What year Goldwing foot peg will fit 2023 FJR (with slight modification)?
I believe I read the answer to this a couple of weeks ago, and after searching, I'm not able to locate it. Thanks!
Now I remember. That's where I saw it. Thanks.I like to think I introduced GW pegs on the other forum. No cornering clearance issues whatsoever after 3 years with them.
In my original post, I forgot to mention why I was looking to swap foot pegs. I'm looking for more room from seat to pegs - to take some stress off of my knee and hip joints. I read on the other FJR forum that the top of the GW pegs are lower (maybe 1/2" or 3/4"?), but the bottom the peg is the same distance as a stock FJR peg. So it won't ground any sooner in cornering. It's also cheaper than the dedicated "peg lowerers". And it would not have the grounding issue that the "peg lowerers" cause when cornering.I wouldn't bother. You'd probably end up with similar cornering limitations. How about a fat-peg like aftermarket Wing pegs put up as highway pegs? I have like these styles in the past.
I can agree with that. Most aren't "thinner" than the FJR's (which I take as thickness between boot contact surface and underside of peg. Wider would certainly be the case, but wider on the FJR could also lead to loss of cornering clearance in some cases; not a concern for most of the GWRRA riders I knew.The reason why I swapped my FJR foot pegs to GW ones is because I wanted an increase in the peg’s surface area. After several days of riding in a row, I was moving my foot on the pegs to different places to relieve the aching in my arches. The FJR’s pegs are relatively narrow compared to the GW’s, and the extra contact area lessens the pressure on the bottom of my feet. Thanks again for the idea @Whooshka!