, as you can tell. :blink:

The things most people seem to bring up are the throttle and wind issues centered around the screen. Several screens out there to choose from, Cal-Sci being one that seems to be getting good PR at the moment. Do some searches on the things that you discover are issues for you and you should find good info.

Some find the throttle return spring on the FJR to be stiffer than they like. Yamaha uses two springs, one of which can be undone w/o harm, though the return force will be greatly reduced. If the tension bothers you, this is an option. Some form of throttle lock is quite popular. I like the modified VistaCruise, some like the NEP and some spend large amounts of cash for Throttle Meisters or others. If you're used to the Throttle Meisters, they are excellent quality, and double as bar ends. For the money though, the cheaper alternatives work just as well.

A suggestion - Go to some of the rides or gathers that get posted now and then. Meet some people face to face, then decide if you want to stick around or not. Not everyone acts like they do on the forum when they are standing in front of you.

There are all kinds of riders here. Even guys like me who used to ride a '40 Knuck. Welcome to the forum. This place is kind of noisy, but there are other places too if you get tired of the talk about colors being gay. B)

I already have a beautiful lady although she believes I have too many bikes....
:blink: I believe it is physically impossible to have too many bikes. :lol:

Welcome, Radical.

And pay no attention to OCfjr. FJRForum.com is the best there is, and has more relevent FJR discussions than any forum on the web.

going to swap out the Metz for Dunlop solids as soon as I get the bike to make it ride smoother at high speeds. The rest of your advice is dead on! :D Thanks for the warm welcome.
Ahhh, good to see you've a sense of humor about you! You're gonna fit in just fine. If we were to just talk about the bike, farkles and rides without the camaraderie, this would be a very dull place, no offense to my esteemed colleague above who can provide you with a wealth of information about this platform while cracking the occasional smile when doing so! :grin:


Welcome to the nut house.

If you're putting 11K on the clock each year up north then you've already got what it takes. Go get 'em, man! I'm with AdrianNKY, the throttle spring and the Barbarian Mod are both really helpful and the price is right (I'm a big fan of "free"). Beyond that, mix and match.

Good luck and let us know how the FJR stacks up. It's a great machine but it's always best to hear from the voice of experience.

Have fun and be safe.

Pretty good advice to the newbie so far.

Thinking back on my last 12 months of FJR ownership, if I'd had a crystal ball back when I purchased it, I'd have budgeted about $1200 for what I feel for me are "Must Haves"...

1 - a top box (aftermarket favored over factory)

2 - something to replace the stock seat (Russell Day-Long)

Those two items alone would make this the "perfect" bike for me and my usual 2k mile weekend getaways along with daily-driver duties, but different strokes.....
