what does this do?

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It's the turbo lock. If you turn it clockwise three full turns it will engage the turbo drive gear for an extra 50 horse power. Thing is....gas mileage drops to about half.
I thought this option was only available in the faster 2003 models signed personally by Dorothy?
2003 to 2005 model fjrs had this option with the 2005 having the best boost and added HP gain of the three.

It's the turbo lock. If you turn it clockwise three full turns it will engage the turbo drive gear for an extra 50 horse power. Thing is....gas mileage drops to about half.
I thought this option was only available in the faster 2003 models signed personally by Dorothy?
2003 to 2005 model fjrs had this option with the 2005 having the best boost and added HP gain of the three.
I turned mine 3 turns counterclockwise. It gets phenomenal gas mileage now but I have to push it around a lot.

It's the turbo lock. If you turn it clockwise three full turns it will engage the turbo drive gear for an extra 50 horse power. Thing is....gas mileage drops to about half.
I thought this option was only available in the faster 2003 models signed personally by Dorothy?
2003 to 2005 model fjrs had this option with the 2005 having the best boost and added HP gain of the three.
I turned mine 3 turns counterclockwise. It gets phenomenal gas mileage now but I have to push it around a lot.
That happens when that one bar is blinking for a while....."jsns"....

....who started that crap anyways............

Holy Defecation! Five minutes reading the ST forum and I wanna kill myself!
I thought most of YOU guys HERE are a bunch of anal fiddle-fuckers, adjusting this and tweaking that...those guys over there would try to adjust a wet dream!!
As you so often do, you have hit the nail squarely upon its head. This is one reason I spend more time on this forum for Dad's FJR than on the ST forum for my own bike. You guys are (mostly) more fun.
What tickled the **** outta me, on the 5 minutes of ETERENITY I spent reading that post, was half the guys replying felt the need to preface their pronouncements with things like "..l, with 40+ years of wrenching on motorcycles..." or "...I have a degree in Mechanical Dinkermenting..." or some such nonsense that presumably lends the reader the impression that "This Dildo Must Be One All-Knowing MutherPussBucket" or something.

Any....no, EVERY time I read that in a post, I can't help but think "F.Y.Y.F.F. and S.T.F.U. while you're at it!"

Well guess what? I have 60+ years being a skeptic, curmudgeon and daily P.I.T.A., so keep yer useless braggin' to yerself, so youse better be payin' attention to what I'm sayin'!

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Oh, my...............mutherpussbucket................dinkermenting..............

Yer fricken hilarious, ya ********* you........

-author="RadioHowie"Holy Defecation! Five minutes reading the ST forum and I wanna kill myself!

I thought most of YOU guys HERE are a bunch of anal fiddle-fuckers, adjusting this and tweaking that...those guys over there would try to adjust a wet dream!!
Whaaaaaaaa??? This guys sound like they belong here. I can find 10 threads just like that one. Batteries, CCT, linked brakes, spiders, handle bar vibration. You name it...Those dorks are just like our dorks. Their bikes just aren't as cool.

-author="RadioHowie"Holy Defecation! Five minutes reading the ST forum and I wanna kill myself!

I thought most of YOU guys HERE are a bunch of anal fiddle-fuckers, adjusting this and tweaking that...those guys over there would try to adjust a wet dream!!
Whaaaaaaaa??? This guys sound like they belong here. I can find 10 threads just like that one. Batteries, CCT, linked brakes, spiders, handle bar vibration. You name it...Those dorks are just like our dorks. Their bikes just aren't as cool.
Hey watch it! I got feelings you know!

Just because my ST1300 is not as fast as the FJR, and does not handle as well, weighs 80+ lbs. more, sounds like George Jetson's car, does not look as good... Uh wait. I forgot where I was going with this.

Seriously there is more difference between the personalities of the forums than there is between the two bikes. I am not saying it is all bad over there, good people on those forums just like there are good people here. But, they are different.

Holy Defecation! Five minutes reading the ST forum and I wanna kill myself!
I thought most of YOU guys HERE are a bunch of anal fiddle-fuckers, adjusting this and tweaking that...those guys over there would try to adjust a wet dream!!
As you so often do, you have hit the nail squarely upon its head. This is one reason I spend more time on this forum for Dad's FJR than on the ST forum for my own bike. You guys are (mostly) more fun.
What tickled the **** outta me, on the 5 minutes of ETERENITY I spent reading that post, was half the guys replying felt the need to preface their pronouncements with things like "..l, with 40+ years of wrenching on motorcycles..." or "...I have a degree in Mechanical Dinkermenting..." or some such nonsense that presumably lends the reader the impression that "This Dildo Must Be One All-Knowing MutherPussBucket" or something.

Any....no, EVERY time I read that in a post, I can't help but think "F.Y.Y.F.F. and S.T.F.U. while you're at it!"

Well guess what? I have 60+ years being a skeptic, curmudgeon and daily P.I.T.A., so keep yer useless braggin' to yerself, so youse better be payin' attention to what I'm sayin'!
This reminds me of a conundrum I'm still dealin with..

When I take a dump, should I wipe from front to back? or back to front..Or maybe side to side? Maybe a circular motion? I haven't a clue here..

I grappled with it for years, and, as I was too ashamed to ask..

I just quit wiping..........

Granted now when I **** i'm reminded of the error of my ways unless I happen to remember to shave me anus ( man do I ever get cross eyed when me anus hair gets ripped out! ) Hence my invention.

So if anyone would care enough to clue me in? I'd be most grateful.

