What happened to Wilber???

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
Moab, UT
The Wilbers group buy thread no longer pinned? I guess it isn't going to happen... :unsure:

Will our benevolent dictator be forthcoming with details???

Klause just never got back to me. It's possible that he is reluctant to do another GB with us..... or rather, I just sorta got that sense that was the case from talking to him last.

That's too bad. I think we are an exceptionally good marketing tool for him.

Most people ask me first: What kind of BMW is that. Then they ask me: What's that colored knob do?

No one, even avid bikers around here, seem to have ever heard of Wilbers. Perhaps Klaus thought dealing with us was a PITA, but once we get 'em on there, I have heard very little negative. I'm really happy with mine and would love to get another shock for my '06, if the shock on the '04 doesn't transfer.

Maybe if we ask purdy please, with sugar? I know there's a few folks out there waiting for this to happen again. Of course for me, I would hope it would happen early Spring.

Yeah, this time of year is probably not optimal for a hefty GB, particularly for those with a number of children.

I know that playing Santa to eight children just wipes me out this time every year.... :(

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Well I want one but I think WC would be insane to do another Group Buy, Self Buy or to even tell anyone where he got anything.

He is still out there spending all the money he made from us... I am sure he made a lot of money in a short time from us. Business is a PITA anyway, so make money when you can... ;)

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He is still out there spending all the money he made from us... I am sure he made a lot of money in a short time from us. Business is a PITA anyway, so make money when you can... ;)
"he" = ?

There are 2 "he's" in this thread.

If it's off because klauss doesn't want to do business with us, ok.. I can accomodate him. If there is another explanation for leaving us up in the air I'll certainly listen to it when I call him. Untill I speak to him I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

If he just left us hanging cause he had a bad taste in his mouth over the last one and simply didn't feel like getting back to warchild as agreed... well then, who's pissing off who? In that case I'm sure I'll be very happy with the ohlins.

I'm going to run home for a weigh in now and then try to reach klauss.

I'll let you know what I learn.


Just got off the line with klauss. I explained my concerns without holding his feet to the fire.

He told me that it was his fault that he didn't get back to Warchild. He said that the group buy was still going to happen.

That's good enough for me. The guy dropped the ball but he fessed up without a tap dance.


I agree with Warchild about this being a busy time of year. Not only does the holiday season drain my wallet but it also uses up all of my spare time and then some. I can't imagine trying to pull together what looks like it will be a fairly large group buy during the holidays.

Klaus sounds like a decent guy and I will plan on doing business with him if the group buy prices come in anywhere near as good as they did last time.

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Ya know, what with 5 kids and 5 (+1) grandkids (#3 daughter is due in dec.) I wouldn't be put off if this waited 'till Jan or Feb. But I really was looking forward to the GB on the Wilburs and been jockeying around $$ to be sure I could get it done. Hope it happens, won't throw rocks if it don't. At least I can stop checking twice a day :p

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It doesn't look like I'll make this group buy (Xmas cash drain). But when the time does come, group buy or not, I'm going to order my rear shock from them for sure.


I would hope the gb runs after the holidays too. Warchild can work that out with Klauss when they put it togather. I just wanted to know if it's really dead or not.

I probably wont be riding till march anyway.


I am ready now or after the holidays. I am sincerely thankful to WC for his efforts whether this group buy goes or not. Whenever he gets a round tuit is fine by me. :)

We'll shoot for mid-late January time frame, then, and give folks time to financial recover a bit from the holiday season.

Besides, except for those members who live in the more extreme southern climes, it's not like most of us are doing a massive amount of extended riding.... :(

Ricky, we gotta get after those fork springs of yours... :aacute:

Is BigD still planning on kebabs soon? Maybe insteada you schlepping up here we could change 'em there and get fed, too! :good:

I'm hoping the Wilbers GB will still happen. I missed the last one (purchased my bike last summer). From all the good feedback from owners, it would be nice to get one (and some fork springs) at a GB discount. Mid winter is probably a great time to make a deal since the Wilbers factory is most likely operating at its slowest production.
