What happens when you go to a dealer looking for a V Star 1100...

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esolc oot m'I siht dear nac uoy fI
Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Plano, TX
So, long story short my wife wants to ride. Great I say, sign up for the MSF class. And she does. But being the impatient person she is she decides she wants a bike now so she'll have something to ride after next Tuesday when she finishes the class and gets her license. Great I say, let's do some research on bikes. She really wants a cruiser - and I have to admit the thought of a cruiser to go with my FZ1 is appealing. So I test ride a V Star 650. I was underwhelmed with the lack of power and lack of braking ability - not just compared to my stellar FZ but with most every bike I've ridden. OK, how about the 1100. So I test ride it...much much better - I'm going to enjoy having this bike in our stable. So off to the office to talk about price. I have my CycleBuy.com info on the bike printed out and get what I consider to be a good deal. And then my lovely wife mentions to the sales dude that if we can get a great deal on that FJR we'll take it too - she's been listening to me talk about FJRs and the deals I've seen posted here. Well, the salesman goes and talks to the sales manager then comes back and says "we can't authorize that price, I have to talk to someone tomorrow but I'll call you back". This morning I get a call, fully expecting a higher counter-offer. But instead they agreed to the price!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

So, now I have in my garage a 2007 V Star 1100 Silverado, a 2007 FJR1300A and a 2004 FZ1. As much as I've loved my FZ, I'm going to have to get rid of it. Time to put it up for sale, but that's OK, because now I have the bike I've wanted for the past 4 years, the FJR!!!! And oh yeah, both new bikes are black cherry, or, since I'm an Aggie, maroon. :D

Time to find some sliders and highway pegs for the FJR. :grin:

Thanks Rogue and Mike - I'm sure I will enjoy them both quite a bit. Probably even moreso once my wife gets comfortable over the next couple months. When she feels like she has automatic reactions we'll start taking some day trips.

You know that I picked up a V-Star 650 to re-sell. Before doing that, I put about 1,000 miles on it. Was impressed with it for what it was. 650 and all that. Here you are buying an FJR and selling a FZ1. I already have an FJR and was looking to add a FZ1. Well, not this year but maybe next.

What did you think of your FZ1?

Oh, and congratulations on your new bike(s). :yahoo:

It's nice to see that your wife rides, as well. Mine is content to sit on the back. SHE picked out a Gold Wing for HER bike. No, she doesn't drive it......... And yes, we have tried everything to get her to "drive". No luck.

I supppose that you can never really have too many. :rolleyes:


Congrats on the new bike... but underlying concern... did you actually say that you bought your wife a brand new 1100cc bike as a starter bike? Did you think about it carefully before doing so? I hope for sucess... but as a starter bike? hmmmm... If it doesn't scare the hell out of her, I pray that she doesn't hurt herself.


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Congratulations on the purchases. You'll have a blast.

Luvtoride, with the low seat height and low center of gravity the V-Star is quite easy to ride. If she starts out slow and steady at the MSF she'll grow into it real quick.

Man, I sure wish I had known you were in the market for a 1100 vstar. A friend of mine here in Jackson, MS has a 03 silverado w/less than 10k on the odo, always garaged kept and dealer maintained. You could have got it for about half what you paid for a new one. We are only a day's ride from Plano...........oh well



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Congrats on the new bike... but underlying concern... did you actually say that you bought your wife a brand new 1100cc bike as a starter bike? Did you think about it carefully before doing so? I hope for sucess... but as a starter bike? hmmmm... If it doesn't scare the hell out of her, I pray that she doesn't hurt herself.
A V-Star 1100 only has 54 horsepower. It develops a good amount of tourqe at low RPM's and has a easy to engage clutch. It also has a low center of gravity and a low seat for the rider to be able to flat-foot it. It is not a bad bike for a beginner since my wife learned on one. It is way better bike than the V-Star 650. There is a big difference between Cruisers and Sportbikes engines. A 600cc sporbike can be over 100 HP, a 650cc to 750cc cruiser is 40 to 45 HP. Congrats on the V-Star1100. Its one of the best looking cruisers out there.

Congrats on the new bike... but underlying concern... did you actually say that you bought your wife a brand new 1100cc bike as a starter bike? Did you think about it carefully before doing so? I hope for sucess... but as a starter bike? hmmmm... If it doesn't scare the hell out of her, I pray that she doesn't hurt herself.
A V-Star 1100 only has 54 horsepower. It develops a good amount of tourqe at low RPM's and has a easy to engage clutch. It also has a low center of gravity and a low seat for the rider to be able to flat-foot it. It is not a bad bike for a beginner since my wife learned on one. It is way better bike than the V-Star 650. There is a big difference between Cruisers and Sportbikes engines. A 600cc sporbike can be over 100 HP, a 650cc to 750cc cruiser is 40 to 45 HP. Congrats on the V-Star1100. Its one of the best looking cruisers out there.
I have to concurr with you. I had a vstar 1100 and it really isn't a Fast bike at all. About 15.2 in the quarter mile. Not like riding a honda VTX1300, not even close... Also, the vstar is a great low speed manuverability bike. I couldn't beleive how easy it was to move that thing around despiste it's weight. Flat footing was nice too. For the upgraded brakes, way better low end torque, and larger seat, I'd opt for the 1100 too. The 650 is the equivalent of a go cart!