Respectfully your's


um........"tap, tap, tap........."....................

what, pray tell, is your "invention"?

you frickin douche.

Man, some days I read this forum and think "Why is RadioHowie allowed to stay on here" and then I come across a thread like this....

and you TOTALLY redeem yourself! Thanks for the morning laugh! Also, thanks for summing up that thread so I didn't waste my time perusing it.

This reminds me of a conundrum I'm still dealin with..

When I take a dump, should I wipe from front to back? or back to front..Or maybe side to side? Maybe a circular motion? I haven't a clue here..

I grappled with it for years, and, as I was too ashamed to ask..

I just quit wiping..........

Granted now when I **** i'm reminded of the error of my ways unless I happen to remember to shave me anus ( man do I ever get cross eyed when me anus hair gets ripped out! ) Hence my invention.

So if anyone would care enough to clue me in? I'd be most grateful.

Respectfully your's

Use your toothbrush? Or, if you are angry with your wife for some reason, use her toothbrush. This is also useful for cleaning dirty fingernails and toenails. Good luck.

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Holy Defecation! Five minutes reading the ST forum and I wanna kill myself!
I thought most of YOU guys HERE are a bunch of anal fiddle-fuckers, adjusting this and tweaking that...those guys over there would try to adjust a wet dream!!
As you so often do, you have hit the nail squarely upon its head. This is one reason I spend more time on this forum for Dad's FJR than on the ST forum for my own bike. You guys are (mostly) more fun.
What tickled the **** outta me, on the 5 minutes of ETERENITY I spent reading that post, was half the guys replying felt the need to preface their pronouncements with things like "..l, with 40+ years of wrenching on motorcycles..." or "...I have a degree in Mechanical Dinkermenting..." or some such nonsense that presumably lends the reader the impression that "This Dildo Must Be One All-Knowing MutherPussBucket" or something.

Any....no, EVERY time I read that in a post, I can't help but think "F.Y.Y.F.F. and S.T.F.U. while you're at it!"

Well guess what? I have 60+ years being a skeptic, curmudgeon and daily P.I.T.A., so keep yer useless braggin' to yerself, so youse better be payin' attention to what I'm sayin'!
This reminds me of a conundrum I'm still dealin with..

When I take a dump, should I wipe from front to back? or back to front..Or maybe side to side? Maybe a circular motion? I haven't a clue here..

I grappled with it for years, and, as I was too ashamed to ask..

I just quit wiping..........

Granted now when I **** i'm reminded of the error of my ways unless I happen to remember to shave me anus ( man do I ever get cross eyed when me anus hair gets ripped out! ) Hence my invention.

So if anyone would care enough to clue me in? I'd be most grateful.

Respectfully your's

My procedure may not be the best, but it works for me:

I take my right hand, arrange my fingers in to a sort of "cup", dip down in to the bowl, and splash water up on my posterior.

Rinse..repeat..rinse..repeat..until finished.

Then, use my wife's pillowcase to dry my hand.

Saves a ton on toilet tissue costs.

You're welcome.

Just because my ST1300 is not as fast as the FJR, and does not handle as well, weighs 80+ lbs. more, sounds like George Jetson's car, does not look as good... Uh wait. I forgot where I was going with this.

Seriously there is more difference between the personalities of the forums than there is between the two bikes. I am not saying it is all bad over there, good people on those forums just like there are good people here. But, they are different.
I had a friend with an ST1300. Known him 15 years or better. Since I got the FJR he don't speak to me anymore.

Just because my ST1300 is not as fast as the FJR, and does not handle as well, weighs 80+ lbs. more, sounds like George Jetson's car, does not look as good... Uh wait. I forgot where I was going with this.

Seriously there is more difference between the personalities of the forums than there is between the two bikes. I am not saying it is all bad over there, good people on those forums just like there are good people here. But, they are different.
I had a friend with an ST1300. Known him 15 years or better. Since I got the FJR he don't speak to me anymore.
My Dad is my best friend. He gave me the job of choosing his retirement bike, I chose the FJR. I bought my ST because it had been my second choice after all my research and I found a used one with very low miles. This would allow Dad and I to ride together. I am 42 years old and I speak to him every day, either in person or by phone. As important as the bikes are, they are not the most important thing. If motorcycle choice can destroy friendship, it was not real friendship.

I had a friend with an ST1300. Known him 15 years or better. Since I got the FJR he don't speak to me anymore.
My Dad is my best friend. He gave me the job of choosing his retirement bike, I chose the FJR. I bought my ST because it had been my second choice after all my research and I found a used one with very low miles. This would allow Dad and I to ride together. I am 42 years old and I speak to him every day, either in person or by phone. As important as the bikes are, they are not the most important thing. If motorcycle choice can destroy friendship, it was not real friendship.
I envy your relationship with your Dad ;) I do enjoy your ride reports and posts in general.

As to my ST buddy, there are other issues beyond out friendship. I hope this is just a bump in the road of life.

I had an ST13, and it definitely needed the adjustment. Once done properly, it was good to go. However, last tech day at Bustanut's he educated me on the FJR procedure. Apparently after you change the air in the tires, you crawl under to make sure the settings hadn't changed. Simple really..................

I had an ST13, and it definitely needed the adjustment. Once done properly, it was good to go. However, last tech day at Bustanut's he educated me on the FJR procedure. Apparently after you change the air in the tires, you crawl under to make sure the settings hadn't changed. Simple really..................
My procedure seems to require a lot more beer.