What shield for me?

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2005
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I am 5"10" tall and weigh 180lbs.

The stock shield on my 05 FJR will block some of the wind when all the way up, but it creates a lot of turbulence. If I tuck in, it becomes perefctly quiet and smooth. But, I don't ride in a tucked in position.

I live in central texas, so I ride more when it's too hot than too cold. But, I would like more protection when it is cold.

I don't believe I have experienced this back-pressure that others talk about. So, that might not be a concern.

I use a KBC TK-8 helmet. It may suepect as far as turbulence. But it it rides smooth when the FJR shield is down and I get plenty of air in my face.

I was thinking a +4+2 (H,W) would work well. Do I need to consider any of the other things like flips, rifles, vents, tuned whozywhatzits etc etc?

any help appreciated

Many of us have had exactly the same experience as you re: buffeting.

I went the Cee Bailey route, +4 +4 - it is perfect for me - when I adjust it so I can still see over the top the buffeting is much reduced and there is still a bit of travel left. I did not notice any big difference in handling characteristics - i.e. the bigger screen making the bike more suceptable to cross-winds. As always, YMMV...

gtex1970 - I've got the same specs as you. One thing I did that helped is to add spacers to the windscreen to tilt it back somewhat. You'll find a bunch of threads on here about how to do it - it's real easy and does make a difference - not a "miracle" level difference, but a noticeable difference. I think I used a plastic 3/8" spacer with a metal washer on each end - had to buy an M6 1" screw to replace the stock screw.

I'm in N. VA and to help out in the cold I bought the CeeBailey +4+3, no flip. Again, an improvement, but not at the "miracle" level. It does block more wind w/o affecting the bike's handling, and I actually think it looks like it fits the bike better than the stock shield. I've ridden in 20 degree weather in comfort. With the CB all the way up, I'm still looking over the top and still have some noise - if I duck about 1 - 2" I'm in the cone of silence. All the way up I do get the pressure on top of my helmet and the pushing from the back - not too bad though. I usually ride with the shield "almost" all the way up - negates the pressure. Bottom line is that every individual will have different results and you pick what you think will work and then make it work! Good luck.


If your only complaint is buffeting, you might want to try the Saeng Ta Microswirl edging. Reasonably cheap and works really well for me (I'm 5'10" also).


here's what a CeeBaileys +4 H + 2 W, standard contour looks like. I find it just right. I'm 6'0", 185lbs. If the mirrors look different its because they are FZ1 mirrors. I find that to help me see whats behind me instead of just my elbows.




Cee Bailey +2+2 with flip was perfect for my 5'8" height.

I can get wind when I want it and a nice pocket of air with it up about four inches.

I don't like to look thru a windscreen so I wanted shorter rather than taller.

I live in Houston so summer air flow was important.

I have a CB +4+1 and it works winter and summer for me and it gets just as hot here as it does there (but not as humid).

I'm 5'11"

I've got the CB +4/+3 with nylon spacers to lay it back a little and am pretty happy with it (I'm 5'11"). I'd switch to the stocker in the heat of summer for more airflow but I like to ride without faceshield at times so I keep the CB on year-round. Rifle is also supposed to be good and they sell a "tuning block" ($40) to lay it back. Calsci makes one with vents.

I just got a tall Cal Sci windshield with vents cut into it. For me it is far superior to the Cee Bailey +4+2 I had (which I just sent to Cal Sci for a $60 upgrade rebate). The Cal Sci gives much smoother airflow, less turbulence, no back pressure, and I can create the cone of silence w/o having to raise the screen so high I have to look through it. Oh, and it's quieter too.

I'm 6'4" w/ a 34" inseam and the tall's perfect for me. I don't know which size you should consider.

I am 5’10" tall and weigh 185 lbs.

