What switched power source?

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Maybe I've missed something in reading all this good stuff, but Art, you didn't make it clear if you were wanting to use the power-outlet 12v source to power the lights? ...or to trigger a relay? The power-outlet, IIRC, is only about 3 amps, which may not be enough to power your Denalis.

I'm pretty sure he is just wanting to only use the signal to trigger a relay to switch the real power to the lights. It would definitely not be adequate to power a couple of aux lights, even the watt miserly LED variety.

I still think the horn wire is much more easily accessible than digging into the faring under the glove box. But, as usual, YMMV

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Fred is correct. I am going to connect the wire terminals for the lights direct to the battery as per Denali wiring instructions. There is a white wire with no terminal which is to be connected to a switched 12V source. I was thinking the powerlet in the glove box would be most convenient as I never use that powerlet. Since it is only going to power the off/on switch do you not think that line has sufficient juice? I could use the horn if not the powerlet source.

Those big 12V 30A automotive relays typically draw less than 1/4 amp through the coil. No problem at all running it off of the accessory socket wire.

It's a cigarette lighter style socket in the glove box BTW, not a Powerlet.
