today i tried a few helmets and ear plugs. first an aria vector helmet, it fit well but was as noisy as my current helmet(hjc cl max). then i tried a shoei rf1000. that was a very very nice helmet and was the quietest one so far. it also vented/cooled my head better than any helmet i have used. this may be the way i will go. i also tried earplugs that attenuate the noise but still let sound through. they worked really well, i could hear my q2 better with them than without them. i also tried some pro type monitor ear buds, westone um3's.(i had them laying around from my old music gig touring days) they had a roll and fit plug for the ear like a standard foam ear plug. custom molds can be made for them, i will probably get the ear molds made too. the mp3 zumo sound was great with these in my noisy helmet, but couldnt use my q2 for phone use. (darn) .
does anyone know how much dealers will discount shoei helmets? particularly the rf-1000, i would really like to get one of these.
thanks, tbwrench.