I gained 15 pounds over Christmas and now weigh 200. I have no thoughts about my windshield, but since we were sharing….. I hope to be 5’10’ and 185 again soon, or 5’11 and 190 or maybe even 6’! But no more than 6’ because than you look goofy on a bike. On second thought, 5’10 is good, but 200 is way too much…

:bb: :bb:

thanks for all of the "relevant" input. If I make a decision, I'll be sure to post back with results.

got up to 80F today...finally some good riding weather. I need the new shield for the winter and a new Shoei X-11 for Texas summers :- ) too many hobbies. not enough cash :-(

Soon after getting my '05, I went to the Cee Bailey +4+3. It has been Ok but was still giving me too much buffeting and noise and WAY too much back pressure when raised to its higher limits. Finally went to the CalSci vented Tall model last week. I'm 5'10" ,but long waisted, so I sit approximately like 6'. I am very pleased that I jumped to the CalSci shield. The relief from the buffeting and noise has been dramatic. The most pronounced improvement, however, is that there is absolutely NO back pressure with this shield. NONE. NADA. Back pressure, at any shield or rider position, is non-existant.

At the low position, my line of sight is about 3 inches over the top of the shield. When fully raised, and if I sit up very straight. I have about 1/2 inch line of sight over the top. With a less exagerated effort to sit straight up, I would be looking through the shield at the highest position. Up until about 70 MPH, I can eliminate buffeting and practically eliminate any wind sound. From 70 to 100 MPH, the buffeting and sound issues gradually increase but still are much improved over the Cee Bailey. If I give the stock shield an arbitrary rating of 5, the Cee Bailey was perhaps a 7 t0 a 7 1/2 and the CalSci is a solid 9.

I don't know how the vents in the CalSci are going to function relative to letting in the rain. I do know that the air that comes through the vents tends to be concentrated most in the area of the grips, with very little, if any, being felt in the chest area.

This, for me, has been the shield that I hoped the Cee Bailey would be. Very glad I spent the bucks to get it.

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Just got a new Cee Bailey in the mail today. Placed the order just 8 days ago, so am pleased with the delivery time. (ground FEDEX)

Anyhow, it is the flip-up +4 +2. I am 5'9" an will soon learn how this thing performs for me.

Anyone getting a new shield as one of their farkles should take into consideration their new sitting position on the bike AFTER putting on a set of risers. A new screen that works fine in keeping wind blast/noise down in the stock sitting position with the factory bar position, may be inadequate when you find yourself sitting farther back and more upright with risers. This may necessitate buying another, TALLER, screen to stay in the same "cone of silence". <_<

Just my opinion, get a comfortable seating position first, THEN measure and buy the right height screen! :rolleyes:

Just got a new Cee Bailey in the mail today. Placed the order just 8 days ago, so am pleased with the delivery time. (ground FEDEX)Anyhow, it is the flip-up +4 +2. I am 5'9" an will soon learn how this thing performs for me.
Well, you've had it a day. We want the 1,000 mile report ;)

Just got a new Cee Bailey in the mail today.  Placed the order just 8 days ago, so am pleased with the delivery time. (ground FEDEX)Anyhow, it is the flip-up +4 +2.  I am 5'9" an will soon learn how this thing performs for me.
Well, you've had it a day. We want the 1,000 mile report ;)
500 mile report. I REALLY like the CB +4 +2. GONE is the roaring rage of wind noise at 70+mph. Of couse that is in the full up position. I get no noticable buffet over the helmet nor do I feel the back pressure that the stock WS generates when it is full up. Sitting straight up in the seat with the CB up, my eyes are protected from the wind blast and I am looking thru the optically clear shield. I can leave my eyes uprotected behind he screen even at over the limit freeway speeds if I so desire. For my height (5'9") a really fine area of protection behind the CB. I can feel a slight amount of breeze from elbows to outer shoulder. The pinky fingers get a little breeze if my hands are well inboard on the grips.

Rode in some significant 45 degree crossing 25-30 kt. headwinds and noticed no degradation of tracking over the stock shield. Ran the bike briefly to 110mph with the shield full up. Don't know if the shield mounts can take full speed with the shield up, but I ain't going to find out.

