What is this, a land version of a boat?

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Mr. Toad

Well-known member
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
After several sweaty hours in the garage this weekend I got the thermostat breather hose replaced on the bike. YEAH!

Burned the insulation on a couple of wires that were resting on the radiator. BOOO!

AND... lost the key for the hard bags... OH S#@T!!! :angry2:

I replaced the locks on the bags a while back and so I have one key for the ignition and another key for the bags. I don't know how, where, when, or why, but I have lost the key for the bags.

If I can find the serial number on the lock can I order a replacement key, or do I need to order new locks?

Any tips on how to get the bags off without the key? Do I have to drill out the locks? :blink:

I swear, it's one thing or another with this bike.

Thanks for your help, everyone.

I suppose it could fall into the category of the three F's.

The 3 F's:

1- If it floats, it will cost 3 times what it would otherwise cost

2- If it flies (potentially applicable here), it will cost 10 times what it would otherwise cost

3- If it f*cks, don't even ask, you can't afford it.

Toad.......I told ya once....I won't tell ya again......


I feel your pain but you should try the ultimate in boatonimics...

Mercedes Benz S500

I sincerely believe that my mechanic is using Scotty-math to determine his pricing scheme:

1. Take the cost of the part and add a zero (or two) to the right.

2. Take the time to install said part and multiply by $300 and then double the resulting value.

3. Multiply the value from step 2 by the number of unsold vehicles on the lot.

4. Add values 1 and 3 then raise to the power of the number of employes standing around with their hands in their pockets.

If you think I am kidding, I bought a $0.15 part and it cost me $20 out of pocket. The guy offered to install it for me for $970.00.

The part was the rubber knob on the navigation system. No, I am not kidding.

I think a motor home comes as honorable mention when it comes to pissing money away.

Lets compare the two:

1) Both give you great pleasure when first bought and used.

2) Both cost a lot of money.

3) A boat & motor home you don't use very often.

4) Gas is expensive for them.

5) They both use fuel like crazy, in other words, poor gas mileage.

6) They both are very expensive to fix.

7) Both give you great pleasure when you sell them.

I'd say they are tied.

Bikes don't hit most of these categories.

:glare: Guess my problem stumped even the knowledgeable group of this forum. I'll pick up a drill bit on the way home tonight and drill out the lock.
I'm confused, your ignition and bags had a seperate key?

*nevermind, now I see.

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i would ride down to a locksmith and have him pick it open for me

couple of rubber straps or duct tape to hold it closed until you get a new lock in it

i would ride down to a locksmith and have him pick it open for me
Once opened, he could probably re-key it to fit the ignition key, like my local guy did for my helmet guardian cylinders. Probably even cheaper than drilling out two good lock cylinders, and ending up in the same boat when you replace them.

In other words,


Why did you replace the locks in the first place?

Here's some advice: Don't lose your frigging keys!!!!!!!!

Dude don't be blaming the FJR for costing you money when its' your own freakin fault because you can't keep track of the key!

As others have said, LOCKSMITH.

Now, why did you replace the thermostat breather hose? And how did the radiator screw up wire insuluation? It doesn't get that hot.

Why did you replace the locks in the first place?
Here's some advice: Don't lose your frigging keys!!!!!!!!

Dude don't be blaming the FJR for costing you money when its' your own freakin fault because you can't keep track of the key!

As others have said, LOCKSMITH.

Now, why did you replace the thermostat breather hose? And how did the radiator screw up wire insuluation? It doesn't get that hot.
Gotta agree...it might be the operator and NOT the equipment.

BTW, do you play golf? :)

I didn't realize until recently that the key thing was so...well, unusual. Lately, though, what with all the stories about ignition wiring failures, this trouble is becoming apparent.

When I bought my '05, though, the dealer only gave me one key. I knew that two were supposed to come with the machine, and when I asked about it, they gave me a blank and five bucks to have my own cut. I thought that was kind of strange, but let it go.

Maybe a little off topic, but I had one of my luggage locks come undone last month out on the road. I guess I shouldn't have squirted the lithium grease on it before I took off, because the little safety torx screws on the inner plate just backed out and disappeared. Fortunately, the latch still worked, and all the main pieces stayed put. The case just couldn't be locked. I pocketed the lock and rolled on. I read somewhere on this forum to use the blue lock stuff: good idea.

I replaced them with Phillips head screws I found, with patient help from a staff member, at a True Value hardware store in McCall, Idaho (great people...plug-plug). 'Seems kind of useless to use those torx screws at all, since they are locked from access with the latch closed. Wonder who's bright idea that was.

Getting back on thread: I'm not blaming the bike for too much lube on the screws, even though the torx thing is questionable. You can bet I'll be checking those little buggers regularly from now on. But I do see the similarity between motorcycles, aircraft and boats. I bet you could add horses to the mix, too!

I read somewhere on this forum to use the blue lock stuff: good idea.
Not only is it a good idea, but it is what Yamaha tells the dealers to do (via their written instructions) when assembling the FJR's bags.

The problem is, many dealers skip this critical step, and the resulting problems have been well documented here. Use blue loc-tite on the screws and you will never have to check them again.

Well.... it seems there are some here to are a bit sensitive about the FJR. So, it I made it sound like the evil bike picked the lock in the front door and snuck into the house in the dead of night, tip toed through the living room while all were asleep, lifed the key off the hook, and with cat like silence left the house and buried the key in the backyard where none will find it... Gosh,

I am SAW-reeeeeeeeeeee! Yeah I lost the key. So, now that we've gotten that out of the way and we know who the evil deed doer really is... sheesh Feel better now?

To those with a more healthy relationship with their bikes, thanks for the helpful advice. I'll contact the local locksmith and see if he can set me up. I didn't think they did motorcycles, just cars, houses, stuff like that.

As for the question about the breather hose... here's my tale of woe.

Well, since you asked so nicely... I changed the locks because I had been dealing with a problem when my ...... began ..... I didn't notice until I couldn't ...... my ....... then I realized that ..... was ..... to ..... the .......

So, to ........ that from .......... I changed the locks.

And that's the story of why I changed my locks.

Well, since you asked so nicely... I changed the locks because I had been dealing with a problem when my ...... began ..... I didn't notice until I couldn't ...... my ....... then I realized that ..... was ..... to ..... the .......

So, to ........ that from .......... I changed the locks.

And that's the story of why I changed my locks.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No THAT'S funny!
