What's this wire tap for?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Check it with a voltmeter. When does voltage appear between the tap and the negative bus (touch the engine, it's electrically connected to the battery's negative post)?

Tail Lights and license plate light -- energized whenever ignition is switched on.

Brake light -- energized when front or rear brakes are actuated.

Left Turn Signal

Right Turn Signal

I would say to unwrap it so you can inspect the quality of the workmanship. Don't leave anything to chance.

From the looks of it, that line goes to the tail section. There are only brake lights, tail lights and turn signals there. If I had to guess, because it is just one wire, my vote would be the tail light was tapped into. That would supply power to whatever farkle the PO decided to remove before selling the bike. But don't take my word for it, take the multimeter and check it out. If you don't have one, just use a 12 volt light bulb and a length of wire.



Probably a tap for a relay solenoid. So whatever the relay would power would turn on when the ignition was turned on. Check with voltmeter.

You could just ask the previous owner why he installed it.

But you could use it for whatever you wanted to, depending on whether it is hot all the time or switched.