It is not a bad bike for a beginner since my wife learned on one.
Well, in that case I think that I should withdraw my comment. hehehehe... make pretent I didn't type it... k?

Actually, part of my comment is made due to the physical size of the bike. IMO, (which, you know... we all got one) I definitely think that an 1100cc bike... whether a 55 HP cruiser or not is too large as a starter bike. But, to each his/her own, right?

I am happy for your wife, though.

Regardless, congrats on the new FJR fuzzy. It's a fun bike. Enjoy yourself. Good luck w/ your new rider gal.

PS... glad that you guys didn't pick out my first bike.

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So, long story short my wife wants to ride. Great I say, sign up for the MSF class. And she does. But being the impatient person she is she decides she wants a bike now so she'll have something to ride after next Tuesday when she finishes the class and gets her license. Great I say, let's do some research on bikes. She really wants a cruiser - and I have to admit the thought of a cruiser to go with my FZ1 is appealing. So I test ride a V Star 650. I was underwhelmed with the lack of power and lack of braking ability - not just compared to my stellar FZ but with most every bike I've ridden. OK, how about the 1100. So I test ride it...much much better - I'm going to enjoy having this bike in our stable. So off to the office to talk about price. I have my CycleBuy.com info on the bike printed out and get what I consider to be a good deal. And then my lovely wife mentions to the sales dude that if we can get a great deal on that FJR we'll take it too - she's been listening to me talk about FJRs and the deals I've seen posted here. Well, the salesman goes and talks to the sales manager then comes back and says "we can't authorize that price, I have to talk to someone tomorrow but I'll call you back". This morning I get a call, fully expecting a higher counter-offer. But instead they agreed to the price!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
So, now I have in my garage a 2007 V Star 1100 Silverado, a 2007 FJR1300A and a 2004 FZ1. As much as I've loved my FZ, I'm going to have to get rid of it. Time to put it up for sale, but that's OK, because now I have the bike I've wanted for the past 4 years, the FJR!!!! And oh yeah, both new bikes are black cherry, or, since I'm an Aggie, maroon. :D

Time to find some sliders and highway pegs for the FJR. :grin:
Do you know approx how much the FJR invoice is for? I went to cyclebuy.com but didn't know you had to pay for it. I'm too cheap :D

The V-Star 1100 is a good starter bike for a woman. I bought my wife a Suzuki Intruder 800 and came home one day and found my V-Star gone. She rolls in shortly after and tells me we need to get rid of the Suzuki because she likes mine better. Oh well...That was 6 years ago and she now has a Honda ST-1300 and loves it.

kballowe, the FZ1 is a great bike. I would love to keep it but 1) I can't afford to - need to recoupe some of the cost of the FJR and V Star 1100 and 2) I don't have enough garage space! ;) The FZ is much more on the "sport" side of "sport/touring". It's faster, has better brakes, and is more nimble than the FJR. Most of that is because the FZ is ~150 pounds lighter than the FJR. Not that the FJR isn't very good at acceleration/braking/handling just that the FZ is a little better. As far as comfort goes the clear advantage is to the FJR - better seat, windscreen, lower fairing, etc. Still, I did a several 500 mile days on the FZ without any complaints.

It looks like you have quite the stable of nice bikes there - I'm jealous. Hey, how about adding an '04 FZ1 to your stable - I know of one for sale at a good price with low miles. :D

Heidi - consider your initial comments withdrawn. :lol: As for it being too heavy, it's amazing how light it feels, even at low speed. That was one of the things I was concerned with but when maneuvering it around a parking lot I found it very easy to control - much easier than a 622 lbs. Harley Dyna Super Glide I once rode. I guess it's because of the low center of gravity, ability to flat-foot, and the seating and handlebar position.

fjrjonesing - yeah, my wife does have a sister...who's married to a big burley Lt. Colonel in the Army. Besides, he's a really nice guy and a Good Ag as well. :clapping:

donaldb - those are pretty bikes...and the proper color too. :) Yeah, I probably should have said something.

renink - I didn't CycleBuy the FJR so I'm not sure what the invoice is...but you can look at this thread for an idea of a very good price:


Thanks everyone for the comments about the 1100 being a good cruiser for my wife. She read this thread and, even though she believe me when I told her the same thing, was happy to see the same opinion expressed by many others.

I rode my bike home from work the long way tonight - 50 miles on some moderately twisty roads. The FJR is everything I hoped it would be and then some: powerful, comfortable, nimble, well mannered, and well featured...not to mention beautiful. It'll take me a couple thousand miles before I'm fully comfortable with the bike (I like to take things slow when familiarizing myself with a new bike) but when I do I'm sure it'll fit me like a glove and be just the perfect extension of my body.

My apologies... It was absolutely ot intended to post this multiple times...

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My apologies I never intended to post this multiple times.... Moderator please DELETE

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