What would ya say?

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I've never understood why some folks get offended when a stranger doesn't know what kind of bike they're riding. And this seems a common thread on every forum. The truth is, the vast majority of people in the USA and abroad don't ride and have no interest in motorcycles. So, why are they idiots or asshats or whatever? Most Americans equate motorcycles with Harley, which has more to do with HD's marketing than anything else. I get into lots of conversations at gas stations, restaurants, etc., with strangers. If I'm riding my Harley, the conversations go one of several ways. Either they always wanted one, used to ride one, know someone who rides one or think they still leak oil and break frequently. If I'm riding my FJR, if they try to identify it all, they think it's a BMW or, sometimes, a Goldwing. So what? I'm happy with my bikes and riding, and what anyone else thinks doesn't much matter to me.

I've never understood why some folks get offended when a stranger doesn't know what kind of bike they're riding. ..
Good heavens, did you miss the boat with that post.

The OP wasn't offended because someone didn't know what kind of bike he has (at least that's not what I read). His beef was that after this person found out that his bike wasn't a bimmer, he made a rather snide comment about how he would never ride a Yamaha. Care to try round two...? :pardon:

I've never understood why some folks get offended when a stranger doesn't know what kind of bike they're riding.
It's not that... it's the "if it's not a Harley, it sucks, so your bike sucks" response. So I usually fire first with "It's not a Harley, THANK GOD!"

Stopped at the grocery store today after a ride over to Laughlin (collected my super bowl bet ) A scraggeley lookin guy comes up to me and starts asking me about my BMW (it's a FJR) I say it's a yamaha. He looks suprized and says " I wouldn't ride a yamaha" My thought was to say "are ya stupid?" but I know there's no win'n a battle with the "the only m/c is a harley" mindset. Besides who needs the aggravation so I just said it's got a top end of over 150. He said "no thanks I'll stick to my 100mph harley" (probably didn't even have one) Oh well ya can't fix stupid!

If I know the person is NOT on a bike when they say something that rude, my response is usually"where is your bike?". When they say , "Oh, I am in my pick em up truck today" I would say something like "yeah, I see you're a REAL biker" and smirk. Happened a few times over the years, and their usual response is usually to turn a little red then kinda laugh it off and walk away.

You don't have to deal with him any longer. You've sown some seed and it came up as a weed,
I wish that happened all the time... :drag:

I've never understood why some folks get offended when a stranger doesn't know what kind of bike they're riding.

Personally, I'm offended if they don't know my first name... WTF?

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Don't listen to all these 'PC' types.

You shoulda kicked him in the balls and said, "My name's ODOT, bitch! DON'T forget it!!"


I've never understood why some folks get offended when a stranger doesn't know what kind of bike they're riding. And this seems a common thread on every forum.
<giggle giggle> are we reading the same thread?

I would have said...........BMW? I didn't know BMW made motorcycles, I thought they made cars.

When someone who doesn't appear to be a rider comes up and asks what kind of bike I have, I like to kind of look at the bike a little, and pronounce it a Yamaha.

If they say, "I'd never own a (Yamaha/Not Harley)."

I say "Neither would I, I just take whatever's got keys in it."

Stopped at the grocery store today after a ride over to Laughlin (collected my super bowl bet ) A scraggeley lookin guy comes up to me and starts asking me about my BMW (it's a FJR) I say it's a yamaha. He looks suprized and says " I wouldn't ride a yamaha" My thought was to say "are ya stupid?" but I know there's no win'n a battle with the "the only m/c is a harley" mindset. Besides who needs the aggravation so I just said it's got a top end of over 150. He said "no thanks I'll stick to my 100mph harley" (probably didn't even have one) Oh well ya can't fix stupid!

And I wouldn't ride your wife. :unsure:

So what's the problem? He likes his bike, you like yours. Rock on and ride safe. B)

He made an uneccesary comment saying he wouldn't ride a yamaha. So obviously he has a beef with Yamaha's.

A) your typical hardly rider, every jap bike sucks. NOT MY KIND OF BIKER!

Stopped at the grocery store today after a ride over to Laughlin (collected my super bowl bet ) A scraggeley lookin guy comes up to me and starts asking me about my BMW (it's a FJR) I say it's a yamaha. He looks suprized and says " I wouldn't ride a yamaha" My thought was to say "are ya stupid?" but I know there's no win'n a battle with the "the only m/c is a harley" mindset. Besides who needs the aggravation so I just said it's got a top end of over 150. He said "no thanks I'll stick to my 100mph harley" (probably didn't even have one) Oh well ya can't fix stupid!

And I wouldn't ride your wife. :unsure:
Badabing! That's a good one! Another good one would have been " yhea ya shouldn't ride a yamaha FJR, their not for beginers!"

Stopped at the grocery store today after a ride over to Laughlin (collected my super bowl bet ) A scraggeley lookin guy comes up to me and starts asking me about my BMW (it's a FJR) I say it's a yamaha. He looks suprized and says " I wouldn't ride a yamaha" My thought was to say "are ya stupid?" but I know there's no win'n a battle with the "the only m/c is a harley" mindset. Besides who needs the aggravation so I just said it's got a top end of over 150. He said "no thanks I'll stick to my 100mph harley" (probably didn't even have one) Oh well ya can't fix stupid!

I'd tell him: Dude, all 4 chicks at the bank just asked me for a ride, including the branch manager (true story). Then 3 highschoolers asked me to be their boyfriend for a day (true story). My fjr looks sexy, rides like a dream, and actually runs instead of just sitting in the garage looking pretty.

Him: "4000 miles?! I put on 300 mi on my R1200RT since I got it 3 years ago..."
300 miles in 3 years?!? Holy crap, that's one expensive paper weight!! :blink:
My thoughts were along the same lines. The other thoughts running through my head were whether he'd put Stabil in the tank, if he'd changed the oil before storing it for such a long time, etc... and a sh*tload of pity.

The only vehicle that should ever have 300 mi or less over 3 years is a sub-10's drag racer.

Stopped at the grocery store today after a ride over to Laughlin (collected my super bowl bet ) A scraggeley lookin guy comes up to me and starts asking me about my BMW (it's a FJR) I say it's a yamaha. He looks suprized and says " I wouldn't ride a yamaha" My thought was to say "are ya stupid?" but I know there's no win'n a battle with the "the only m/c is a harley" mindset. Besides who needs the aggravation so I just said it's got a top end of over 150. He said "no thanks I'll stick to my 100mph harley" (probably didn't even have one) Oh well ya can't fix stupid!

And I wouldn't ride your wife. :unsure:

His wife is prolly the one that has an ass wide enough to make the sissy bar look like butt floss. :bad:
