Major suckage! Evidently one of your broken ribs puncutred the lung. BTDT,
IF you are a "hairy beast", have them shave you before they do the chest tube. It is extremely not fun when they go to pull the tape from your bo-dy. Man, talk about adding injury to insult.
Today I was thinking about the feelings we go through when we crash our "skoots".
First, the denial...this isn't happening, there is no reason for this to happen, why is this happening.
Second, the acceptance...I'm going down, look at the bike sliding, this is AT LEAST going to hurt my wallet, dang...what could or should I have done differently, maybe I can still ride-it-out.*&@$%!
Third, the examination...well, it isn't soooo bad. At least its only the plastic parts...and the dread, realizing what we've just done to our beloved bike.
Fourth...retrospective thinking and reconstructing the known influences about "the crash".
NOW, (Fifth???) I read that you have to contend with worse injury than you thought. Tim, I'm so sorry to hear about this. It is no fun laying in a hospital bed and waiting for the tube to remove the accumulated fluid so that your lung will re-inflate. Be pro-active in your healing and do what the nurses tell you. When they tell you to "get vertical", i.e., sit up so the fluid will go to the bottom of your lungs and be suctioned it. Take the meds so you can sleep.
Patty is just acting PO'd because she's upset at how close things could have been. Wellll, okay, she's PO'd...but she's thinking about how badly it could have turned out and she's worried because you've upset her "happy home and nesting" impulses. A few trinkets (diamonds, tennis bracelet, roses, rubies, know, the usual "I'm sorry" gifts

) could take care of the "attitude".....
You both will be in my thoughts and prayers.